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Speed for Sports Performance DVD

Author: John Cissik

$30.95 CAD

DVD Video
$30.95 CAD

ISBN: 9780736065252

Increase your acceleration, maximum speed, and endurance! Speed for Sports Performance provides the tools to build a program for your specific needs, sports, and goals.

Through a series of self-assessments, you will identify areas of improvement and establish a baseline for training regimens. Then, improve such key areas as reaction time, technique, stride, mobility, and first-step explosiveness with variable, resisted, and assisted speed training exercises. And if recovering from injury, alternative training methods are included to aid in rehabilitation and help prevent future injuries.

Sample training programs may also be customized to a sport's seasonal workout schedule and position demands. Best of all, these four-season programs and workouts may also be printed from the DVD, so you can take instruction directly to the field, court, or gym. Developed by speed training expert John Cissik, the Speed for Sports Performance DVD will help improve your performance like no other resource available.

Human Kinetics DVDs are coded for universal playback and can be played in all regions of the world.

John Cissik, MS, CSCS,*D, NSCA-CPT,*D is known professionally for his expertise in speed training. Currently a strength and conditioning coach for track and field at the University of North Texas, Cissik concurrently serves as director of fitness and recreation and as an adjunct instructor in the department of kinesiology at Texas Woman's University. He also owns Fitness and Conditioning Enterprises.

Cissik has written seven books and more than 60 articles on strength and conditioning. He is also the associate editor of the Strength and Conditioning Journal and a reviewer for the Performance Training Journal.

Cissik holds a master's degree in kinesiology along with many certifications, including certified strength and conditioning specialist (CSCS) and certified personal trainer (CPT), both with distinction from the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA). He is a certified club coach with USA Weightlifting and a certified level II coach (sprints) with USA Track and Field. He is also the Texas director for the NSCA.