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Safe Chemical Handling for Lifeguards and Pool Operators

Author: Human Kinetics

$44.98 CAD $89.95 CAD

$44.98 CAD

ISBN: 9780736077156

Reduce the possibility of accidental chemical exposure to your employees and satisfy OSHA Hazard Communication Standard compliance with Safe Chemical Handling for Lifeguards and Pool Operators: A Complete Training Program and Compliance Kit. This compliance kit includes a training video, training script, student handouts, and helpful resources for use at any aquatic facility where chemicals are handled.

With its realistic and relevant presentation, Safe Chemical Handling for Lifeguards and Pool Operators will educate and prepare your staff to implement safe chemical handling practices at your aquatic facility. The only chemical safety training program specific to the aquatic industry, Safe Chemical Handling for Lifeguards and Pool Operators gives your staff the information they require regarding the hazards of chemical exposure, detecting the presence of harmful chemicals, and protecting themselves from harm. Safe chemical handling practices covered include storage and labeling of chemicals, how to read material safety data sheets, action steps for safe cleanup of small spills, and procedures to follow during a large spill emergency.

Ideal for group training sessions or new employee orientation, Safe Chemical Handling for Lifeguards and Pool Operators assists you in coordinating and standardizing training and information within your own facility and across multisite pool workplaces. This complete compliance kit provides everything you need in order to perform annual OSHA training:

-An informative 12-minute training DVD that appeals to today's lifeguards and pool operators

-A training facilitator script to assist you in conducting effective training sessions

-Reproducible student handouts containing important right-to-know hazard communication information

-A quiz to confirm knowledge of hazard safety

-Certificate template and training record forms to document training compliance

-A compliance checklist and template to assist you in customizing your OSHA Hazard Communication Plan

-Reproducible posters, forms, and sources for material safety data sheets and personal protective equipment to help you monitor your compliance to OSHA regulations

Also included with the DVD is a pocket-sized Safe Chemical Handling for Lifeguards and Pool Operators book. This handy guide for poolside reference reinforces concepts presented in the training program. The handbook also presents four actual case studies in which lifeguards or pool operators mishandled chemicals. Use these examples and the accompanying multiple-choice questions to emphasize the hazards of improper chemical handling and encourage employees to reflect on how the situation could have been prevented.

An engaging format, easy-to-use training materials, and aquatic-specific chemical handling information make Safe Chemical Handling for Lifeguards and Pool Operators the ideal turn-key training and compliance kit. Protect your staff with the latest chemical safety information—use Safe Chemical Handling for Lifeguards and Pool Operators to fulfill OSHA requirements and meet your chemical safety training goals.


Aquatic safety training centers; Starfish Aquatics Institute training centers; and aquatic facility managers of K-12 schools, colleges and universities, park districts, YMCAs, indoor and outdoor water parks, health and fitness clubs, country clubs, and homeowner associations can use this resource to train staff and to fulfill OSHA Hazard Communication Standard requirements.

Introduction Scenario
Reasons for Learning
Sanitizing Chemicals
Chemicals That Control pH
Other Chemicals Used in or Around the Pool
Best Practices for Storing and Handling Chemicals Personal Protective Equipment
Best Practices for Preparing Chemicals and Adding Chemicals to the Pool
Cleanup of Small Spills
Emergency Procedure for Large Spills or Leaks
Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)
Personal Safety Responsibility

Content of reproducible handouts contained as PDF files on the DVD:

Training Resources
1.Facilitator script for conducting a training session
2.Employee training record
3.Student quiz
4.Student quiz answer key
5.Training certificate of completion
6.Student handout: Pool chemical dosing chart and measures
7.Student handout: Tips for adding chemicals to your pool
8.Student handout: Glossary of terms
9.Student handout: Poolside resource book

Facility Compliance Resources
10.Right to know sign or poster
11.Hazardous chemical labeling sign or poster
12.Rules for safe chemical handling sign or poster
13.Rules for safe chemical storage sign or poster
14.Wear protective gear sign or poster
15.Danger! chemical storage sign or poster
16.No smoking sign or poster
17.Pool chemical inventory log
18.Hazard Communication Program template
19.Hazard Communication Standard compliance checklist
20.Equipment and information resource list

Content of Safe Chemical Handling Poolside Resource Book:
Part 1 Using Chemicals Safely
Part 2 Storing Chemicals Safely
Part 3 Cleaning Up Chemical Spills
Part 4 Real-Life Examples

This product was authored by Human Kinetics based on the contributions of:

Noelle Navarro has worked full time as the director of operations for DRD Pool Management since 1998. She is a certified StarGuard lifeguard instructor trainer and pool operator course instructor, and she has Tech 1 and 2 certifications from the Association of Pool and Spa Professionals.

In addition to her education and training experience, Noelle has degrees in communications and physical education. In 1996, she received her master's degree in sports administration.

Allen Watts has worked for DRD Pool Management since 1986. Starting out as a lifeguard in 1986, Allen continued his lifeguard certification to the present. He has received certifications from the YMCA, American Red Cross, and StarGuard, which have allowed him to experience the various philosophies in lifeguard training. Upon graduating from Johns Hopkins University School of Arts and Sciences in 1993, Allen joined DRD Pool Management full time.

Allen continues his education on a yearly basis by attending seminars and symposiums in the aquatic field.

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