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Measurement Theory and Practice in Kinesiology

$114.95 CAD

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$114.95 CAD

ISBN: 9780736045032


Page Count: 440

Simple, yet sophisticated, Measurement Theory and Practice in Kinesiology is presented without the need to work through rigorous equation sets. The text appeals to a broad readership interested in measurement. Researchers and students can fathom the conceptual basis for topical measurement techniques and their application, and they are exposed to measurement issues in various physical activity fields. The text grounds readers in measurement basics in an easy-to-understand fashion and is for non-measurement specialists who deal with measurement in various physical activity fields.

But it goes beyond simple. It takes full advantage of the advances in computer technology and programming to offer an array of advanced test construction and modeling methodologies to researchers and practitioners. And it describes new methods in handling both large and small data sets.

Measurement Theory and Practice in Kinesiology provides a contemporary reference on measurement issues. The authors take both a broad and focused look at measurement issues in the physical domain. Readers learn about the tools that can facilitate their more advanced work, particularly with regard to statistical techniques, and learn practical applications in areas such as educational assessment and preemployment physical testing.

The book is divided into four parts. Part I introduces readers to measurement basics, including validity, reliability, and test construction. Part II explores current issues in measurement, including ethical issues, computerized adaptive testing, item bias, and scaling and equating measures. Part III focuses on advanced statistical techniques, including analysis of large and small data sets, analysis of longitudinal data, and structural equation modeling and its applications. In part IV, the authors look at measurement in practice, current issues in physical education, measurement of physical activity, measurement issues in the clinical setting, epidemiology and physical activity, and preemployment physical testing.

With this simple yet sophisticated approach, Measurement Theory and Practice in Kinesiology can be used by students in graduate-level introductory measurement courses or as a reference by researchers and clinicians in the allied health professions.


A reference for measurement specialists, exercise scientists, clinical researchers, clinicians, and physical education teachers. Text for graduate-level introductory measurement courses in kinesiology.

List of Contributors

Part I Measurement Basics
Chapter 1 Introduction
Terry M. Wood

-Evolution of Measurement Theory and Practice

-Measurement in Practice

Chapter 2 Validity
David A. Rowe and Matthew T. Mahar

-Definitional Stage

-Confirmatory Stage

-Theory-Testing Stage

-Reporting Validity

Chapter 3 Reliability and Error of Measurement
Ted A. Baumgartner

-Reliability Considerations

-Reliability Estimation for Norm-Referenced Physical Performance Tests

-Standard Error of Measurement for Norm-Referenced Physical Performance Tests

-Reliability Estimation for Criterion-Referenced Physical Performance Tests

-Reliability Estimates for Scores From Knowledge Tests and Questionnaires

-Other Reliability Topics

Chapter 4 Constructing Tests Using Item Response Theory
Weimo Zhu

-What Is IRT?

-Commonly Used IRT Models

-Assumptions Related to IRT

-Estimation of Item and Ability Parameters

-Addressing Model–Data Fit

-Some Unique Features and Advantages of IRT

-Item Bank and IRT-Based Test Construction

-Kinesiology Applications


-IRT Limitations and Future Direction

Part II Current Issues in Measurement
Chapter 5 Ethical Issues in Measurement
Patricia Patterson

-Ethical Standards

-Technical Standards

-Construct Validity

-Example 1: Ethics and the Measurement of Physical Activity (PA)

-Example 2: Ethics and the Measurement of Effective Coaching

-Example 3: Ethics in Performance Assessments

Chapter 6 Scaling, Equating, and Linking to Make Measures Interpretable
Weimo Zhu


-Equating and Linking

-Equating Methods

-Kinesiology Applications and Future Research Directions

Chapter 7 Item Bias and Differential Item Functioning
Allan Cohen

-Bias and Differential Item Functioning

-Multidimensional Framework for DIF

-Detecting DIF

-Measures of the Amount of DIF

-Areas of Future DIF Research

Chapter 8 Computerized Adaptive Testing
Richard C. Gershon and Betty A. Bergstrom

