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Rock Climbing PDF

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ISBN: 9781492578550


Page Count: 328

Access Duration: 10 Years

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Rock climbing has been growing in popularity since the 1930s, and it’s no wonder. This exciting activity lets you spend time in the outdoors while challenging yourself both physically and mentally and bonding with friends and family. With the increasing availability of a variety of climbing venues, including indoor climbing gyms, it’s easier than ever to try rock climbing. Rock Climbing is the perfect book for anyone who wants to develop the skills.


Rock Climbing will help you explore one of the world’s fastest-growing activities safely and successfully. The experts at the Wilderness Education Association ensure you learn proper technique, which is essential to a safe and enjoyable experience. They prepare you for your adventure with information on fitness and conditioning, equipment and gear selection, and nutrition. Safety skills are integrated throughout the book. You’ll learn how you can use indoor climbing to practice basic skills before moving on to refine and build on those skills in the outdoors. You’ll find easy-to-follow instruction of climbing fundamentals, including knots, belaying, building anchor systems, moving on rock, descending, and lead climbing, giving you all the skills and knowledge you need to be a capable beginning climber.


Throughout the book the authors share consumer, technique, and safety tips collected from their years of experience as both climbers and instructors. They also list Web sites to help you find climbing organizations, shop for equipment and gear, plan outdoor climbing trips, and more. The book also includes Success Check questions for each chapter that will help you test your climbing knowledge.


Use Rock Climbing to join the millions of other climbing enthusiasts around the world. This complete resource will teach you all the essential information for a successful rock climbing adventure!

Part I: Preparing for a Rock Climbing Adventure

Chapter 1: Going Rock Climbing

Chapter 2: Climbing Into Fitness

Chapter 3: Indoor Climbing

Chapter 4: Know Before You Go

Chapter 5: Gearing Up for Rock Climbing


Part II: On the Rock

Chapter 6: Knots for Climbing

Chapter 7: Managing Friction: The Skill of Belaying

Chapter 8: Building Climbing Anchor Systems

Chapter 9: Strength and Grace: Techniques for Movement on Rock

Chapter 10: Descending

Chapter 11: Lead Rock Climbing

The Wilderness Education Association (WEA) is a not-for-profit organization that works to promote the professionalism of outdoor leadership through establishment of national standards, curriculum design, implementation, advocacy, and research-driven initiatives. The WEA educates people about the appropriate use of wildlands and protected areas by establishing strategic alliances with stakeholders of the outdoor industry, such as federal land management agencies, conservation groups, and all organizations that benefit from wildlands and believe that the existence of wildlands is important to quality of life.


The WEA has an affiliate network of more than 40 colleges, universities, and private and nonprofit groups that offer their courses. These affiliates are in the United States as well as Canada, Mexico, and Hong Kong. Through WEA’s courses, students can learn a wide range of outdoor leadership skills.