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NSCA's Guide to Program Design 2nd Edition Online CE Exam With Print Book

$161.95 CAD

Online Exam With Print Book
$161.95 CAD

ISBN: 9781718220607


Approved Credits:

This package includes the following:
  • NSCA's Guide to Program Design, Second Edition, book
  • Online continuing education exam
NSCA's Guide to Program Design, Second Edition, is the definitive resource for designing scientifically based training programs. Developed by the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA), the second edition presents an evidence-based framework for athlete assessment strategies and training principles. It moves beyond the simple template presentation of program design to help you understand the reasons and procedures for sequencing training in a safe, sport-specific manner. In addition to programming for resistance training, the book also addresses how to design training programs for power, endurance, agility, and speed.

Straightforward and accessible, NSCA’s Guide to Program Design details the considerations and challenges in developing a program for each key fitness component. It shows you how to begin the process of assessing athlete needs as well as how to select performance tests. Dynamic warm-up and static stretching protocols and exercises are addressed before moving into in-depth programming advice based on a performance goal. The final two chapters help you put it all together with a discussion of training integration, periodization, and implementation.

With sample workouts and training plans for athletes in a variety of sports, technique photos and instructions for select drills, and a sample annual training plan, you will be able to assemble effective and performance-enhancing training programs for all your athletes.

After reading the book, certified professionals can take the companion CE exam to earn continuing education credits.

Learning Objectives
  • Create sport- and position-specific strength and conditioning programs by assessing athlete needs to optimize health, improve performance, and reduce injury risk.
  • Build evidence-based programs using quantitative assessments and sport-specific profiles to set goals, evaluate effectiveness, and support development.
  • Include a well-designed warm-up in every practice and competition to prepare athletes, enhance performance, and set the tone for activities.
  • Design resistance training programs to boost strength, power, endurance, and performance while adapting to athlete progress and needs.
  • Increase muscle power by implementing advanced techniques in strength and conditioning programs.
  • Name some of the neuromuscular, metabolic, and cardiovascular adaptations that occur with anaerobic conditioning.
  • Explain how physiology, exercise economy, performance psychology, and lifestyle affect aerobic endurance performance.
  • Develop agility by enhancing speed, movement technique, muscular strength, and acceleration ability.
  • Implement speed training programs to optimize high-velocity movement by focusing on factors such as the stretch-shortening cycle and muscular strength.
  • Design core training programs that emphasize trunk stabilization, performance improvement, balance, and injury reduction.
  • Apply periodization principles to develop training programs and align cycles with individual athlete needs.
  • Incorporate sport-specific periodization plans to enhance performance and recovery.


Certified strength and conditioning professionals, personal trainers, and athletic trainers.
Chapter 1. Athlete Needs Analysis
Jennifer B. Fields, Andrew R. Jagim, Margaret T. Jones

Chapter 2. Athlete Assessment and Performance Evaluation
Jennifer B. Fields, Andrew R. Jagim, Margaret T. Jones

Chapter 3. Movement Preparation
David J. Heikkinen, N. Travis Triplett

Chapter 4. Resistance Training
Nicholas A. Ratamess

Chapter 5. Power Training
Robert U. Newton, William J. Kraemer, Disa L. Hatfield, Tunde K. Szivak

Chapter 6. Anaerobic Conditioning
Sean Collins

Chapter 7. Aerobic Conditioning
Ludmila Cosio-Lima, Nicole C. Dabbs

Chapter 8. Agility Training
Robert G. Lockie, J. Jay Dawes

Chapter 9. Speed Training
Chelscie K. Greene, Joanette M. Gonzalez, Andrew J. Galpin

Chapter 10. Anatomical Core Training
Ronald L. Snarr, Lawrence W. Judge

Chapter 11. Training Integration and Periodization
G. Gregory Haff, Erin E. Haff

Chapter 12. Training Program Integration and Implementation
Corey Dulak-Sigler, Michael G. Miller
The National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) is the world’s leading organization in the field of sport conditioning. Drawing on the resources and expertise of the most recognized professionals in strength training and conditioning, sport science, performance research, education, and sports medicine, the NSCA is the world’s trusted source of knowledge and training guidelines for coaches and athletes. The NSCA provides the crucial link between the lab and the field.

Margaret T. Jones, PhD, CSCS,*D, FNSCA,
is a professor of sport, recreation, and tourism management at George Mason University, where she serves as the director of the Patriot Performance Laboratory in the Frank Pettrone Center for Sports Performance and as a Beck Foundation faculty fellow. Jones’ research in sport science focuses on improving sport performance and athlete health, specifically through load monitoring, assessment of athletic fitness, and athlete dietary habits and nutrition practices.

Jones is a fellow of the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) and the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) and holds the Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist credential. She served on the NSCA Board of Directors from 2017 through 2020 and was honored by the NSCA as the 2008 Educator of the Year. In 2014, Jones was awarded a George Mason University OSCAR Mentoring Excellence Award. She was honored in 2023 with the NSCA’s William J. Kraemer Outstanding Sport Scientist Award. Jones has authored publications in the areas of human performance and athlete health in peer-reviewed academic journals, and she has presented regionally, nationally, and internationally.

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