-Introduction to Computer-Based Testing

-Historical Background of Adaptive Testing

-Advantages of CAT

-Process of CAT

-Critical Issues in Constructing and Maintaining CAT

-CAT Today

Part III Advanced Statistical Techniques
Chapter 9 Structural Equation Modeling and Its Applications in Exercise Science Research
Fuzhong Li and Peter Harmer

-Structural Equation Models

-Example Applications

-Extended Topics

Chapter 10 Repeated Measures and Longitudinal Data Analysis
Ilhyeok Park and Robert W. Schutz

-Analysis of Variance for Repeated Measures Designs

-Hierarchical Linear Modeling With Longitudinal Data

-Structural Equation Modeling With Longitudinal Data

-Comparison Among Statistical Models: ANOVA vs. HLM vs. LCM

-Analysis of Change in the Near Future

Chapter 11 Analyzing Very Large and Very Small Data Sets
Weimo Zhu and Anre Venter

-Analyzing Very Large Data Sets

-Analyzing Very Small Data Sets


-Resources: Some Useful Web Links
Part IV Measurement in Practice
Chapter 12 Current Issues in Physical Education
Terry M. Wood

-Educational Reform and Assessment Practice

-Understanding New Assessment Practice

-Measurement Issues

-Evidence for Validity of Performance Assessments

Chapter 13 Measuring Physical Activity
Michael J. LaMonte, Barbara E. Ainsworth, and Jared P. Reis


-Conceptual Framework for Physical Activity Measurement

-Measures of Energy Expenditure

-Direct Measures of Energy Expenditure

-Measures of Physical Activity

-Selecting a Method of Measurement

Chapter 14 Epidemiology and Physical Activity
Richard A. Washburn, Rod K. Dishman, and Gregory Heath

-Physical Activity Epidemiology—A Historical Perspective

-Concepts and Methods in Physical Activity Epidemiology

-Evaluating Associations in Epidemiologic Studies

-Determining Cause in Epidemiologic Studies

Chapter 15 Measurement Issues in the Clinical Setting
Marilyn A. Looney

-Evaluating Test Performance

-Evaluating the Diagnostic Accuracy of Tests

-Major Sources of Bias Affecting the Size of Diagnostic Statistics

Chapter 16 Preemployment Physical Testing
Andrew S. Jackson

-Legal Issues

-Validation Study

About the Editors

Terry M. Wood, PhD, is emeritus associate professor in the department of nutrition and exercise sciences at Oregon State University in Corvallis, Oregon. He has 20 years of experience in teaching, researching, and practicing measurement at Oregon State University and has coauthored two other books on measurement theory and practice. In addition, he has authored chapters in measurement practice texts; has written more than 40 refereed research articles, abstracts, and proceedings on measurement topics; and has given 65 professional presentations on measurement topics at the local, regional, national, and international levels.

Dr. Wood is the former chair of the AAHPERD Measurement and Evaluation Council, and he served as president of the International Society for Measurement and Evaluation. He is a member of AAHPERD and has been a member of a number of other professional associations in educational research and measurement as well as the American College of Sports Medicine.

Weimo Zhu, PhD, is currently an associate professor in the department of kinesiology and community health at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and a visiting professor at Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education and Shanghai Institute of Physical Education, both in China. His major area of research is measurement and evaluation in kinesiology.

Dr. Zhu's primary research interests are in the study and application of new measurement theories (e.g., item response theory) and models to the field of kinesiology. His research works have earned him international recognition. He served as the measurement section editor of the Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport from 1999 to 2005, and he is a fellow of the American Academy of Kinesiology and Physical Education, American College of Sports Medicine, and Research Consortium, AAHPERD. He is a member of the Science Board of the President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports and the Fitnessgram/Activitygram Advisory Committee. He is also a member of the editorial board for three other journals and serves on the executive committees of several national and international professional organizations. Dr. Zhu was the chair of the Measurement and Evaluation Council, AAHPERD. Currently, Dr. Zhu is also examining the application of advanced measurement and statistical techniques to several measurement issues in the area of public health. A tangible practical application of Zhu's theoretical work has been his work in the assessment of physical activity, and he is exploring a new idea (physical activity space) and technologies (voice recognition and automatic scoring) to solve the problems raised.

