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Science of Swimming Faster PDF

$48.95 CAD

$48.95 CAD

ISBN: 9781492579533


Page Count: 616

Access Duration: 10 Years

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In a sport where victory is often determined by a fraction of a second, it’s obvious why one of the most sought-after secrets is how to swim faster. However, as the world’s most renowned coaches, athletes, trainers, and researchers know, there is no secret—just science.

Science of Swimming Faster is a remarkable achievement—one that embraces, explains, and applies the latest science and research that has and continues to set new performance benchmarks in the sport. It is a one-of-a-kind resource:

• An easily understood repository of swimming research

• Insights distilled from great sport and exercise scientists, coaches, and swimmers

• A do-it-right reference for a host of techniques and tactics

• The most credible and widely used training principles and programs

• An analysis identifying key factors contributing to elite and world-record swimming performance

• An insider’s access to the strategies for training, tapering, fueling, recovery, and mental preparation being used with some of the world’s most successful swimmers.

With editors Scott Riewald and Scott Rodeo and a who’s-who list of international experts on the sport, Science of Swimming Faster offers you an unprecedented wealth of advanced yet accessible information on excelling in the sport.