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Second Wind

The Rise of the Ageless Athlete

Author: Lee Bergquist

$11.48 CAD $22.95 CAD

$11.48 CAD

ISBN: 9780736074919


Page Count: 216

Meet and learn why older men and women are passionate about fitness and athletics:

  • Don McNelly has completed more than 150 marathons after the age of 80.
  • Philippa Raschker has dedicated her life to track and was edged out for the Sullivan Award by swimmer Michael Phelps.
  • Clarence Bass, in his 70s, has the polished physique of a man 50 years younger.

Second Wind: The Rise of the Ageless Athlete is an absorbing account of a growing subculture of Americans who are challenging the notion of what it means to grow old.

Prologue: Sprinting Into Midlife

1. From Bench to Bench Press
2. The Comeback
3. Older and Faster
4. American Birkenbeiner
5. Fabulous Abs
6. I Want to Be a Winner
7. A Runner's Heart
8. Ironwoman
9. Streakers
10. Swimming Against the Tide
11. Racing Across America
12. Marathon Man

Epilogue: Ageless Role Models

Lee Bergquist is an award-winning writer for the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. Past 50 himself, he stays in shape by running, biking, swimming, and skateboarding. In his 40s, Bergquist competed in masters track in the 100-, 200-, and 400-meter sprints. He lives in Whitefish Bay, a suburb of Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

"Finally, a book that enables people to see that we do get better with age. Second Wind: The Rise of the Ageless Athlete is a wonderful story about mature athletes who just keep going through sports and life."
Lynne Cox
Author of Swimming to Antarctica
Swam the Bering Strait

"At long last, someone has given masters athletes their due. Read Second Wind and be inspired."
Sean Callahan
Editor, Masters Athlete magazine

"Second Wind reminds us of the vast potential of the human body even as it ages, and that the clock can indeed be turned back. It's just what I recommend."
Nicholas DiNubile, MD
Best-selling author of FrameWork
Host of the award-winning PBS special Your Body's FrameWork