Managing Sport Facilities 5th Edition HKPropel Access
Author: Gil B. Fried, Matthew Kastel
$41.95 CAD

To assist students using the text, the fifth edition of Managing Sport Facilities has related online learning activities delivered through HKPropel. These activities include the following:
- An updated case study, Gil’s Sportsplex, incorporates strategic planning, construction, financial analysis, and more.
- End-of-chapter assignments combine to form a semester-long project related to the construction or renovation of a sports facility.
- A crowd management certification can be obtained by watching a series of videos on this crucial skill and passing a short quiz.
- Day in the Life bonus content asks students to create a day planner for an event.
- Sample blueprints illustrate the anatomy of a sport facility.
- A catalog of YouTube videos provides virtual tours and instructive information for students.