Plant-Based Sports Nutrition Online CE Exam Without Book
Author: Human Kinetics Canada
$72.95 CAD
Consisting of 55 multiple-choice and true-false questions, this continuing education exam is designed to be taken after reading Plant-Based Sports Nutrition. The exam will test your knowledge of the information presented in the book so you can improve the athletic performance of your clients and athletes who follow a plant-based diet.
Once you pass the exam, you can print a certificate for continuing education credits.
Learning Objectives
- Differentiate among the types of vegetarian and plant-based diets.
- Summarize the positive health effects of plant-based eating.
- Explain why a vegetarian may experience greater endurance compared to a nonvegetarian.
- Describe how to consume adequate calories for optimal performance and weight management while following a vegetarian lifestyle.
- List the components that are used to calculate energy, carbohydrate, and protein needs of an athlete.
- Identify a plant-based menu that offers adequate calories, carbohydrate, and protein based on an athlete’s needs.
- List vegetarian foods that are rich sources of carbohydrate, protein, and unsaturated fats.
- Recognize supplements that could be helpful to an athlete living a vegetarian lifestyle.
- Describe the scope of practice for fitness professionals in discussing nutrition information with clients.
- Name vitamins and minerals that can be lacking in a vegetarian diet, and identify plant-based sources of these nutrients.
- Describe appropriate preevent and pretraining fuel and hydration based on an athlete’s weight.
- Explain the recommendations for carbohydrate and fluid intake during exercise lasting longer than 60 minutes.
Learners taking this course for Commission on Dietetic Registration (CDR) continuing education credit may submit course evaluations of the course activities and materials to CDR at