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Quality Lesson Plans for Outdoor Education

$91.95 CAD

Paperback With CD-ROM
$91.95 CAD

ISBN: 9780736071314


Page Count: 448

Outdoor activity and adventure is a growing field, but unfortunately, many teachers and recreation leaders and outdoor instructors find themselves without adequate resources to plan and deliver an effective outdoor program. Quality LessonPlans for Outdoor Education is a flexible, easy-to-use reference that helps physical educators, youth and outdoor recreation leaders, and camp and resort leaders deliver effective outdoor activities.

This resource presents the following features:

• 21 units with 140 sound lesson plans that are field tested and flexible—meaning they can be adapted for any leader’s use

• Quick and easy yet thorough and systematic planning and delivery of outdoor topics

• CD-ROM with printable lesson plans, worksheets, assessment tools, and more to help leaders deliver a complete, individualized program

Quality Lesson Plans for Outdoor Education is useful for experienced professionals and veteran practitioners. Outdoor leaders will discover an abundance of ideas that can make their jobs easier, enrich their teaching knowledge, and broaden their current programs.

The CD-ROM allows users to search for and print only the lessons they plan to use. The CD-ROM contains all the units featured in the book in addition to 8 units that are not included in the book.

The book provides additional information for teaching in the outdoors, the core skills needed for successful experiences, and 21 activity units composed of 140 lessons. Each chapter presents the purpose of the lessons, the learning outcomes, equipment required, operating principles, skill sets, and risk management. This overview is followed by a series of detailed lesson plans. The resource contains everything needed for delivering each activity.

Quality Lesson Plans for Outdoor Education is a great resource for teachers and outdoor leaders, grounding them in the essentials of outdoor education, streamlining their preparation, and paving the way for a smooth delivery of effective outdoor education.


Reference for high school physical education teachers, classroom teachers, recreation leaders, and outdoor educators. Also a reference for undergraduate students in physical education, recreation, and outdoor courses and for camp and resort recreation leaders.

Unit 1. Core Camping Skills

Rolf Kraiker, Deborah Kraiker, and Andrew Foran


Site Selection

Social Skills and Etiquette

Risk Management

Unit Organization

Lesson 1. Campsite Selection

Lesson 2. Knots and Ropes

Lesson 3. Tents, Shelters, and Sleeping Bags and Pads

Lesson 4. Backpacks

Lesson 5. Stoves

Lesson 6. Fires

Lesson 7. Food Preparation and Menu Planning

Lesson 8. Knives, Saws, and Hatchets

Lesson 9. Checklists and Specialized Kits

References and Resources

Unit 2. Navigation

Sean Dwyer


Site Selection

Social Skills and Etiquette

Risk Management

Unit Organization

Lesson 1. Compass Parts and Use

Lesson 2. Components of a Topographic Map

Lesson 3. Using Map and Compass Together

Lesson 4. GPS (Part 1)

Lesson 5. GPS (Part 2)

