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Physical Activity and Obesity - 2nd Edition

$66.48 CAD $132.95 CAD

$66.48 CAD

ISBN: 9780736076357


Page Count: 432

Physical Activity and Obesity, Second Edition, addresses an array of topics that explore and divulge the links between physical activity (or inactivity) and obesity. Leading scientists from various backgrounds team up to provide an unrivaled resource examining the latest research and developments in the field. Each chapter provides researchers and practitioners with a clear explanation of the concepts, research techniques, and results of studies critical to understanding physical activity and the obesity epidemic.

In the 10 years since the first edition of this book was published, the field of physical activity and obesity has mushroomed with new research, sparking the need for not only a new edition but an innovative and refreshing approach to the contents. Editors Bouchard and Katzmarzyk create a go-to resource with 89 succinct, authoritative chapters that may be used independently or as a complete text. Packed with the most up-to-date information linking obesity and physical activity, this comprehensive book

• delves into areas of uncertainty and controversy instead of avoiding them or skirting the issues;

• emphasizes, where appropriate, the underlying mechanisms between physical activity and obesity; and

• points to research areas that need further exploration and attention.

The nine parts of the book flow logically and address obesity in all populations, including children and adults of various backgrounds, ethnicities, and social classes. An overview of the methods used in assessing the levels of sedentary behavior and physical activity is given, followed by a global view of the problem of physical inactivity and obesity. Readers will learn about the key determinants of physical activity levels and obesity and the links between a sedentary lifestyle and the risk of obesity. Other topics examined include behavioral and environmental correlates and determinants of obesity, the relationship between low physical activity energy expenditure and obesity risk, clinical implications, and policy and research issues related to physical activity and obesity.

Physical Activity and Obesity, Second Edition, helps readers better understand the role of physical activity in the overall energy balance equation. The unique format, expert contributors, and complete references make this resource indispensable for researchers, health and exercise practitioners, and students studying the ever-expanding topic of obesity as it relates to physical activity.


Reference for exercise physiologists, obesity specialists, sport nutritionists, sports medicine specialists, fitness specialists, and government agencies concerned with public health.

Part I. Definition and Assessment of Physical Activity and Obesity

Chapter 1. Introduction

Claude Bouchard and Peter T. Katzmarzyk

Chapter 2. The Physical Activity and Exercise Continuum

Darren Warburton

Chapter 3. Assessing the Level of Sedentarism

Mark S. Tremblay

Chapter 4. Assessing the Level of Physical Activity in Adults

Barbara E. Ainsworth

Chapter 5. Assessing the Level of Physical Activity in Children

Russell E. Pate

Chapter 6. Assessment of Obesity in Adults

George A. Bray

Chapter 7. Assessment of Obesity in Children

John H. Himes

Chapter 8. The Limitations of Self-Report in Physical Activity and Obesity Research

Richard P. Troiano

Part II. Prevalence and Cost Issues

Chapter 9. The Prevalence of Adult Physical Inactivity Around the World

Wendy J. Brown

Chapter 10. The Prevalence of Childhood Physical Inactivity Around the World

Chris Riddoch

Chapter 11. The Prevalence of Adult Obesity Around the World

W. Philip T. James

Chapter 12. The Economic Cost of Obesity

Peter T. Katzmarzyk

Chapter 13. The Prevalence of Childhood Obesity Around the World

Tim Lobstein

Chapter 14. The Economic Cost of Physical Inactivity

Ian Janssen

Chapter 15. The Cost-Benefit Relationship of Physical Activity Interventions for Obesity

Larissa Roux

Part III. Determinants of Physical Activity Levels

Chapter 16. Biological Regulation of Physical Activity Level

Catherine M. Kotz

Chapter 17. Genetics and Physical Activity Level

Tuomo Rankinen

Chapter 18. Epigenetic or Programming Effects on Physical Activity Level

Mark Vickers

Chapter 19. Socioeconomic Position and Physical Activity Levels

Lise Gauvin

Chapter 20. Ethnic Differences in Physical Activity Level

Robert L. Newton, Jr.

