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Organization and Administration of Physical Activity-VIU

$115.95 CAD

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ISBN: 9781718232310


Page Count: 438

Access Duration: 10 Years

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This custom ebook includes chapters from Applied Sport Management Skills, Fourth Edition With HKPropel Access; Introduction to Recreation and Leisure, Third Edition; and Managing Sport Facilities, Fourth Edition. It has been specifically designed for students taking the course Organization and Administration of Physical Activity (KIN 371) at Vancouver Island University.


Audiences: Custom ebook for students taking the course Organization and Administration of Physical Activity (KIN 371) at Vancouver Island University.
Power, Promise, Potential, and Possibilities of Parks, Recreation, and Leisure
Ellen O’Sullivan
From Introduction to Recreation and Leisure, Third Edition

Managing Sports
From Applied Sport Management Skills, Fourth Edition

Creative Problem Solving and Decision Making
From Applied Sport Management Skills, Fourth Edition

Strategic and Operational Planning
From Applied Sport Management Skills, Fourth Edition

Organizing and Delegating Work
From Applied Sport Management Skills, Fourth Edition

Human Resources Management
From Applied Sport Management Skills, Fourth Edition

Marketing and Sales
From Managing Sport Facilities, Fourth Edition

Controlling Quality, Financials, and Productivity and Managing People
From Applied Sport Management Skills, Fourth Edition

Finance and Budgeting
From Managing Sport Facilities, Fourth Edition

Leisure Service Delivery Systems
David N. Emanuelson
From Introduction to Recreation and Leisure, Third Edition

Recreational Sport Management
H. Joey Gray and Robert J. Barcelona
From Introduction to Recreation and Leisure, Third Edition

Facility Management
From Managing Sport Facilities, Fourth Edition

Facilities and Events Management
From Applied Sport Management Skills, Fourth Edition
Applied Sport Management Skills, Fourth Edition With HKPropel Access

Robert N. Lussier, PhD, is a professor emeritus of management at the birthplace of basketball, Springfield College, where more than one-third of the students compete in intercollegiate athletic teams. He has taught undergraduate and graduate sport management students for more than 30 years. He has also supervised sport internships and serves as an advisor for sport management research projects.

Lussier was an intercollegiate cross country and track athlete and has coached at the college, high school, and youth levels. He is a prolific writer with more than 500 publications, including articles in top refereed journals, with more than 11,000 Google Scholar citations. Over two million people globally have used his textbooks, earning him an unsurpassed national and international reputation as an author. Dr. Lussier is the founder of Publish Don’t Perish ( Through his book Publish Don’t Perish: The Top Secrets to Get Published and workshops, he has helped hundreds of institutions and individuals in more than 80 countries get published.

Dr. Lussier also provides consulting services to a wide array of commercial and nonprofit organizations. In fact, some of the material in the book was developed for such clients as Baystate Medical Center, Coca-Cola, Friendly’s, National Institute of Financial Education, Mead, Monsanto, Smith & Wesson, the Social Security Administration, the Visiting Nurse Association, and YMCAs.

Dr. Lussier holds a bachelor of science in business administration from Salem State College, master’s degrees in business and education from Suffolk University, and a doctorate in management from the University of New Haven.

David C. Kimball, PhD, is a professor of management and the director of the sport management program at Elms College. He teaches sport management and sport marketing courses. As coordinator of the sport management internship program, he has placed many students in internships that offer real-world experience.

Kimball has helped develop and promote sporting events for organizations such as Junior Achievement and the JCC Maccabi Games, and he coaches and supervises Maccabi athletes each summer. He has an expansive network of friends and acquaintances in the sport management field; many of the case studies in this book arose from these relationships.

Introduction to Recreation and Leisure, Third Edition

Tyler Tapps, PhD, is the assistant vice president for health and well-being at Northwest Missouri State University and was formerly an associate professor and the assistant director for health sciences. He received his PhD in health, leisure, and human performance from Oklahoma State University in 2009. In 2015, he was certified as a park and recreation professional by the National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA), from which he also received the Robert W. Crawford Young Professional Award. Tapps is a military veteran with recreation programming experience in the military. He is a past president of the Leisure Educators section of the Missouri Park and Recreation Association.

Mary Sara Wells, PhD, is an associate professor in the department of parks, recreation, and tourism at the University of Utah, where she serves as the director of undergraduate studies. She teaches courses in youth development, community recreation, and sport management. She has been a member of The Academy of Leisure Sciences (TALS), the National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA), and Society of Park and Recreation Educators (SPRE) since 2004. Wells has researched issues of sporting conduct in youth sport. She has published her research in numerous journals, presented at several national and international conferences, and conducted trainings and evaluations for multiple municipal youth sport agencies across the country.

Managing Sport Facilities, Fourth Edition

Gil B. Fried, JD, is a professor at the University of New Haven in Connecticut. He has taught sport facility management for more than 25 years and has written numerous articles, books, and book chapters on sport facility management issues. Fried speaks throughout the United States on issues such as building and financing facilities and dealing with risk management concerns.

He was the director of risk management for OR&L Facility Management, which manages several million square feet of space. He has also worked with the International Association of Venue Managers (IAVM) and developed the curriculum and materials for the IAVM’s Academy for Venue Safety and Security.

In addition to taking pictures of sport facilities to include in future versions of this text, Fried enjoys playing badminton, farming, being with his wife and kids, and traveling.

Matthew Kastel is the stadium manager of Oriole Park at Camden Yards (home of the Baltimore Orioles) for the Maryland Stadium Authority. He is a veteran of managing stadium and events and has also worked at the Houston Astrodome, Citizens Bank Park, and the Washington, D.C., Convention Center.

Kastel sits on the board of directors as president of the Stadium Managers Association, as well as the board of visitors for the Bolte School of Business at Mt. St. Mary’s University in Emmitsburg, Maryland. Additionally, he is part of the adjunct faculty at Mt. St. Mary’s and teaches stadium and event management to graduate students.

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