Lesson 6. Using GPS and Map Together

Lesson 7. Route Planning

Lesson 8. Route Selection and Finding

Lesson 9. Geocaching

References and Resources

Unit 3. Environmental Ethics: Caring for Resources

Andrew Foran


Site Selection

Social Skills and Etiquette

Risk Management

Unit Organization

Lesson 1. Connecting to the Natural World

Lesson 2. Trail Impact

Lesson 3. Campsite Selection

Lesson 4. Human Waste Management

Lesson 5. Cleaning Dishes in the Backcountry

Lesson 6. Campfires

Lesson 7. Environmental In-Camp Practices

References and Resources

Unit 4. Hiking and Backpacking

Sean Dwyer


Site Selection

Social Skills and Etiquette

Risk Management

Unit Organization

Lesson 1. Hiking and Backpacking Equipment

Lesson 2. Ethical Practices in the Wilderness

Lesson 3. Day Hike

Lesson 4. Fire-Building and Lighting Techniques

Lesson 5. Footwear and Foot Care

Lesson 6. Backpacks

Lesson 7. Maintaining Comfort and Safety in Camp and on the Trail

Lesson 8. Backpacking Expedition

References and Resources

Unit 5. Rock Climbing

Darlene Thomasina Pidgeon


Site Selection

Social Skills and Etiquette

Risk Management

Unit Organization

Lesson 1. Introduction and Preparation

Lesson 2. Top Rope and Belaying

Lesson 3. Belaying Review and Climbing Technique

Lesson 4. Bouldering and Games

References and Resources

Unit 6. Mountain Biking

Amanda Stanec


Site Selection

Social Skills and Etiquette

Risk Management

Unit Organization

Lesson 1. Bike Safety and Sizing Your Bike

Lesson 2. Identifying Bike Parts and Bike Maintenance

Lesson 3. ABC Check, Gear Changing, and Pedaling Technique

Lesson 4. Ascending and Descending Hills Without Obstacles

Lesson 5. Environmental Awareness and Maneuvering Around Obstacles

Lesson 6. Ascending and Descending Hills With Obstacles

Lesson 7. Hopping Logs and Other Obstacles

Lesson 8. Small-Group Ride and Etiquette

References and Resources

Unit 7. Flatwater Canoeing

Kevin Redmond


Site Selection

Social Skills and Etiquette

Risk Management

Unit Organization

Lesson 1. Equipment Fitting, Entries, and Exits

Lesson 2. Getting Wet to Get Comfortable

Lesson 3. Balancing, Jumping Out, and Climbing In

Lesson 4. Rescues

Lesson 5. Introductory Turns, Pivots Spins, and Sideways Displacement

Lesson 6. Paddling Circles and Straight Lines

References and Resources

Unit 8. Whitewater Canoeing

Kevin Redmond


Site Selection

Social Skills and Etiquette

Risk Management

Unit Organization

Lesson 1. Gearing Up and Rescues

Lesson 2. Basic Whitewater Strokes and Maneuvers

Lesson 3. Intermediate Whitewater Strokes and Maneuvers

Lesson 4. Introduction to the River

Lesson 5. River Running

References and Resources

Unit 9. Sea Kayaking

Mark Dykeman and Kevin Redmond


Site Selection

Social Skills and Etiquette

Risk Management

Unit Organization

Lesson 1. Getting Started

Lesson 2. Kayak Feel, Tilt, and Strokes

Lesson 3. Kayak Rolling

Lesson 4. Paddle Strokes

Lesson 5. Sea Kayak Tour

References and Resources

Unit 10. Nordic Skiing

Sean Dwyer


Site Selection

Social Skills and Etiquette

Risk Management

Unit Organization

Lesson 1. Fitting Participants for Nordic Ski Gear

Lesson 2. Introductory Skills and Classic Ski Technique (Diagonal Stride)

Lesson 3. Classic Ski Technique (Diagonal Stride)