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Measurement Theory and Practice in Kinesiology
Terry Wood,Weimo Zhu

Measurement Theory and Practice in Kinesiology

$114.95 CAD

Simple, yet sophisticated, Measurement Theory and Practice in Kinesiology is presented without the need to work through rigorous equation sets. The text appeals to a broad readership interested in measurement. Researchers and students can fathom the conceptual basis for topical measurement techniques and their application, and they are exposed to measurement issues in various physical activity fields. The text grounds readers in measurement basics in an easy-to-understand fashion and is for non-measurement specialists who deal with measurement in various physical activity fields.

But it goes beyond simple. It takes full advantage of the advances in computer technology and programming to offer an array of advanced test construction and modeling methodologies to researchers and practitioners. And it describes new methods in handling both large and small data sets.

Measurement Theory and Practice in Kinesiology provides a contemporary reference on measurement issues. The authors take both a broad and focused look at measurement issues in the physical domain. Readers learn about the tools that can facilitate their more advanced work, particularly with regard to statistical techniques, and learn practical applications in areas such as educational assessment and preemployment physical testing.

The book is divided into four parts. Part I introduces readers to measurement basics, including validity, reliability, and test construction. Part II explores current issues in measurement, including ethical issues, computerized adaptive testing, item bias, and scaling and equating measures. Part III focuses on advanced statistical techniques, including analysis of large and small data sets, analysis of longitudinal data, and structural equation modeling and its applications. In part IV, the authors look at measurement in practice, current issues in physical education, measurement of physical activity, measurement issues in the clinical setting, epidemiology and physical activity, and preemployment physical testing.

With this simple yet sophisticated approach, Measurement Theory and Practice in Kinesiology can be used by students in graduate-level introductory measurement courses or as a reference by researchers and clinicians in the allied health professions.


A reference for measurement specialists, exercise scientists, clinical researchers, clinicians, and physical education teachers. Text for graduate-level introductory measurement courses in kinesiology.

List of Contributors

Part I Measurement Basics
Chapter 1 Introduction
Terry M. Wood

-Evolution of Measurement Theory and Practice

-Measurement in Practice

Chapter 2 Validity
David A. Rowe and Matthew T. Mahar

-Definitional Stage

-Confirmatory Stage

-Theory-Testing Stage

-Reporting Validity

Chapter 3 Reliability and Error of Measurement
Ted A. Baumgartner

-Reliability Considerations

-Reliability Estimation for Norm-Referenced Physical Performance Tests

-Standard Error of Measurement for Norm-Referenced Physical Performance Tests

-Reliability Estimation for Criterion-Referenced Physical Performance Tests

-Reliability Estimates for Scores From Knowledge Tests and Questionnaires

-Other Reliability Topics

Chapter 4 Constructing Tests Using Item Response Theory
Weimo Zhu

-What Is IRT?

-Commonly Used IRT Models

-Assumptions Related to IRT

-Estimation of Item and Ability Parameters

-Addressing Model–Data Fit

-Some Unique Features and Advantages of IRT

-Item Bank and IRT-Based Test Construction

-Kinesiology Applications


-IRT Limitations and Future Direction

Part II Current Issues in Measurement
Chapter 5 Ethical Issues in Measurement
Patricia Patterson

-Ethical Standards

-Technical Standards

-Construct Validity

-Example 1: Ethics and the Measurement of Physical Activity (PA)

-Example 2: Ethics and the Measurement of Effective Coaching

-Example 3: Ethics in Performance Assessments

Chapter 6 Scaling, Equating, and Linking to Make Measures Interpretable
Weimo Zhu


-Equating and Linking

-Equating Methods

-Kinesiology Applications and Future Research Directions

Chapter 7 Item Bias and Differential Item Functioning
Allan Cohen

-Bias and Differential Item Functioning

-Multidimensional Framework for DIF

-Detecting DIF

-Measures of the Amount of DIF

-Areas of Future DIF Research

Chapter 8 Computerized Adaptive Testing
Richard C. Gershon and Betty A. Bergstrom

