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Psychological Dynamics of Physical Activity 5th Edition epub

$125.95 CAD

$125.95 CAD

ISBN: 9781718227118


Page Count: 352

Psychological Dynamics of Physical Activity, Fifth Edition, simplifies complex psychology topics and helps students explore practical theory as they prepare for their professional lives. With greater coverage devoted to current references and research, the updated fifth edition boasts a streamlined presentation of content that is relevant and useful in professional practice in kinesiology and physical activity settings.

Formerly titled Psychological Dynamics of Sport and Exercise, the fifth edition reflects a more encompassing approach to physical activity and draws from a wider variety of examples and scenarios. Students will be introduced to the latest developments and see firsthand how concepts apply to teaching, coaching, consulting, exercise instruction and leadership, sports medicine, rehabilitation, and athletic training environments.

The fifth edition has been updated to meet the needs of students in the current cultural moment, with greater coverage of cultural sensitivity and mental health topics. Students will be prepared to enter their careers with more awareness of stressors affecting their athletes, clients, patients, or students. The latest edition also features new tools for instructors, including chapter quizzes that are automatically graded.

Psychological Dynamics of Physical Activity, Fifth Edition, offers the following tools to support student learning:
  • Throughout the text, there are introductions, chapter objectives, and key points to guide student reading.
  • Students can check their understanding with summaries and review questions at the end of each chapter.
  • Application points and student labs in each chapter connect content to real-world practice and feature examples from a variety of professions.

The text is organized into five parts, representing major areas of study. Part I orients students to the scope, historical development, and current approaches of sport and exercise psychology. Part II focuses on the individual, with chapters on personality, attention and cognitive skills, and self-perceptions. Part III covers motivation, with chapters on behavioral, social cognitive, and integrated approaches to physical activity behavior. The broad area of emotion and stress management is explored in part IV. Part V offers an exploration of social processes, including social development, group dynamics, and social support, and it ends with a chapter on cultural diversity and social justice, a topic that has received much attention in both research and professional practice.

Combining long-standing best practices with new research in the field, Psychological Dynamics of Physical Activity, Fifth Edition, is the premier text for students studying sport and exercise psychology as well as those studying kinesiology-related fields.


Text for upper-undergraduate and graduate students studying sport and exercise psychology as well as those studying in kinesiology-related fields. A resource for professionals and researchers in teaching, coaching, consulting, exercise instruction and leadership, sports medicine, rehabilitation, and athletic training environments.
Part I. Overview of Sport and Exercise Psychology
Chapter 1. Introduction to Sport and Exercise Psychology
Kinesiology: A Multidisciplinary, Applied Field
Sport and Exercise Psychology as a Subdiscipline
Complexity of Sport and Exercise Behavior

Chapter 2. History of Sport and Exercise Psychology
Early Roots: 1890 to 1920
Early Sport Psychology Labs: 1920 to 1940
Isolated Sport and Exercise Psychology Studies: 1940 to 1965
Emergence of Sport and Exercise Psychology as a Subdiscipline: 1965 to 1975
Development of the Subdiscipline and Applied Practice: 1975 to 1999
Sport and Exercise Psychology Today: 2000 to Present

Chapter 3. Understanding and Using Sport and Exercise Psychology
Understanding Sport and Exercise Psychology
Paradigms and Sources of Knowledge
Research Into Practice
Using Sport and Exercise Psychology

Part II. The Person in Sport and Exercise Psychology
Chapter 4. Personality
Personality Defined
Biological Perspectives
Psychology Models of Personality
Personality Research in Sport and Exercise Psychology
Sport-Specific Personality Characteristics and Psychological Skills

Chapter 5. Attention and Cognitive Skills
Attention Models and Perspectives
Research on Attentional Processes
Attention and Expert Performance
Attentional Control Strategies

Chapter 6. Self-Perceptions
Self-Perceptions Terminology
Multidimensional Self-Perceptions
Physical Self-Concept
Possible Selves
Self-Confidence and Self-Efficacy

Part III. Motivation
Chapter 7. Behavioral Approaches to Motivation
Goals and Goal Setting
Behavioral Basics
Basic Principles: Reinforcement and Punishment
Implementing an Action Plan: The A-B-C Model
Behavioral Approaches in Professional Practice
Self-Regulation and Habits

Chapter 8. Social Cognitive Approaches to Motivation
Theories of Reasoned Action and Planned Behavior
Social Cognitive Theory
Self-Determination Theory
Motivational Climate

Chapter 9. Integrated Approaches to Physical Activity Behavior
Physical Activity for Health and Well-Being
Participation Motivation
Integrated Approaches to Physical Activity Promotion
Excessive Participation: Exercise Dependence

Part IV. Emotions, Stress, and Coping
Chapter 10. Emotions and Performance
Emotion Concepts and Definitions
Positive and Negative Emotions—Accent on Positive
Emotion Models
Emotions and Performance
Anxiety–Performance Models and Research
Multidimensional Anxiety–Performance Models
Anxiety Patterns and Performance

Chapter 11. Physical Activity, Emotion, and Mental Health
Physical Activity and Emotion
Physical Activity and Cognition
Physical Activity and Mental Health
Physical Activity for Positive Mental Health and Quality of Life

Chapter 12. Stress and Stress Management
Importance of Stress Management
Stress Models in Sport and Exercise Psychology
Stress Management Techniques