Chapter 21. Psychological Factors and Physical Activity Level

Rod K. Dishman

Chapter 22. Effects of the Built Environment on Physical Activity Level

James F. Sallis

Part IV. Physical Activity and Risk of Obesity

Chapter 23. Sedentary Time and the Risk of Obesity in Adults

Ross Andersen

Chapter 24. Sedentary Time and the Risk of Obesity in Children

Steven L. Gortmaker

Chapter 25. Physical Activity Level and the Risk of Obesity in Adults

John M. Jakicic

Chapter 26. Physical Activity Level and the Risk of Obesity in Children

Margarita S. Treuth

Chapter 27. Childhood Physical Activity and Risk of Adult Obesity

Robert M. Malina

Chapter 28. Childhood Obesity and Risk of Adult Obesity

Francois Trudeau

Chapter 29. Physical Activity and Risk of Obesity in Older People

Wendy M. Kohrt

Chapter 30. Physical Fitness and Risk of Obesity

Steven N. Blair

Chapter 31. The Interaction of Diet and Physical Activity on Obesity

Tom Baranowski

Part V. Physical Activity and Biological Determinants of Obesity

Chapter 32. Physical Activity Level and Resting Metabolic Rate

Angelo Tremblay

Chapter 33. Physical Activity Level and Thermic Effect Of Food

Yves Schutz

Chapter 34. Physical Activity Level and Substrate Oxidation Rates

Steven R. Smith

Chapter 35. Physical Activity Level and Sympathetic Nervous System Activity

Ian Macdonald

Chapter 36. Physical Activity Level and Adipose Tissue Biology

Isabelle de Glisezinski

Chapter 37. Physical Activity Level and Leptin Biology

David J. Dyck

Chapter 38. Physical Activity Level and Hypothalamic Peptides

Christopher D. Morrison

Chapter 39. Physical Activity Level and Gut Peptides

Stephen C. Woods

Chapter 40. Physical Activity Level and Thyroid Hormones

Anthony C. Hackney

Chapter 41. Physical Activity Level and the HPA Axis

Denis Richard

Chapter 42. Physical Activity Level and Skeletal Muscle Biology

David A. Hood

Chapter 43. Postexercise Energy Expenditure

Elizabet Borsheim

Chapter 44. Genetics of Obesity

Ruth J.F. Loos

Chapter 45. Epigenetic Effects on Obesity

Peter Nathanielsz

Part VI. Physical Activity, Behavioral and Environmental Determinants of Obesity

Chapter 46. Physical Activity Level and Sleep

Shawn D. Youngstedt

Chapter 47. Physical Activity Level and Occupational Work

David R. Bassett, Jr.

