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Spinal Manipulations and Mobilization Techniques

Author: John Gibbons

$44.95 CAD

$44.95 CAD

ISBN: 9781718244962


Page Count: 232

An essential reference for both learning and refining manual therapy techniques for the spine.

A must-have guide for manual therapists, Spinal Manipulations and Mobilization Techniques is a comprehensive resource packed with step-by-step instructions, expert insights, and access to more than 55 video demonstrations to ensure precision and confidence in execution. Learn to safely apply grade 1 to 4 mobilizations and select grade 5 manipulations with the help of experienced osteopath John Gibbons. These techniques can be used by a variety of practitioners, including osteopaths, chiropractors, and physical therapists.

In part I you will learn
  • the anatomy, biomechanics, and related pathologies of the vertebral column;
  • the differences between spinal mobilization and manipulation; and
  • the gait cycle and its relationship to the vertebral column.

In part II you will learn techniques for the

cervical spine,
atlanto-occipital joint,
cervicothoracic junction,
thoracic spine,
lumbar spine, and
pelvic girdle.

Manual therapy techniques for the spine, thorax, and pelvis are commonly performed for the treatment of pain and dysfunctional movement patterns. Using this book’s detailed illustrations and photographs, along with online video demonstrations, you can confidently study and safely implement these techniques with your patients.

Spinal Manipulations and Mobilization Techniques is the resource you need to learn manual therapy techniques.


Physical therapists, occupational therapists, rehabilitation specialists, massage therapists, chiropractors, and osteopaths.
Part I. Theory
Chapter 1. Anatomy of the Vertebral Column
Functions of the Vertebral Column
Spinal Curvatures
The Facet Joints
Ligaments of the Vertebral Column

Chapter 2. Anatomy of the Pelvic Girdle and Sacroiliac Joint
The Innominate Bones
Symphysis Pubis Joint
Sacroiliac Joint

Chapter 3. Intervertebral Disc Anatomy and Spinal Pathologies
Intervertebral Disc Anatomy
Disc Herniation or Prolapse
Degenerative Disc Disease
Types of Pain
My Own Case Study—Lumbar Spine
My Own Case Study—Cervical Spine

Chapter 4. Spinal Mobilization versus Manipulation and Contraindications
Mobilization and Manipulation
What Are the Benefits of Spinal Treatments?
Grading Scale of Mobilizations
Contraindications and Precautions

Chapter 5. Gait Cycle and the Relationship to the Vertebral Column
Gait Cycle
A Myofascial Link
Pelvis, SIJ, and Lumbar Spine Motion
Summary of the Sacrum and the Gait Cycle

Chapter 6. Biomechanics of the Vertebral Column
Spinal Mechanics: Fact or Fiction?
How All This Came About
Gracovetsky's “Spinal Engine Theory”
Spinal Mechanics Explained
Viewing Perspective
Spinal Mechanics: Definitions

Part II. Practice
Chapter 7. Techniques for the Cervical Spine
Case Study
Functional Anatomy of the Cervical Spine
Neurological Anatomy of the Cervical Spine
Cervical Intervertebral Discs
Cervical Spine Facet Joints
Motion of the Cervical Spine
Assessment of the Cervical Spine
Treatment of the Cervical Spine

Chapter 8. Techniques for the Atlanto-Occipital Joint
Assessment of the Atlanto-Occipital Joint
Treatment of the Atlanto-Occipital Joint

Chapter 9. Techniques for the Cervicothoracic Junction
Assessment of the Cervicothoracic Junction
Treatment of the Cervicothoracic Junction

Chapter 10. Techniques for the Thoracic Spine
Anatomy of the Thoracic Spine
Assessment and Treatment Protocols

Chapter 11. Techniques for the Ribcage
Anatomy of the Ribcage
Ribs and the Spine
Muscles for Breathing
Assessment and Treatment

Chapter 12. Techniques for the Lumbar Spine
Anatomy of the Lumbar Spine
Pathology of the Lumbar Spine
Assessment and Treatment of the Lumbar Spine

Chapter 13. Techniques for the Pelvic Girdle
Treatment Strategy for the Pelvic Girdle Complex
Treatment Protocol for Symphysis Pubis Dysfunctions
Treatment Protocol for Iliosacral Dysfunctions
Treatment Protocol for Sacroiliac Dysfunctions
“Bodymaster” John Gibbons is a world-renowned osteopath, author, and lecturer for the Bodymaster Method®. He specializes in the assessment, treatment, and rehabilitation of sport injuries and has worked with top-flight athletes, including Premiership footballers and rugby players, the Oxford University boat crew, and Olympians. He delivers sold-out courses throughout the United Kingdom and internationally to physical therapists wishing to study his acclaimed Bodymaster Method®. To date, he has written eight books, all of which regularly feature on Amazon’s bestseller lists: two editions of A Practical Guide to Kinesiology Taping for Injury Prevention and Common Medical Conditions; two editions of Muscle Energy Techniques; The Vital Glutes: Connecting the Gait Cycle to Pain and Dysfunction; Functional Anatomy of the Pelvis and the Sacroiliac Joint; The Vital Shoulder Complex: An Illustrated Guide to Assessment, Treatment, and Rehabilitation; and The Vital Nerves: A Practical Guide for Physical Therapists.

He has captivated more than 470,000 YouTube subscribers with his educational manual therapy videos.

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