Lesson 4. Double Pole and Kick Double Pole

Lesson 5. Putting It All Together

Lesson 6. Endurance Ski Using Classic Ski Technique

Lesson 7. Ascending and Descending Hills

Lesson 8. Skate Skiing—Two-Skate Technique

Lesson 9. Skate Skiing—One-Skate Technique and Skate Turning

Lesson 10. Relay Race, Obstacle Course, or Ski Tour

References and Resources

Unit 11. Snowshoeing

Sean Dwyer


Site Selection

Social Skills and Etiquette

Risk Management

Unit Organization

Lesson 1. Equipment Selection and Walking Technique

Lesson 2. Recognizing Hazards, Managing Hazards, and Finding Routes

Lesson 3. Hill Ascending and Descending Techniques

Lesson 4. Running in Snowshoes

Lesson 5. Snowshoe Walk Through Nature Area

References and Resources

Unit 12. Archery

Sean Dwyer


Site Selection

Social Skills and Etiquette

Risk Management

Unit Organization

Lesson 1. Getting Ready

Lesson 2. Shooting Technique

Lesson 3. Aiming

Lesson 4. Shooting Technique—Feedback and Self-Correction

Lesson 5. Tournament Target Shooting

Lesson 6. Archery Games

References and Resources

Unit 13. Fly Casting and Fly Fishing

Len Rich and Kevin Redmond


Site Selection

Social Skills and Etiquette

Risk Management

Unit Organization

Lesson 1. Yarn Casting Progressions

Lesson 2. Fly-Fishing Equipment and Assembly

Lesson 3. Attaching the Leader

Lesson 4. Attaching the Tippet and Fly

Lesson 5. Casting the Fly Rod

Lesson 6. Applying Fly-Fishing Principles

Lesson 7. Live-Release Fishing

References and Resources

Unit 14. Whitewater Kayaking

Mark Dykeman and Kevin Redmond


Site Selection

Social Skills and Etiquette

Risk Management

Unit Organization

Lesson 1 Getting Started

Lesson 2 Kayak Feel, Tilt, and Strokes

Lesson 3 Kayak Rolling

Lesson 4 Paddle Strokes

Lesson 5 Introduction to Moving Water

Lesson 6 River Features and Surfing

References and Resources

Unit 15. Alpine Skiing

David Chorney


Site Selection

Social Skills and Etiquette

Risk Management

Unit Organization

Lesson 1 Getting Started

Lesson 2 Flat-Surface Skiing

Lesson 3 Working on the Bunny Hill

Lesson 4 Moving Down the Bunny Hill

Lesson 5 Introduction to Parallel Skiing and Stopping

Lesson 6 Navigating Slopes

References and Resources

Unit 16. Telemark Skiing

David Chorney


Site Selection

Social Skills and Etiquette

Risk Management

Unit Organization

Lesson 1 Telemark Skills—Getting Started

Lesson 2 Telemark Turning

Lesson 3 The Backcountry—Avalanche Awareness

Lesson 4 Setting Out for Backcountry Adventure

Lesson 5 Backcountry Day Tour

References and Resources

Unit 17. Spin-Cast Fishing

Tara Marshall


Site Selection

Social Skills and Etiquette

Risk Management

Unit Organization

Lesson 1 Assembling the Rod

Lesson 2 Attaching the Terminal Tackle

Lesson 3 Casting

Lesson 4 Catch-and-Keep Versus Catch-and-Release

References and Resources

Unit 18. Weather

Justin Barlow, Kathlyn Harpman, and Matthew Ngo


Site Selection

Social Skills and Etiquette

Risk Management

Unit Organization

Lesson 1 Determining Barometric Pressure

Lesson 2 Determining Wind Direction

Lesson 3 Determining Wind Speed

Lesson 4 Constructing a Thermometer

Lesson 5 Determining Evaporation Rate

Lesson 6 Observing and Recording Cloud Types

Lesson 7 Putting It All Together—Predicting the Weather

Lesson 8 Other Methods of Weather Prediction

References and Resources

Unit 19. Staying Safe and Comfortable in the Outdoors

Andrew Foran and Janel Swain


Site Selection

Social Skills and Etiquette

Risk Management

Unit Organization

Lesson 1 Thermoregulation—Heat Loss

Lesson 2 Thermoregulation—Heat Production

Lesson 3 Consequences of Poor Thermoregulation

Lesson 4 Controlling Thermoregulation

Lesson 5 Alternative Strategies for Thermoregulation

Lesson 6 Hydration

Lesson 7 Water Purification

Lesson 8 Energy Management—Caloric Intake

Lesson 9 Foot, Skin, and Eye Care

References and Resources

Unit 20. Risk Management

Blair Doyle


Site Selection

Social Skills and Etiquette

Risk Management

Unit Organization

Lesson 1 Land Hazards

Lesson 2 Moving-Water Hazards

Lesson 3 Lake and Ocean Hazards

Lesson 4 Rescues and Hypothermia

Lesson 5 Weather Hazards

Lesson 6 Applying Risk Models

Lesson 7 Establishing a Risk Management Plan

Lesson 8 Establishing Emergency Procedures

Lesson 9 Case Comparison

Lesson 10 Wilderness First Aid

References and Resources

Unit 21. Leadership and Group Development

Zacchari Crouse


Site Selection

Social Skills and Etiquette

Risk Management

Unit Organization

Lesson 1 Human Needs in the Outdoors

Lesson 2 Icebreakers

Lesson 3 Trust Activities

Lesson 4 Situational Leadership

Lesson 5 Group Development

References and Resources

Kevin Redmond, MPE, is a physical education teacher at Gonzaga High School in St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. He served as national chairperson for Paddle Canada’s Technical and Program Development committees and was the second person in Canada to be awarded Master Canoe Instructor as advanced instructor trainer in the disciplines of lakewater canoeing, moving-water canoeing, and canoe tripping.

Redmond, who has taught physical education and outdoor activities for 30 years at the community, K-12, and university levels, was awarded the National Award of Merit for his contribution to canoeing in Canada. He has worked in the camp system as a counselor, aquatics director, program director, and camp director. He also was a lead contributor in physical education curriculum development that introduced mandatory outdoor curriculum components in Newfoundland and Labrador. Redmond is an award-winning photographer and has completed work for various tourism agencies, such as Parks Canada, and adventure gear manufacturers throughout North America. In his spare time, Redmond enjoys photography, skiing, and salmon fishing.

Andrew Foran, PhD, is an associate professor and chair of the teacher education program at St. Francis Xavier University in Antigonish, Nova Scotia. Dr. Foran is a wilderness and remote first aid instructor trainer for the Canadian Red Cross and is certified as a canoe tripping instructor and canoe flatwater instructor by the Canadian Recreational Canoeing Association. He has taught outdoor education leadership modules for Nova Scotia Outdoor Leadership Development and has received numerous grants to develop curriculum related to outdoor pursuits and leadership.

Dr. Foran is a frequent lecturer and workshop presenter, having presented on a variety of outdoor and wilderness topics. He has developed curriculum for outdoor pursuits, leadership, and wilderness and remote first aid and has numerous publications to his credit. In his leisure time, he enjoys canoe tripping, geocaching, and leading backpacking expeditions.

Sean Dwyer is a physical education teacher with Western School District in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. He completed a physical education degree at Memorial University of Newfoundland and completed a master’s degree at the University of Alberta. He is a member of the Provincial Curriculum Committee for Physical Education. Sean worked closely with Kevin Redmond, among others, to introduce mandatory outdoor adventure components to the provincial curriculum. He currently runs a successful Outdoor Pursuits Club at his school, where students are involved in caving, hiking, night hiking, orienteering, winter camping, snowshoeing, geocaching, and camping. In 2005, he won the Physical Education Teacher of the Year Award for the Western School District. In his spare time, he enjoys camping, backpacking, and woodworking.