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Nutrition for Sport, Exercise, and Health-Loose-Leaf Edition

$59.00 CAD $117.95 CAD

$59.00 CAD

ISBN: 9781492563129


Page Count: 488

This is the loose-leaf version of Nutrition for Sport, Exercise, and Health, which offers students an affordable, printed version of the text.

Nutrition for Sport, Exercise, and Health includes applied content and research-based guidelines to help students distinguish between nutrition recommendations backed by science and the plethora of misinformation available in the field. This comprehensive resource blends nutrition and exercise science with practical information to provide a clear understanding of how nutrition affects sports, exercise, and overall health.

Nutrition for Sport, Exercise, and Health covers the basics of nutrition, including the functions of and daily allowances for carbohydrate, fat, and protein, as well as micronutrient recommendations; the importance of hydration and electrolyte balance; nutrition in health and disease prevention; population-based nutrition considerations for training and sports; and practical information on measuring and altering body composition. The accessible presentation of material keeps students from getting too bogged down in research, and the text offers real-world applications. Students will also discover career opportunities available to them, including qualifications and job responsibilities for each position.

The full-color text includes more than 70 photos and more than 140 illustrations alongside digestible, engaging writing. Concepts are presented in a user-friendly manner, and each chapter includes a number of features that enhance understanding:

  • Chapter objectives provide a roadmap to ease students into upcoming content.
  • Key terms help students focus on important vocabulary. The key terms are identified at the beginning of the chapter, appear in boldface within the chapter, and are included within the glossary, where they are defined.
  • Putting It Into Perspective sidebars contain compact vignettes that help college students relate to the content and apply the concepts to their own lives.
  • Do You Know? sidebars are short callouts that provide key insights and easy takeaways for students.
  • Review questions help students identify areas they may need to revisit as well as reinforce key concepts.

Content is organized in a logical sequence, with each chapter building upon the information previously presented. In part I, the reader is provided with an overview of the role nutrition plays in overall well-being throughout a person's life. Part II focuses on each macronutrient and its role in health and disease, as well as dietary recommendations that support health and an active lifestyle. The role of micronutrients in health and performance is covered in part III. Part IV provides information on the application of nutrition to sport, exercise, and health.

Instructors will find a full suite of ancillaries that will be helpful in their teaching. The instructor guide and presentation package plus image bank will help in preparing for class, while the test package and chapter quizzes will help assess student learning.

Students and professionals alike will benefit from the broad coverage found in Nutrition for Sport, Exercise, and Health. Armed with accessible, research-based application, readers will have the tools they need to improve athletic performance, exercise outcomes, and general well-being.


A textbook for undergraduate students studying fitness, exercise or sport science, health, nutrition, and physical therapy. Also a reference for registered dieticians; fitness, health, and wellness professionals; health and physical education teachers; and those in other professions encountering health and physical performance.

Part I: The Big Picture

Chapter 1: Optimizing Health and Well-Being Throughout the Lifespan

Chapter 2: Energy Metabolism

Part II: Role of Energy-Yielding Macronutrients

Chapter 3: Carbohydrate

Chapter 4: Fat

Chapter 5: Protein

Part III: Role of Micronutrients, Water, and Nutritional Supplements

Chapter 6: Vitamins

Chapter 7: Minerals

Chapter 8: Water and Electrolytes

Chapter 9: Nutritional Supplements and Drugs

Part IV: Application of Nutrition for Health and Fitness

Chapter 10: Body Weight and Composition

Chapter 11: Nutrition for Aerobic Endurance

Chapter 12: Nutrition for Resistance Training

Chapter 13: Changing Weight and Body Composition

Chapter 14: Special Nutrition Concerns

Marie A. Spano, MS, RD, CSCS, CSSD, is one of the country’s leading sports nutritionists and the sports performance nutritionist for the Atlanta Hawks, Atlanta Braves, and Atlanta Falcons. She combines science with practical experience to help athletes implement customized nutrition plans to maximize athletic performance, recovery, and career longevity. Also a nutrition communications expert, Spano has appeared on CNN as well as on NBC, ABC, Fox, and CBS affiliates. She has authored hundreds of magazine and trade publication articles in addition to book chapters in NSCA's Essentials of Personal Training and Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning. She is coeditor of NSCA's Guide to Exercise and Sport Nutrition.

A three-sport collegiate athlete, Spano earned her master’s degree in nutrition from the University of Georgia, where she worked in the athletic department as a graduate assistant running the sports nutrition program, and her bachelor’s degree in exercise and sports science from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, where she also ran Division I cross country. Her experiences as a college athlete provide her an effective perspective when working with athletes of all levels, especially student athletes, by giving her a firsthand understanding of how the demands of athletics, psychological aspects of injury, sleep, recovery, and nutrition can affect an athlete’s overall well-being and performance.

