Physical Education for Students With Autism Spectrum Disorders PDF
A Comprehensive Approach
Author: Michelle Grenier
$41.95 CAD
Access Duration: 10 Years

Current estimates are that 1 out of 88 children will be diagnosed with some form of autism. Planning a curriculum that includes all students, including those with ASD, can be a challenging task but well worth the effort. This book identifies strategies that highlight students’ skills, interests, and abilities though collaborative practices, environmental design, and assistive technologies.
Physical Education for Students With Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Comprehensive Approach
• introduces the inclusion spectrum as a tool to help teachers analyze appropriate instruction for students, aligning abilities with curriculum and activity context;
• provides information on tools such as scripts, video modeling, social stories, and choice boards to assist teachers in developing programs;
• presents a variety of activities that teachers can choose from to help students with ASD develop social and motor skills; and
• assimilates best practices from general and adapted PE as well as autism training and research that offer solutions for increased student engagement in physical education.
Written by contributors with extensive experience in developing inclusive programming for students with ASD, Physical Education for Students With Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Comprehensive Approach is ideal for physical education and adapted physical education courses across the K-12 curriculum.
Part I provides an understanding of students with ASD that offers insights from parents’ and teachers’ perspectives. From there, the authors examine the application of the inclusion spectrum that helps teachers plan for appropriate instruction. Readers will also find communication and social learning tools they can use to minimize the stress students may experience while optimizing learning experiences. Assessment protocols assist with the development of relevant IEP goals and objectives. Part II contains individualized and group games and activities that enhance lifelong learning for students with ASD.
Physical Education for Students With Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Comprehensive Approach is a practical resource that helps teachers design optimal plans for including students with ASD in general and adapted physical education classes. The manual contains numerous strategies, tools, and resources that assist teachers with individualizing instruction in ways that foster positive peer relationships as well as development of social and motor skills. It’s a win-win situation for all—teachers, parents, and most of all the students.
Part I. Developing Instruction for Students With Autism Spectrum Disorders
Chapter 1. Understanding Students With Autism Spectrum Disorders
Michelle Grenier
Chapter 2. Autism Spectrum Disorders From the Family Perspective
Teri Todd and Ann Griffin
Chapter 3. Accessing the Curriculum Through the Inclusion Spectrum
Michelle Grenier
Chapter 4. Proactive Strategies for Inclusion [chapters 4 and 5 were combined]
Michelle Grenier and Ann Griffin
Chapter 5. Reducing Stress to Optimize Learning
Rebecca Lytle
Chapter 6. Assessment and the IEP Process
Martin Block and Andrea Taliaferro
Part II. Individual, Small Group, and Game Activities
Chapter 7. Individualized Games and Activities
Ann Griffin
Chapter 8. Group Games and Activities
Pat Yeaton and Michelle Grenier
Michelle Grenier, PhD, is an associate professor and coordinator of the physical education and adapted physical education program at the University of New Hampshire in Durham. She has substantial experience in researching, teaching, and presenting on inclusion and autism spectrum disorders. Dr. Grenier has taught at the elementary, middle, and high school levels and worked with students with disabilities in general and adapted physical education settings. She has presented at the state, national, and international levels and is currently the adapted physical education representative for the New Hampshire Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. Dr. Grenier also served as chair of the Adapted Physical Education Council for AAPAR and AAHPERD.