Nutrition for Sport, Exercise, and Health 2nd Edition With HKPropel Access-Loose-Leaf Edition
$135.95 CAD
Nutrition for Sport, Exercise, and Health, Second Edition With HKPropel Access, blends applied content with updated research-based guidelines to help students distinguish between nutrition recommendations backed by science and the plethora of misinformation available. Covering all the basics of nutrition, students will walk away with a clear understanding of how nutrition affects sport, exercise, and overall health.
Organized to facilitate knowledge retention, the text logically progresses, with each chapter building upon the information previously presented. Students first get an overview of the role nutrition plays in overall well-being throughout a person’s life. They will learn the functions of carbohydrates, fat, and protein as well as the role each of these macronutrients plays in health and disease. And they will learn the dietary recommendations that support health and an active lifestyle. Next, the function of micronutrients in health and performance is covered. The text concludes with the application of nutrition principles, with guidance to properly fuel for sport, exercise, and health.
Updated based on Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2020-2025, the second edition incorporates new content on the following:
- The effect of ketogenic diets on health and muscle
- Vitamin D and its role in performance and inflammation
- The effect of progressive training programs on metabolism
- Sample nutrition plans, including a daily fluid plan, a plan to meet mineral needs, a food plan for resistance training, and more
- Omega-3 supplementation to support concussion prevention and recovery
- The latest research on why people regain weight after weight loss
Pedagogical aids within the text also enhance student understanding; these include chapter objectives, key terms, and review questions. Numerous sidebars provide key insights, real-world tips, relatable scenarios, and easy takeaways.
Students and professionals alike will benefit from the broad coverage found in Nutrition for Sport, Exercise, and Health. They will have the science-based knowledge and tools they need to improve athletic performance, exercise outcomes, and general well-being.
Note: A code for accessing HKPropel is included with all new print books.
A textbook for undergraduate students studying nutrition or kinesiology disciplines, including fitness, health, exercise or sport science, and physical therapy. Also a reference for registered and licensed dieticians as well as those in other professions encountering health and physical performance.Chapter 1. Optimizing Health and Well-Being Throughout the Lifespan
General Nutrition Guidelines
Sports Nutrition
Credentials and Scope of Practice
Chapter 2. Energy Metabolism
How Energy Fuels the Body
Human Energy Metabolism
Benefits of Training on Health and Athletic Performance
Biosynthesis and Storage Pathways in Metabolism
Hormonal Control of Metabolism
Measuring Energy Intake and Expenditure
Energy Availability in Sport
Part II. Role of Energy-Yielding Macronutrients
Chapter 3. Carbohydrate
Classification of Carbohydrate
Digestion and Absorption
Metabolism of Carbohydrate
Regulation of Glucose Metabolism
Glycemic Response
Carbohydrate as Fuel During Exercise
Role of Carbohydrate in Exercise Fatigue
Carbohydrate Recommendations
Carbohydrate Content of Foods
Carbohydrate and Health
Chapter 4. Fat
Digestion and Metabolism
Dietary Fats and Exercise
Lipids and Dietary Fat
Triglycerides and Health
Dietary Recommendations
Chapter 5. Protein
Amino Acids
Classification and Function of Protein
Digestion and Absorption
Metabolic Fate of Protein in the Body
Protein in the Diet
Protein Quality
Protein in Exercise and Sport
Vegetarianism and Veganism
Protein Deficiency and Excess Protein
Part III. Role of Micronutrients, Water, and Nutritional Supplements
Chapter 6. Vitamins
Fat-Soluble Vitamins
Water-Soluble Vitamins
Chapter 7. Minerals
Trace Minerals
Chapter 8. Water and Electrolytes
Water, Electrolytes, and Exercise Performance
Hydration Assessment
Hydration Recommendations for Exercise
Chapter 9. Nutritional Supplements and Other Substances Commonly Used in Sport
Popularity of Supplement Use in Sport
Regulation of Dietary Supplements
Evaluation of Dietary Supplements
Common Products and Supplements Used for Performance Enhancement
Drugs Commonly Used in Sport
Part IV. Application of Nutrition for Sport, Exercise, and Health
Chapter 10. Body Weight and Composition
Factors Contributing to Body Weight and Composition
Body Weight and Composition Concerns in Activity and Sport
Estimating Body Composition
Chapter 11. Nutrition for Aerobic Endurance
ATP Production During Endurance Activities
Energy-Yielding Macronutrient Requirements of Endurance Athletes
Food Selection to Meet Nutrient Requirements
Types of Carbohydrate and Performance
Unique Challenges Facing Endurance Athletes
General Recovery From Training
Effects of Endurance Training on Macronutrient Metabolism
Chapter 12. Nutrition for Resistance Training
Nutrition Before Resistance Training
Nutrition During Resistance Training
Nutrition After Resistance Training
How Daily Dietary Intake Affects Muscle
How Dieting Affects Muscle
Nutrients That Support Muscle Functioning
Sport Supplements for Resistance Training
Chapter 13. Changing Weight and Body Composition
Understanding Body Fat
Decreasing Body Fat
Gaining Muscle Mass
Losing Fat and Gaining Muscle at the Same Time
Chapter 14. Nutrition Concerns for Special Populations
Children and Adolescents
Masters Athletes
People With Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome
Pregnant Women
Vegetarian Populations
People With Disordered Eating and Eating Disorders
Supplements for pain and inflammation
The role of zinc in athletic performance

All ancillaries are free to adopting instructors through HKPropel.
Instructor guide. Includes a syllabus; chapter objectives, summaries, and review questions from the book; and lecture outlines.
Test package. Contains more than 500 questions in true-false and multiple-choice formats. The files may be downloaded for integration with a learning management system or printed for use as paper-based tests. Instructors may also create their own customized quizzes or tests from the test bank questions to assign to students directly through HKPropel. Multiple-choice and true-false questions are automatically graded, and instructors can review student scores in the platform.
Chapter quizzes. Contains ready-made quizzes (10 questions each) to assess student comprehension of the most important concepts in each chapter. Each quiz may be downloaded or assigned to students directly through HKPropel. The chapter assessments are automatically graded, and instructors can review student scores in the platform.
Presentation package. Features more than 500 PowerPoint slides of text, figures, content photos, and tables from the book that can be used for class discussion and presentation. The slides in the presentation package can be used directly within PowerPoint or printed to make handouts for students. Instructors can easily add, modify, and rearrange the order of the slides.
Image bank. Includes most of the figures, content photos, and tables from the text, sorted by chapter. These can be used in developing a customized presentation based on specific course requirements.
Instructors also receive access to all student materials in HKPropel. For Nutrition for Sport, Exercise, and Health, Second Edition, this includes flash cards to review key terms and supplemental chapter activities to assess student learning and engagement.