Part V. Social Processes
Chapter 13. Social Development in Sport and Physical Activity
Moral Behavior in Sport and Physical Activity
Positive Social Development Through Physical Activity
Socializing Agents
Social Development Across the Life Span
Sport and Social Missions

Chapter 14. Group Dynamics and Social Support
Group Dynamics Concepts
Group Performance
Leadership in Sport and Physical Activity
Cohesion in Sport and Exercise Groups
Applying Group Dynamics Through Team Building
Social Support in Sport and Exercise Contexts

Chapter 15. Cultural Diversity, Cultural Competence, and Social Justice
Culture: Basics and a Guiding Framework
Cultural Context of Sport and Exercise
Gender Issues in Sport and Physical Activity
Race and Ethnicity
Physical Characteristics and Weight Bias
Cultural Competence and Social Justice
Diane L. Gill, PhD, is a professor in the department of kinesiology at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG). She held faculty positions at the University of Waterloo and the University of Iowa before moving to UNCG. At UNCG, she has served as associate dean of the School of Health and Human Performance and head of the department of kinesiology; from 2010 to 2015 she was the Linda Arnold Carlisle Distinguished Excellence Professor of Women’s and Gender Studies. She has more than 40 years of experience as a faculty member in kinesiology and specifically in sport and exercise psychology.

Gill has been engaged in research and scholarly activity in sport and exercise psychology throughout her career. She has more than 100 scholarly publications on sport and exercise psychology topics and has given many presentations at major national and international conferences. She serves on several editorial boards and is the former editor in chief of Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology. She is a fellow of several professional organizations, including the American Psychological Association (APA), the American College of Sports Medicine, and the National Academy of Kinesiology. She is a former president of the North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity (NASPSPA) and of Division 47 (Exercise and Sport Psychology) of the APA.

In 2014, Gill received the NASPSPA Distinguished Scholar award; in 2015, she received the Distinguished Contributions to Science and Research award from APA Division 47. She received both her MS and PhD degrees from the University of Illinois and her undergraduate degree from the State University of New York at Cortland.

Erin J. Reifsteck, PhD, is a tenured associate professor at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG), where she serves as the director of the online sport and exercise psychology master's program and as the faculty fellow for student veteran well-being.

Reifsteck’s current research focuses on promoting physical activity and health through sport, military, and life transitions, with an emphasis on translating theory into practice. Reifsteck served as principal investigator for two NCAA-funded studies to develop and evaluate the Moving On! program, which is based on a theoretical framework that integrates sport and exercise psychology principles to help student-athletes transition to a healthy lifestyle. In recognition of her work, Dr. Reifsteck received the Association for Applied Sport Psychology (AASP) Dorothy V. Harris Memorial Award in 2019. She is a fellow of AASP and serves on the editorial board for Women in Sport and Physical Activity Journal.

Reifsteck received her PhD and MS in kinesiology (sport and exercise psychology concentration) with a doctoral minor in educational research methodology from UNCG. She also received a graduate certificate in women’s and gender studies from UNCG and a health coach certificate through UNCG’s department of public health education. She earned her BS in psychology with a minor in neuroscience from Saint Francis University (Pennsylvania), where she played field hockey and was a two-time Academic All-American and was named Northeast Conference Scholar-Athlete of the Year.

DeAnne Davis Brooks, EdD, is an associate professor and director of graduate programs in kinesiology at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG).

Davis Brooks’ scholarship focuses on equity in higher education and athletics. She has written book chapters and articles centering the experiences of Black female athletes, student veterans, and students of color in the field of kinesiology. She has also delivered workshops to student-athletes, coaches, and athletics administrators on the topic of transitioning from competitive athletics to lifelong physical activity. Along with Erin Reifsteck, she codeveloped the Moving On! program to help athletes make healthy transitions to life after sports.

Davis Brooks received her EdD in kinesiology from UNCG along with a graduate certificate in women’s and gender studies. She earned an MEd in clinical exercise physiology from the University of Georgia and a BA in exercise and sport science from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where she was a four-time All-American in the triple jump, was Atlantic Coast Conference MVP, and was named Southeast Regional Athlete of the Year for track and field. Davis Brooks is a certified exercise physiologist, strength and conditioning coach, and yoga instructor and has coached track and field at the youth and collegiate levels for over 20 years.

All ancillaries are free to adopting instructors through HKPropel.

Instructor guide. Includes a sample syllabus as well as a teaching outline, activities, ideas for papers or essay topics, answers to review questions, and links to relevant websites for each chapter.

Test package. Contains questions in true-false, fill-in-the-blank, essay and short-answer, and multiple-choice formats. The files may be downloaded for integration with a learning management system or printed for use as paper-based tests. Instructors may also create their own customized quizzes or tests from the test bank questions.

Chapter quizzes. Contains ready-made quizzes (9-10 questions each) to assess student comprehension of the most important concepts in each chapter.

Presentation package. Features PowerPoint slides of text, artwork, and tables from the book that can be used for class discussion and presentation. The slides in the presentation package can be used directly within PowerPoint or printed to make handouts for students. Instructors can easily add, modify, and rearrange the order of the slides.

Image bank. Includes most of the figures, content photos, and tables from the text, sorted by chapter. These can be used in developing a customized presentation based on specific course requirements.

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