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New Power Eating epub, The

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ISBN: 9781492572541


Page Count: 432

Access Duration: 10 Years

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Transform your body as you build muscle, lose fat, and maximize performance with The New Power Eating. Author Susan Kleiner delivers the proven strategies she’s used with male and female professional athletes and Olympians in one practical, effective resource that gives you the know-how to reach your personal goals.

In The New Power Eating, Kleiner brings together the latest scientific research on nutrition planning and explains not just what to eat but also when and how to adjust eating plans for your body and specific energy needs. Whether it’s a heavy or light training day, in peak season or off-season, you’ll learn how to achieve your physique and performance goals safely, legally, and effectively.

New recipes pack a nutritional punch into every meal or snack, and sample meal plans for each meal of the day help you easily put it all together—you’ll even find a food group template to help you customize your own menus. Plus, updated details on safe supplements guide you through the maze of marketing claims to help you select the best options in view of the scientific evidence. Dr. Kleiner also walks you through how she evaluates products and brands based on testing for purity, potency, digestibility, and absorption.

Based on the author’s research, you’ll also find fascinating facts that explain how your relationship with food and the gut-to-brain axis can affect your physical and emotional health and performance. Both males and females will discover gender-specific guidance and strategies to help you take advantage of your body’s benefits and overcome unhealthy triggers or habits to create and maintain an effective power eating program.

Incorporate The New Power Eating into your training and find out what thousands of athletes already know: The New Power Eating is more than a book. It’s your path to power excellence.

Earn continuing education credits/units! A continuing education exam that uses this book is also available. It may be purchased separately or as part of a package that includes both the book and exam.