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Metabolic Training Online CE Exam With Ebook

$104.95 CAD

Online Exam With Ebook
$104.95 CAD

ISBN: 9781718222182


Approved Credits:

This package includes the following:
  • Metabolic Training ebook
  • Online continuing education exam

In Metabolic Training, authors John Graham and Michael Barnes share their decades of experience designing programs and set the record straight on metabolic training. Commonly known as met con, or metabolic conditioning, this form of training is often mistaken for any combination of high-intensity exercises. In Metabolic Training, you will learn the essentials of metabolic training—from the types of training outcomes it can be used to accomplish to developing and implementing programs. The book also features more than 100 exercises:
  • 13 warm-up exercises
  • 18 total-body exercises
  • 18 lower-body exercises
  • 30 upper-body exercises
  • 14 core exercises
  • 10 functional training exercises

These exercises use body weight and a range of equipment such as dumbbells, kettlebells, battle ropes, sandbags, weighted sleds, exercise bands, suspension trainers, and medicine balls.

Making Metabolic Training even more valuable are its 60 predesigned workouts, which are the basis of five training programs: endurance, fat loss, lean muscle mass, strength and power, and athletic performance. Each program covers all ability levels, from beginner to advanced, offering progressive levels of difficulty.

After reading the ebook, certified professionals can take the companion CE exam to earn continuing education credits.

Learning Objectives
  • Describe the basic components of metabolic training sessions.
  • List common physiological adaptations that result from performing metabolic workouts.
  • Design an effective training plan by applying the concepts of periodization.
  • Identify general warm-up movements to prepare for the main workout.
  • Formulate a workout that uses total-body movements that elevate a client’s metabolism.
  • Choose lower-body exercises based on client goals.
  • Evaluate the most appropriate upper-body exercises for a complete program.
  • Name multiple exercises that train the core musculature.
  • Construct a functional training regimen consisting of rope exercises.
  • Plan workouts that improve muscle endurance.
  • Select the most effective programming to assist with fat loss.
  • Develop mass-building workout routines to maximize hypertrophy.
  • Compose power-building programs aimed at increasing strength.
  • Differentiate a sport-specific exercise routine from a routine designed for the general client.
Metabolic Training Table of Contents    


Part I. Foundations of Metabolic Training
Chapter 1.
Why Metabolic Training?
Chapter 2. Physiological Adaptations to Metabolic Training
Chapter 3. Metabolic-Training Tools
Chapter 4. Periodization for Metabolic Training

Part II. Metabolic-Training Exercises
Chapter 5.
Warm-Up Exercises
Chapter 6. Total-Body Exercises
Chapter 7. Lower-Body Exercises
Chapter 8. Upper-Body Exercises
Chapter 9. Core Exercises
Chapter 10. Functional Training Exercises

Part III. Metabolic-Training Programs
Chapter 11. Programs for Endurance
Chapter 12. Programs for Fat Loss
Chapter 13. Programs for Building Lean Mass
Chapter 14. Programs for Building Muscular Strength and Power
Chapter 15. Programs for Improving Sport Performance
John Graham, MS, ACSM EP-C, CSCS*D, RSCC*D, FNSCA, has enjoyed an accomplished 40-year career in the health, fitness, and strength and conditioning industry. He has served in many roles with the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA), including as the board vice president, secretary/treasurer, and chair for the certification committee, conference committee chair, and nominations committee. He also holds leadership positions with American Council on Exercise (ACE) and Medical Fitness Association (MFA). From 2012 to 2015, he was a member of the industry advisory panel for the American Council on Exercise (ACE). He currently serves as associate editor of NSCA’s Strength and Conditioning Journal.

Graham is a senior network administrator in lifestyle health and wellness, medical fitness, fitness and sports performance at St. Luke’s University Health Network in Pennsylvania and New Jersey, and he is a senior contributor at SportsEdTV. Graham has authored or contributed to local, regional, and national peer-reviewed and popular publications on chronic conditions and disorders, health, fitness, and sports conditioning. He has given local, regional, national, and international presentations—including at Perform Better, NSCA, ACSM, and MFA.

His contributions to fitness and sports performance have resulted in recognition by many organizations, including ACE, MFA, National Multiple Sclerosis Society, and NSCA. He has served as an adjunct professor at Cedar Crest College, The College of New Jersey, and DeSales University.

Michael Barnes, Med, CSCS*D, NSCA-CPT*D, brings over 25 years of experience to the strength and conditioning and fitness industry. He is the president and owner of Infinity Personal Training and Fitness in Colorado Springs, Colorado. His previous experience includes working in Division I athletics, working in the National Football League with the San Francisco 49ers, and serving as the director of education for the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA).

Barnes is an author, speaker, subject matter expert, industry consultant, and practitioner. He holds three of the most respected professional certifications in the industry as well as a master’s degree in exercise science.

Barnes has presented to coaches, athletes, and fitness enthusiasts with organizations such as Major League Baseball, NSCA, USA Triathlon, USA Rugby, the World Class Athlete Program of the U.S. Army, NCAA, U.S. Ski and Snowboard Association, USA Judo, and the U.S. Association of Deaf and Blind Athletes. He has traveled the world to educate, train, and interact with leaders in the fitness industry in Japan, Australia, Puerto Rico, Bermuda, Greece, and Denmark.

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