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Running Anatomy 2nd Edition Online CE Exam With Ebook

$82.95 CAD

Online Exam With Ebook
$82.95 CAD
Online Exam With Print Book
$110.95 CAD

Online Exam Without Book
$68.95 CAD

ISBN: 9781718224643


Approved Credits:

ACSM 4.00AEA 2.00AFLCA 3.00AFPA 4.00BCRPA 4.00BOC 2.75canfitpro 2.00CCHPBC-MT 1.00CFES 4.00CKA 4.00Contact Hours 4.00COPSKT 0.40CSEP 5.00FNB 4.00ISSA 4.00NASN 4.00NCSF 6.00NFPT 0.80NSCA 0.30NSFA 4.00NSPA 4.00OFC 4.00SKESA 4.00SPRA 4.00
This package includes the following:
  • Running Anatomy, Second Edition, ebook
  • Online continuing education exam
Improve running strength, speed, and endurance in your clients and athletes with Running Anatomy, Second Edition. This second edition of the best-selling running guide delivers more exercises, more insight, and more illustrations to help increase muscle strength, optimize the efficiency of running motion, and minimize risk of injury in your clients.

Running Anatomy features 48 of the most effective strength exercises for runners, each with clear step-by-step descriptions and full-color anatomical illustrations highlighting the muscles in action. Each illustration helps you better understand how muscles, ligaments, and tendons all work together as the body moves.

Running Anatomy clearly links each exercise to running performance. You’ll see how to strengthen specific muscles and improve gait efficiency for faster times and more fluid runs. Plus you’ll learn how to eliminate anatomical imbalances that can lead to the most common injuries that runners face, including plantar fasciitis, lower-back pain, knee aches and strains, and torn muscles and tendons.

You’ll find variations to train clients for every condition and competition—for various terrains, speeds, elevations, and distances, from sprint to marathon. You’ll also learn how new gear and technology-enhanced equipment can maximize training and performance.

After reading the ebook, certified professionals can take the companion CE exam to earn continuing education credits.

Learning Objectives
  • Describe physiological adaptations to training for running.
  • Analyze the biomechanics of running.
  • Understand how environmental factors affect running training.
  • Explain appropriate remedies for common running injuries.
  • Determine effective strengthening exercises for runners.
  • Describe the importance of alternative forms of training for runners.


Personal trainers and other certified fitness and strength and conditioning professionals working with runners.

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