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Social Media and Sports Ebook With HKPropel Access

Author: Galen Clavio

$90.95 CAD

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Ebook With Online Resource
$90.95 CAD

ISBN: 9781718216402


Page Count: 176

Access Duration: 84 Months

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Social media communications play a huge role in the day-to-day operations of sport teams and organizations. Both current and aspiring sport business professionals need to know how to best leverage social media to meet their organizational goals, and Social Media and Sports With HKPropel Access will help pave the way by emphasizing the strategic, creative, and logistical elements of effective social media practices.

Beginning with foundational concepts, students will first examine the history of social media and its impact on sports. They will learn about the categories of content used, including written content, images, produced video, live video, audio, graphics, dynamic visuals, and responses. They will then gain a better understanding of the social media environment by learning how to think about audiences and networks, evaluating how online communities act and interact, and considering key issues that may be encountered. The final chapters of the text assemble the building blocks from previous chapters into practical application, covering brand management strategies and overall social media presence from the perspective of a member of the sports media, a representative of a team or league, or an individual athlete.

Related online learning aids, delivered via HKPropel and reviewed annually to stay current with evolving trends, provides a detailed look into major social networks and their technological elements, plus best practices, tips, and tricks for utilizing a variety of social media platforms. It also examines content methodologies, including podcasting, live video, and prerecorded video, and it discusses the use of social management software. Markers throughout the text refer students to the web resource when additional related content is available.

Learning aids for students include Professional Insights, sidebars containing interviews with industry insiders; these real-world examples and professional advice provide depth and context to each chapter’s content. Key Points highlight important points, end-of-chapter review questions promote practical application and ensure content comprehension, and bolded key terms are defined in an easy-to-reference glossary.

Social Media and Sports offers a practical approach to understanding social media communications in the sports industry, with application extending to those working in journalism, public relations, broadcasting, advertising, and other sport business careers where knowledge of effective social media usage will maximize career potential.

Note: A code for accessing HKPropel is included with this ebook.


Textbook for upper-level undergraduates in sport management, sports communication, sports journalism, or sports media programs, particularly those who are interested in careers as content creators, marketers, public relations experts, and journalists.
Chapter 1. Social Media and the Sports World
The Sports World
The Social Media World
The Beginnings of Social Media
The “Old” Internet
The iPhone and Other Smart Phones
Advertising and Social Media    
Sports and Social Media
The Sports Media Cycle
Athletes and Social Media
Audiences and Reach
Sport Business and Social Media
Social Media and the Globalization of Sport
The Nature of Social Media

Chapter 2. Tools of the Trade
Software and Hardware
Software Tools
Web and App Interfaces
Evaluating Your Needs
Training Programs
Evaluating Training Needs
Software Program Training
Market Research
Professional Market Research
Using Research Intelligently

Chapter 3. Creative Sparks
Core Creativity Elements
Grammar and Writing Conventions
Industry Literacy
Cultural Knowledge
Social Media Consumption
You Are What You Eat
Analysis of Successful Accounts
Informational Interviews
Support Groups
The Importance of Repetition
Question Everything
How to Handle Feedback (Good and Bad)
Early Adoption
Take Notes When It Happens

Chapter 4. Audiences and Networks
Historical Development of Social Media Audiences
Network Infrastructure and the Effects on Audiences
Twitter’s System
Facebook’s System
Instagram Infrastructure
TikTok and the Rise of AI

Chapter 5. The Online Community
Audience Adoption and Migration
Theory of Planned Behavior
Applying Theory to Practice
The Darker Side of Online Audiences
The Internet Outrage Machine
Trolls and Argumentation
The Online Disinhibition Effect
Sports, Social Media, and Toxicity for Women

Chapter 6. The Technology Curve
Why Technology Changes
A Paradigm Shift in Media
Hardware, Convergence, and Portability
Software Development
Social Media Building Blocks
Written Content
Preproduced Video
Live Video
Dynamic Visuals
What About Stories?
Building Block Evolution
Which Building Blocks Are Best for Your Content?

Chapter 7. Framing Your Presence
Agenda Setting
Agenda Setting Theory
Social Media's Impact on Agenda Setting
Framing Theory
Sports Media Framing Research
Social Media Framing Concepts

Chapter 8. Editorial Content
Defining Editorial Content
Expectations of Editorial Content
Advantages of Editorial Content
Disadvantages of Editorial Content
The Blurring of Content Lines
Best Practices in Social Media Editorial Content
Managing Your Branding and Presence
Managing Your Organization’s Branding and Presence
Directing Traffic

Chapter 9. Industry Content
Defining Industry Content
Advantages of Industry Content
Disadvantages of Industry Content
Best Practices in Social Media Industry Content
Managing Your Branding and Presence
Social Media Choices
Go Where Only You Can
Leveraging Organization Members
Interacting With Other Organizations
Crisis Communication

Chapter 10. Holistic Social Media
Personal Care and Challenges
Professional Tips
The Content Cycle
Dealing With Trolling and Harassment
Work Conditions
Job Instability
Galen Clavio, PhD, is widely regarded as one of the brightest minds in social media in sports research, with a background in both sport management and sports communication. He serves as an associate professor of sports media, head of the sports media program, and director of the National Sports Journalism Center at Indiana University (IU). His teaching draws upon his professional experience as a broadcaster, reporter, and media relations director to teach courses in sportscasting and play-by-play, applied uses of social media in sports communication, sports and society, and the intersection of academic theory and social media.

Clavio’s research focuses on the effects of digital media on the interactions between sport entities and sports consumers. He has authored nearly 50 peer-reviewed publications, the vast majority of which focus on social media utilization of fans, teams, and individuals within the sports environment. He is the senior editor for scholarly outreach for Communication & Sport and has served as a guest editor of three separate social media–focused special issues in respected journals (International Journal of Sport Communication, 2010; Online Information Review, 2016; and Journal of Legal Aspects of Sport, 2017).

All ancillaries are free to adopting instructors through HKPropel.

Instructor guide. Includes several resources that instructors can use throughout the semester as they organize and teach their course: chapter objectives, lecture outlines, solutions to the end-of-chapter review questions, and applied activities with solutions to encourage critical thinking for real-world application.

Instructors also receive access to all student materials in HKPropel. For Social Media and Sports this includes a detailed look into major social networks and their technological elements, including best practices and tips and tricks for using a variety of social media platforms. The content will be reviewed annually and revised as needed to stay current with evolving trends.

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