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Massive, Muscular Arms epub

Scientifically Proven Strategies for Bigger Biceps, Triceps, and Forearms

Author: David Barr

$37.95 CAD

$37.95 CAD

ISBN: 9781718200883


Page Count: 288

Access Duration: 10 Years

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Building strong, muscular arms takes more than hard work and dedication. It also takes a plan—one rooted in science, based on the latest research, and proven to deliver results. Massive, Muscular Arms: Scientifically Proven Strategies for Bigger Biceps, Triceps, and Forearms is that plan and so much more.

Massive, Muscular Arms takes an in-depth look at the underlying principles of biomechanics and anatomy to provide you with a better understanding of why your results may have stagnated and how small adjustments to the most common arm exercises can make them more effective. You will learn about the importance of training for strength and why low-rep strength work is a necessary component to building more aesthetically impressive arms.

Packed with over 65 exercises designed to work deep into the muscles, you will be able to substitute selected exercises into your existing program or follow one of the six featured training programs (for novices and experienced lifters alike) that are designed to blast through plateaus and take your arm development up a notch.

Author David Barr, a certified strength and conditioning coach who has over two decades of experience in strength and conditioning, also provides you with sidebars that debunk the popular myths that are associated with arm training. Safety considerations for more advanced exercises and advice on how to perform exercises correctly and reduce risk of injury are also included.

Let Massive, Muscular Arms help you take your training to the next level!


Serious weight trainers and bodybuilders as well as athletes and fitness enthusiasts who are interested in developing bigger, more defined arms; reference for professionals, including strength coaches and personal trainers.
Introduction: Why Arms?

Part I. The Science
Chapter 1. Biceps, Triceps, and Forearms: Know the Goal
Chapter 2. The Science Says . . . : A Smarter Way to Train
Chapter 3. Whole-Body Integration

Part II. The Exercises
Chapter 4. Triceps Exercises
Chapter 5. Biceps Exercises
Chapter 6. Forearm Exercises
Chapter 7. Nontraditional Exercises
Chapter 8. Recovery Optimization

Part III. The Programs
Chapter 9. Gym-Based Programming
Chapter 10. Limited-Equipment Training
Chapter 11. Advanced Programming
David Barr, CSCS, has been involved in the field of strength and conditioning for more than two decades, working with athletes ranging from young children to NHL players later inducted into the Hockey Hall of Fame. His research background includes work for NASA at the Johnson Space Center as well as clinical research on the effect of protein and amino acid supplements on muscle growth and recovery. He has also gleaned unique insight from his time working for the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) and the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA), where he was an instructor for the top-tier certification, the Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS).

Barr has published peer-reviewed research as well as dozens of print and online articles for, T Nation, Elite FTS, and others. He has also published four books and four textbook chapters, including the protein chapter of NSCA’s Guide to Sport and Exercise Nutrition, Second Edition. He served as a technical advisor for Muscle & Fitness magazine, where he provided insider tips and tricks from the fitness models, bodybuilders, and figure competitors he worked with.

Barr is currently a master instructor for Pain-Free Performance Specialist Certification (PPSC), which allows him to travel the world helping personal trainers and strength coaches achieve lifelong pain-free performance.
“Is there a secret to building big arms? Yes, Massive, Muscular Arms shows you what you need to know to trigger more arm growth, and the workouts that will make a visual impact."
—Nick Tumminello, Author of Your Workout Perfected

“David Barr provides you with the tools to maximize arm strength and size. Massive, Muscular Arms provides both the foundation and the progressions necessary to develop stellar arms."
—Jonathan Mike, PhD, CSCS*D, NSCA-CPT*D, USAW, NKT-2, Exercise Science Professor at Grand Canyon University

“Want innovative, science-based training to build MONSTER arms? Then you’ve found it in Massive, Muscular Arms!”
—Nick Nilsson, the “Mad Scientist of Muscle”

“David Barr has done it again with a great book that covers all aspects of massive arm development, from nutrition to training plans to recovery. Highly recommend this book.”
—Mike T. Nelson, PhD, MSME, CSCS*D, ISSN, Associate Professor at the Carrick Institute

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