Chapter 48. Physical Activity Level and Mode of Transportation

Catrine Tudor-Locke

Chapter 49. Effects of the Built Environment on Obesity

Neville Owen

Chapter 50. Socioeconomic Status and Obesity

Youfa Wang

Chapter 51. Physical Activity Level and Dietary Intake

Conrad Earnest

Part VII. Physical Activity in the Prevention and Treatment of Obesity

Chapter 52. Physical Activity in the Prevention of Weight Gain

Mikael Fogelholm

Chapter 53. Physical Activity for Weight Loss

Robert Ross

Chapter 54. Physical Activity Versus Diet-Induced Weight Loss

Joseph Donnelly

Chapter 55. Role of Physical Activity in Pharmacological Weight Loss

Frank Greenway

Chapter 56. Role of Physical Activity in Surgical Weight Loss

Paul O’Brien

Chapter 57. Physical Activity and Depot-Specific Fat Loss

Victor Katch

Chapter 58. Physical Activity, Visceral Fat, and Ectopic Fat Deposition

Bret Goodpaster

Chapter 59. Physical Activity, Weight Loss, and Maintenance of Lean Mass

Steven Heymsfield

Chapter 60. Physical Activity for Weight Loss Maintenance

Rena Wing

Chapter 61. Physical Activity and Weight Control During Pregnancy

Michelle Mottola

Chapter 62. Physical Activity and Postpartum Weight Loss

Cheryl Lovelady

Chapter 63. Physical Activity and Birth Weight

Johan G. Eriksson

Chapter 64. Physical Activity and Body Composition in Children

Bob Gutin

Part VIII. Clinical Implications

Chapter 65. Physical Activity and Mortality Rates in Obesity

Kevin R. Fontaine

Chapter 66. Physical Activity and Impaired Glucose Tolerance in Obesity

Markku Laakso

Chapter 67. Physical Activity and Type 2 Diabetes in Obesity

Edward S. Horton

Chapter 68. Physical Activity and Hypertension in Obesity

James M. Hagberg

Chapter 69. Physical Activity and Heart Disease in Obesity

Timothy Church

Chapter 70. Physical Activity and Stroke in Obesity

Janice Eng

Chapter 71. Physical Activity and Endothelial Dysfunction in Obesity

Christopher A. DeSouza

Chapter 72. Physical Activity and Inflammation in Obesity

Mark Hamer

Chapter 73. Physical Activity and Depression in Obesity

Adrian H. Taylor

Chapter 74. Physical Activity and Breast Cancer in Obesity

Kerry S. Courneya

Chapter 75. Physical Activity and Colon Cancer in Obesity

I-Min Lee

Chapter 76. Physical Activity and Other Cancers in Obesity

Roy Shephard

Chapter 77. Physical Activity, Obesity, and Metabolic Syndrome

Mercedes R. Carnethon

Chapter 78. Physical Activity and Musculoskeletal Disorders in Obesity

Jennifer M. Hootman

Chapter 79. Physical Activity and Risk of Falls in Obese Elderly

Teresa Liu Ambrose

Chapter 80. Adverse Events of Physical Activity in Obese Persons

Kenneth E. Powell

Chapter 81. Physical Activity and CVD Risk Profile in Obese Children

Lars Bo Andersen

Chapter 82. Physical Activity and Risk of Diabetes in Obese Children

Louise Baur

Part IX. Policy and Research Issues

Chapter 83. Global Policy Initiatives Related to Physical Activity and Obesity

Timothy Armstrong

Chapter 84. The Role of Government in the Promotion of Physical Activity

Art Salmon

Chapter 85. Community-Based Physical Activity Programs to Address Obesity

W. Kerry Mummery

Chapter 86. School-Based Physical Activity Programs to Address Obesity

Chantal Simon

Chapter 87. The Role of Industry in the Promotion of Physical Activity

John C. Peters

Chapter 88. Mass Media Approaches to Addressing Physical Inactivity and Obesity

Adrian Bauman

Chapter 89. Physical Activity and Obesity Research: Looking to the Future

Peter T. Katzmarzyk and Claude Bouchard

Claude Bouchard, PhD,is executive director of the PenningtonBiomedicalResearchCenter in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. For more than 40 years he has researched the role of physical activity on physiology, metabolism, and health indicators, taking into account genetic uniqueness. He also has authored or coauthored more than 1,000 scientific publications, and he served as president of the International Society for the Study of Obesity from 2002 to 2006. He also has served as president of the Canadian Society for Applied Physiology and has directed the Physical Activity Sciences Laboratory at Laval University, Quebec City, Canada, for over 20 years.

Dr. Bouchard has received numerous awards over the years, including the TOPS award from the North American Association for the Study of Obesity in 1998 and the Albert Creff Award in Nutrition of the National Academy of Medicine of France in 1997.

Peter T. Katzmarzyk, PhD,is a professor and the associate executive director for Population Science at the PenningtonBiomedicalResearchCenter in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. He holds the Louisiana Public Facilities Authority endowed chair in nutrition. His main research interest is the epidemiology and public health impact of obesity and physical inactivity, and determining the relationships between physical activity, physical fitness, obesity, and related disorders such as metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes.

Dr. Katzmarzyk has published his research findings in more than 190 scholarly journals and books, and he regularly participates in the scientific meetings of several national and international organizations. He is currently an editorial board member for the International Journal of Pediatric Obesity, Journal of Physical Activity and Health, and Metabolic Syndrome and Related Disorders