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Plant-Based Sports Nutrition Online CE Exam With Ebook

$86.95 CAD

Online Exam With Ebook
$86.95 CAD

ISBN: 9781718223103


Approved Credits:

This package includes the following:
  • Plant-Based Sports Nutrition ebook
  • Online continuing education exam
In Plant-Based Sports Nutrition, registered dietitians Enette Larson-Meyer and Matt Ruscigno combine decades of evidence-based research with personal experience working with—and as—vegan and vegetarian athletes. You’ll get a reliable and complete explanation of how, when, and why to plan nutrient intake to maximize nutrition and get the best results for your clients and athletes who follow a plant-based diet. You’ll be able to prepare your athletes to make smart decisions about properly fueling their bodies so they have the energy and stamina to boost their training and excel during competition.

Learn how to ensure your athletes get proper amounts of all essential macronutrients, vitamins, and minerals, taking into account their personal caloric needs. Understand nutrient timing and relative energy deficiency syndrome (RED-S), as well as how athletes can meet protein and amino acid requirements while doing light, moderate, or intense training. Get information on keto diets, tips for optimizing bone health and iron intake, and instructions for making a fluid-replacement beverage. Draw inspiration from personal stories of athletes who share how they succeed in their sports while following a plant-based way of eating. Plus, you’ll find plenty of recipes, tailored meal plans, and training strategies to meet your athletes’ and clients’ training, event, and everyday nutrition needs and give them a plant-based competitive edge.

After reading the ebook, certified professionals can take the companion CE exam to earn continuing education credits.

Learning Objectives
  • Differentiate among the types of vegetarian and plant-based diets.
  • Summarize the positive health effects of plant-based eating.
  • Explain why a vegetarian may experience greater endurance compared to a nonvegetarian.
  • Describe how to consume adequate calories for optimal performance and weight management while following a vegetarian lifestyle.
  • List the components that are used to calculate energy, carbohydrate, and protein needs of an athlete.
  • Identify a plant-based menu that offers adequate calories, carbohydrate, and protein based on an athlete’s needs.
  • List vegetarian foods that are rich sources of carbohydrate, protein, and unsaturated fats.
  • Recognize supplements that could be helpful to an athlete living a vegetarian lifestyle.
  • Describe the scope of practice for fitness professionals in discussing nutrition information with clients.
  • Name vitamins and minerals that can be lacking in a vegetarian diet, and identify plant-based sources of these nutrients.
  • Describe appropriate preevent and pretraining fuel and hydration based on an athlete’s weight.
  • Explain the recommendations for carbohydrate and fluid intake during exercise lasting longer than 60 minutes.

Learners taking this course for Commission on Dietetic Registration (CDR) continuing education credit may submit course evaluations of the course activities and materials to CDR at


Certified fitness instructors, personal trainers, strength and conditioning coaches, and athletic trainers.
Chapter 1. Gaining the Plant-Based Advantage
Chapter 2. Getting Adequate Calories From a Plant-Based Diet
Chapter 3. Finding the Right Carbohydrate Mix
Chapter 4. Choosing Smart Fat Over No Fat
Chapter 5. Building Muscle Without Meat
Chapter 6. Optimizing Bone Health
Chapter 7. Boosting Iron Intake and Absorption
Chapter 8. Breaking Free of Multivitamin Dependence
Chapter 9. Prioritizing Food and Fluids Before, During, and After Events
Chapter 10. Choosing Whether to Supplement
Chapter 11. Reducing Muscle Cramps and Inflammation
Chapter 12. Creating a Customized Meal Plan
Chapter 13. Adapting the Plan to Manage Weight
Chapter 14. Whipping Up Quick Plant-Based Meals and Snacks
Chapter 15. Recipes

Appendix A. Energy Costs of Physical Activity
Appendix B. Food Guide Systems
Appendix C. Foods Containing FODMAPS
Appendix D. Glycemic Index of Common Foods
Appendix E. Dietary Reference Intakes for Vitamins and Minerals
Appendix F. Metric Conversions for Common Measures
Enette Larson-Meyer, PhD, RD, CSSD, FACSM, is a professor at the University of Wyoming and is a well-respected researcher in the area of sports and exercise metabolism. Her research centers on how nutrition influences the health and performance of active individuals at all stages of the life cycle and at all levels of performance—from the casual exerciser to the elite athlete.

Larson-Meyer is the author of Vegetarian Sports Nutrition (Human Kinetics, 2007) and has also authored over 80 scientific journal articles and book chapters. She served on the 2011 International Olympic Committee (IOC) Sports Nutrition Consensus Panel and on the IOC Consensus Panel for Supplementation in the Elite Athlete. She is a board certified specialist in sports dietetics, is a former sports dietitian for the University of Alabama at Birmingham, and is active in SCAN (the sports, cardiovascular, and wellness nutrition practice group of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics) and the American College of Sports Medicine, where she serves as an associate editor for medicine and science in sports and exercise. She is also a past chair of both SCAN and the vegetarian nutrition (VN) practice group of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Personal interests include trail running, flat water kayaking, Irish step dancing, yoga, and being the number-one fan of her one semi-vegetarian and two vegetarian children.

Matt Ruscigno, MPH, RD, is a leading expert in plant-based nutrition and has followed a vegan diet for more than 20 years. He has a nutritional science degree from Pennsylvania State University, a public health nutrition master’s degree from Loma Linda University, and certification as a registered dietitian. He is a coauthor of the No Meat Athlete book with Matt Frazier and Appetite for Reduction with Isa Moskowitz and is lead author of Cacao, Superfoods for Life. He is the past chair of the vegetarian nutrition (VN) practice group of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and currently is the chief nutrition officer at Nutrinic, a start-up health-care company using plant-based nutrition for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Recreationally, he has raced ultramarathons, Ironman races, and 24-hour mountain bike races, and he has bike toured over 15,000 miles. He is a long-time resident of Los Angeles, California.

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