Laura J. Kruskall, PhD, RDN, CSSD, LD, FACSM, FAND, is an associate professor and director of nutrition sciences at University of Nevada, Las Vegas. She oversees the nutrition sciences academic degree programs and serves as program director for the ACEND-accredited dietetic internship. She has held numerous leadership positions at the local, state, and national levels, including serving on the board of trustees of the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) and as the cochair of the committee that authored “Standards of Practice and Standards of Professional Performance for Registered Dietitian Nutritionists (Competent, Proficient, and Expert) in Sports Nutrition and Dietetics,” published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics in 2014. She is currently serving as the chair of the nutrition track for the ACSM Health and Fitness Summit and Exposition and is a member of the editorial board for ACSM’s Health & Fitness Journal. Dr. Kruskall has been given fellow status by both ACSM and the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics for her leadership and contributions to the profession.

Dr. Kruskall’s areas of teaching and practice expertise are sports nutrition, weight management, and medical nutrition therapy. Her research interests include the effects of nutrition and exercise interventions on body composition and energy metabolism and the role of vitamin D in bone health and performance in collegiate athletes. In addition to her academic duties at the university, she is a nutrition consultant for Canyon Ranch SpaClub and Cirque du Soleil in Las Vegas.

Dr. Kruskall earned her PhD in nutrition from Penn State University. She also holds a certificate of training in Adult Weight Management Level 2 from the Commission on Dietetic Registration, is certified as an exercise physiologist by ACSM, holds the Exercise Is Medicine Credential II from ACSM, and is a Board Certified Specialist in Sports Dieteticss (CSSD).

D. Travis Thomas, PhD, RDN, CSSD, LD, FAND, is an associate professor of clinical and sports nutrition in the College of Health Sciences and director of the undergraduate certificate program in nutrition for human performance at the University of Kentucky. Dr. Thomas is a Board Certified Specialist in Sports Dietetics (CSSD). He has held multiple national leadership positions for SCAN (a dietetic practice group of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics) and received honors as the lead author on the position statement “Nutrition for Athletic Performance” (March 2016, published in three journals).

Dr. Thomas became a registered dietitian in 2001 and worked as a clinical dietitian in Greensboro, North Carolina, managing medical nutrition therapy for patients in general medicine, cardiac, rehabilitation, and intensive care units. Dr. Thomas then completed his PhD in nutrition at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro and a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Kansas. Throughout his doctoral and postdoctoral studies, he expanded his clinical knowledge base to include aspects of exercise physiology, sports nutrition, body composition, and hormone physiology.

Dr. Thomas has more than nine years of experience conducting human studies involving nutrition and exercise interventions across the lifespan. Over the last six years, Dr. Thomas has served as an investigator on several research projects that focused on nutrition issues associated with the preservation and enhancement of skeletal muscle function and performance. These studies have included examining the relationship between vitamin D and muscle metabolic function, studies on nutrition and physical function in aging and athletic populations, nutrition interventions to reduce symptoms in patients with advanced heart failure, and investigating nutrition strategies to preserve physical performance and lean body mass in patients with head and neck cancer. Collectively, this work has resulted in multiple publications and has led to NIH funding to examine the contribution of vitamin D to muscle metabolic function.

Dr. Thomas is married and has two children, Averie and Collin. In his free time, he enjoys traveling, staying physically active, cooking, and gardening. He is an avid fan of collegiate sports.

All ancillaries are free to adopting instructors through HKPropel.

Instructor guide. Includes a syllabus; chapter objectives, summaries, and review questions from the book; and lecture outlines.

Test package. Includes a bank of more than 350 questions in multiple-choice, true/false, fill-in-the-blank, and short answer and essay formats that can be used to create customized tests.

Chapter quizzes. Includes more than 200 questions per chapter that instructors can use in their lessons to gauge student comprehension. Compatible with learning management systems, these quizzes offer easy grading and record keeping for instructors.

Presentation package plus image bank. Includes more than 700 PowerPoint slides of art, tables, and content photos from the book that instructors can use to create customized lecture presentations. The slides in the presentation package can be used in PowerPoint or can be printed to make transparencies or handouts for distribution to students. Instructors can easily add, modify, and rearrange the order of the slides as well as search for slides based on key words. The image bank includes most of the illustrations, content photos, and tables from the text, sorted by chapter to provide instructors with flexibility when creating their own resources, including customized presentations, handouts, and other course resources.