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Lifeguard Vigilance Training DVD

$54.98 CAD $109.95 CAD

$54.98 CAD

ISBN: 9780736068703

The Lifeguard Vigilance Training DVD helps ensure lifeguards meet the challenges of staying alert and prepared while on the job. For the first time ever, two videos, Disappearing Dummies: Why Lifeguards Can't See and the Five Minute Scanning Strategy, are combined conveniently on one DVD. World-renowned aquatic safety expert Dr. Tom Griffiths explains the challenges caused by visual body blindness and introduces new techniques to stay more alert and focused while lifeguarding.

The first portion of the video features Disappearing Dummies: Why Lifeguards Can't See. In this video, viewers learn how and why it is so difficult to detect bodies on the bottom of swimming pools—even when the water is crystal clear. The straightforward illustration of the phenomenon of visual body blindness is startling, even for viewers with many years of aquatic experience. Based on this evidence, the video introduces and prioritizes bottom sweeps as a way to prevent drowning accidents.

In the second portion of the video, Dr. Tom Griffiths introduces his systematic approach to lifeguard surveillance called the Five Minute Scanning Strategy. This strategy is based on years of scientific research and studies done with thousands of lifeguards around the world. Lifeguards will stay more awake and more alert by employing this revolutionary strategy. This technique has been proven so effective that it is now a requirement for all 35,000 Ellis & Associates lifeguards and Starfish Aquatics StarGuard lifeguards worldwide.

This DVD first proves the difficulty of seeing and identifying a body at the bottom of the pool, then teaches rescuers the tools they need to stay more alert to make the difficult task of lifeguarding more manageable. This video is a must-see for all water safety professionals, including lifeguards, managers, and supervisors. The length and ease of delivery make this video perfect for in-service training. The advice and expertise of Tom Griffiths is invaluable for any aquatic safety professional.


A video for people involved in water safety, including lifeguards, managers, supervisors, and parents.

Tom Griffiths, EdD, is the director of aquatics and safety officer for athletics at Penn State University. He is also the founder of Aquatic Safety Research Group. He has been involved in all phases of aquatics and water safety for 30 years and has published more than 300 articles. Dr. Griffiths offers training and education programs specializing in risk management and aquatic safety. He has been called on numerous times as an expert witness in a variety of aquatic injury, diving accident, and drowning cases. In 2004, Dr. Griffiths was hired by the United States government to teach a variety of water safety topics on U.S. naval bases in Japan.

Dr. Griffiths has authored a number of books and has been the lead investigator for the National Lifeguard Survey since 1994. He was given the Distinguished Aquatic Professional award from the NRPA in 2003 and the Paragon Aquatic Safety Award from the International Swimming Hall of Fame in 2004. He has also been named a Friend of the Academy by the European Lifeguarding Association.

Dr. Griffiths' Five Minute Scanning Strategy is a requirement for all 35,000 Ellis & Associates lifeguards and Starfish Aquatics StarGuard lifeguards worldwide. His teachings and scanning strategies even gave rise to the development of new lifeguard stations to allow lifeguards to incorporate his strategies into their daily routines. He is recognized worldwide as an aquatic safety expert and is known as a dynamic, informative, and inspiring presenter.

About Human Kinetics Aquatic Education Center
The Human Kinetics Aquatic Education Center (AEC) was created in 2006 in cooperation with the Starfish Aquatics Institute. The AEC is dedicated to developing and delivering books, online courses, DVDs, and other resources designed to help save lives and promote aquatic activities worldwide. The AEC can be found on the Web at

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