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Softball Fundamentals PDF

$21.95 CAD

$21.95 CAD

ISBN: 9781492578666


Page Count: 152

Access Duration: 10 Years

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The United States has more than 2 million fastpitch softball participants—500,000 of whom are under the age of 12. Softball Fundamentals provides an easy way for beginners of all ages to learn the basic skills of the game. Writer Rick Noren puts these skills together from the perspective of an award-winning coach who has posted a 320-79 (.802) record in his 10 years at Pacific Lutheran University.

The 10th entry in the Sports Fundamentals series, this book covers all the bases of fastpitch softball, including throwing, catching, fielding, hitting, baserunning, sliding, and pitching, in an engaging format that makes learning easy and practicing fun.

Each chapter presents a specific skill, leading the player through a simple, four-step sequence:

  • You Can Do It: A basic skill or tactic is introduced with sequential instructions and accompanying photographs or diagrams.
  • More to Choose and Use: Variations and extensions of the primary skill are covered.
  • Take It to the Field: Readers learn how to apply the skill in competition.
  • Give It a Go: Drills and practice games gauge, develop, and hone the skill.

With its concise instruction, supplementary photos, and 48 skill-sharpening drills, Softball Fundamentals facilitates quicker comprehension by letting players spend less time reading and more time on the playing field.


Chapter 1. Throwing
Chapter 2. Catching
Chapter 3. Fielding Fly Balls
Chapter 4. Fielding Ground Balls
Chapter 5. Playing Catcher
Chapter 6. Pitching
Chapter 7. Hitting
Chapter 8. Bunting and Slap Hitting
Chapter 9. Baserunning
Chapter 10. Sliding
Chapter 11. Offensive Tactics
Chapter 12. Defensive Tactics

Rick Noren has compiled an outstanding 320-79 (.802) record in his 10 seasons as the Pacific Lutheran University fastpitch head coach. The Lutes have won eight conference titles, finished in the top five in the country three times, and led the nation in winning percentage twice during Noren's tenure.

Additionally, Noren teaches several activity classes at PLU as well as a softball and baseball theory class for coaching students. Every year he conducts clinics for softball coaches and players throughout the Pacific Northwest.

Noren earned his bachelor's degree in exercise science from Western Washington University and his master's degree in athletic administration from Pacific Lutheran University.

Rick's wife, Leanne, is the PLU pitching coach. The Norens and their children, Kyle, Joel, and Leah, live in Tacoma, Washington.