-Introduction to Computer-Based Testing

-Historical Background of Adaptive Testing

-Advantages of CAT

-Process of CAT

-Critical Issues in Constructing and Maintaining CAT

-CAT Today

Part III Advanced Statistical Techniques
Chapter 9 Structural Equation Modeling and Its Applications in Exercise Science Research
Fuzhong Li and Peter Harmer

-Structural Equation Models

-Example Applications

-Extended Topics

Chapter 10 Repeated Measures and Longitudinal Data Analysis
Ilhyeok Park and Robert W. Schutz

-Analysis of Variance for Repeated Measures Designs

-Hierarchical Linear Modeling With Longitudinal Data

-Structural Equation Modeling With Longitudinal Data

-Comparison Among Statistical Models: ANOVA vs. HLM vs. LCM

-Analysis of Change in the Near Future

Chapter 11 Analyzing Very Large and Very Small Data Sets
Weimo Zhu and Anre Venter

-Analyzing Very Large Data Sets

-Analyzing Very Small Data Sets


-Resources: Some Useful Web Links
Part IV Measurement in Practice
Chapter 12 Current Issues in Physical Education
Terry M. Wood

-Educational Reform and Assessment Practice

-Understanding New Assessment Practice

-Measurement Issues

-Evidence for Validity of Performance Assessments

Chapter 13 Measuring Physical Activity
Michael J. LaMonte, Barbara E. Ainsworth, and Jared P. Reis


-Conceptual Framework for Physical Activity Measurement

-Measures of Energy Expenditure

-Direct Measures of Energy Expenditure

-Measures of Physical Activity

-Selecting a Method of Measurement

Chapter 14 Epidemiology and Physical Activity
Richard A. Washburn, Rod K. Dishman, and Gregory Heath

-Physical Activity Epidemiology—A Historical Perspective

-Concepts and Methods in Physical Activity Epidemiology

-Evaluating Associations in Epidemiologic Studies

-Determining Cause in Epidemiologic Studies

Chapter 15 Measurement Issues in the Clinical Setting
Marilyn A. Looney

-Evaluating Test Performance

-Evaluating the Diagnostic Accuracy of Tests

-Major Sources of Bias Affecting the Size of Diagnostic Statistics

Chapter 16 Preemployment Physical Testing
Andrew S. Jackson

-Legal Issues

-Validation Study

About the Editors

Terry M. Wood, PhD, is emeritus associate professor in the department of nutrition and exercise sciences at Oregon State University in Corvallis, Oregon. He has 20 years of experience in teaching, researching, and practicing measurement at Oregon State University and has coauthored two other books on measurement theory and practice. In addition, he has authored chapters in measurement practice texts; has written more than 40 refereed research articles, abstracts, and proceedings on measurement topics; and has given 65 professional presentations on measurement topics at the local, regional, national, and international levels.

Dr. Wood is the former chair of the AAHPERD Measurement and Evaluation Council, and he served as president of the International Society for Measurement and Evaluation. He is a member of AAHPERD and has been a member of a number of other professional associations in educational research and measurement as well as the American College of Sports Medicine.

Weimo Zhu, PhD, is currently an associate professor in the department of kinesiology and community health at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and a visiting professor at Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education and Shanghai Institute of Physical Education, both in China. His major area of research is measurement and evaluation in kinesiology.

Dr. Zhu's primary research interests are in the study and application of new measurement theories (e.g., item response theory) and models to the field of kinesiology. His research works have earned him international recognition. He served as the measurement section editor of the Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport from 1999 to 2005, and he is a fellow of the American Academy of Kinesiology and Physical Education, American College of Sports Medicine, and Research Consortium, AAHPERD. He is a member of the Science Board of the President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports and the Fitnessgram/Activitygram Advisory Committee. He is also a member of the editorial board for three other journals and serves on the executive committees of several national and international professional organizations. Dr. Zhu was the chair of the Measurement and Evaluation Council, AAHPERD. Currently, Dr. Zhu is also examining the application of advanced measurement and statistical techniques to several measurement issues in the area of public health. A tangible practical application of Zhu's theoretical work has been his work in the assessment of physical activity, and he is exploring a new idea (physical activity space) and technologies (voice recognition and automatic scoring) to solve the problems raised.


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