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Lesson Planning for Skills-Based Health Education With Web Resource

Meeting Secondary-Level National Standards

$80.95 CAD

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Paperback With Online Resource
$80.95 CAD

ISBN: 9781492558040


Page Count: 312

Lesson Planning for Skills-Based Health Education is a highly practical and useful resource for middle school and high school health educators looking for innovative and tried-and-true ways to implement a skills-based approach to health education.

The text—written by renowned authors Sarah Benes and Holly Alperin, along with experts in the field, including many SHAPE America Teacher of the Year honorees—offers effective, skills-based learning activities, lessons, units, and assessments that you can use in your classroom as they are or with modifications to meet the needs of your students. You can use this text to build a completely new curriculum or to supplement your existing curriculum, providing a smooth transition from a content-based approach to a skills-based approach. The authors explain the rationale and foundation for making that transition, putting the lesson plans, activities, and assessments in context for you as you learn how to implement a skills-based approach.

The 64 lessons and activities in Lesson Planning for Skills-Based Health Education have been

• created by the authors and a number of experienced teachers broadly recognized for their expertise in skills-based health education,

• organized to map to the skills in the National Health Education Standards and aligned with a five-step skill-development model

• designed to be flexible and adaptable to meet the needs of a wide range of educators, from those wanting a complete new curriculum to those wanting to simply supplement their existing curriculum while meeting the needs of all students.

Lesson Planning for Skills-Based Health Education is an ideal companion to The Essentials of Teaching Health Education, another book by Benes and Alperin, which presents teaching and assessment strategies for planning and implementing a skills-based approach to teaching health education. Together, these two books can help you effectively teach skills-based health education from day one.

Lesson Planning for Skills-Based Health Education offers a detailed, easy-to-use learning activity template and employs a teacher-friendly format that has been proven effective in the field. It comes with a web resource that has digital versions of the many reproducible forms in the text.

The text is organized into two parts. Part I delves into key aspects of planning, implementing, and assessing a skills-based approach, offering you a strong foundation in the core concepts of the approach. Each of the part II chapters is devoted to a skill addressed in the National Health Education Standards, providing you with the following material:

• An overview of the skill

• Key considerations for teaching the skill

• A unit outline

• Assessments

• Lesson plans

• Learning activities

Lesson Planning for Skills-Based Health Education offers you all you need to put a skills-based approach into practice: the solid foundational information that explains the concepts and the resources, tools, and strategies to help you implement the lesson plans and activities that will aid your students in developing proficiency in the skills emphasized in the national standards. Through this text, you will be able to offer instruction that challenges your students and provides them with opportunities to meet the standards in a classroom environment that is engaging, thought provoking, and relevant.

Human Kinetics is proud to publish this book in association with SHAPE America, the national organization that defines excellence for school-based health and physical education professionals across the United States.


Resource for K-12 health education teachers and administrators. Supplemental text for undergraduate- and graduate-level health education teaching methods courses.

Part I. Skills-Based Health Education: An Overview

Chapter 1. Skills-Based Health Education: An Overview

Alignment With the National Health Education Standards

Skill Development and Assessment

Participatory Methods

Functional Information

Chapter 2. Designing Your Health Curriculum

Eight Steps of Curriculum Design

Using This Text

Part II. Skills in the Classroom

Chapter 3. Developing the Skill of Accessing Valid and Reliable Information, Products, and Services to Enhance Students’ Health

Skill Overview

Skill Cues

Unit Outline


Lesson Plans

Lesson 1: To Trust or Not To Trust

Lesson 2: ACCESSing Valid and Reliable Information, Products, and Services

Lesson 3: Grocery Games

Lesson 4: Is It Healthy?

Lessons 5 and 6: Podcasts

Lessons 7 and 8: Who and What Is in My Neighborhood?

Bonus Activity

Chapter 4. Helping Students to Analyze Influences on Their Health

Skill Overview

Skill Cues

Unit Outline


Lesson Plans

Lesson 1: Influences, Influences, All Around

Lesson 2: Web of Influences

Lesson 3: What Would You Do?

Lesson 4: Perceptions, Norms, and Behavior

Lesson 5: Exploring the Impact of Media

Lessons 6 and 7: Media: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Lesson 8: Social Media and Technology

Chapter 5. Developing Interpersonal Communication Skills for Health and Wellness

Skill Overview

Skill Cues

Unit Outline


Lesson Plans

Lesson 1: I Wish I Could Talk To . . .

Lesson 2: What Does Effective Communication Look Like, Sound Like, Feel Like?

Lesson 3: Identifying Effective Communication

Lesson 4: Fishing for Healthy Relationships

Lesson 5: Real Life Relationships

Lesson 6: What’s Your Story?

Lessons 7, 8, 9, and 10: Let’s Communicate Together!

Chapter 6. Developing the Skill of Decision Making to Improve Health Outcomes

Skill Overview

Skill Cues

Unit Outline


Lesson Plans

Lesson 1: Decisions, What Decisions?

Lesson 2: How Do I DECIDE What to Do?

Lesson 3: Using Ethical Tests to Make Decisions

Lessons 4 and 5: Alcohol, Tobacco, and Illegal Drug Webquest

Lesson 6: Revisiting the Scene of the Party

Lessons 7 and 8: Let’s Make a Decision

Lesson 9: Let’s Enjoy Some Comics

Chapter 7. Learning to Set Goals to Enhance Our Health

Skill Overview

Skill Cues

Unit Outline


Lesson Plans

Lesson 1: There Is Life After High School . . . Where Do You Want It to Lead?

Lesson 2: Introduction to the Dimensions of Wellness

Lesson 3: Dimensions of Wellness Self-Assessment

Lesson 4: Got Goals?

Lesson 5: Creating a Vision

Lesson 6: Recruit Your Champions

Lesson 7: Goal Check—Revisit, Reevaluate, and Revise (if Needed)

Lessons 8 and 9: One SMART Celebration

Chapter 8. Self-Management for a Healthy Lifestyle

Skill Overview

Skill Cues

Unit Outline


Lesson Plans

Lesson 1: Developing Healthy Habits

Lesson 2: Happiness Is Healthy

Lesson 3: Strategies for Increasing Happiness

Lesson 4: Strategies for Increasing Happiness (Continued)

Lesson 5: Healthy Mind, Healthy Me

Lesson 6: Understanding Mental Health

Lesson 7: When to Seek Help and Where to Find It

Lesson 8: Sharing Is Caring

Chapter 9. Teaching Students Advocacy Skills to Improve Health

Skill Overview

Skill Cues

Unit Outline


Lesson Plans

Lesson 1: What Is Advocacy?

Lesson 2: Becoming an Advocate

Lesson 3: Data, Data Everywhere!

Lesson 4: Finding Evidence

Lesson 5: Advocacy Action

Lesson 6: Peer Feedback

Lesson 7: Collaborating for a Cause

Lesson 8: The Finishing Touches

Lesson 9: Assessment—Advocacy in Action

Sarah Sparrow Benes, EdD, CHES, is a senior director and lecturer in graduate health sciences at Merrimack College. Sarah teaches a variety of undergraduate- and graduate-level courses in health sciences, does service projects in local communities, and conducts research on health education and physical activity in schools. Dr. Benes was the program director for physical and health education programs at Boston University for six years before coming to Merrimack College. She has numerous publications in refereed journals and has written chapters examining health education; she has also made more than a dozen presentations on skills-based health education and related topics at state and regional conferences. Sarah serves on a variety of health education committees, including the health education council for SHAPE America (Society of Health and Physical Educators) and is the former vice president of health education for the Massachusetts Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. Benes is consulted by school districts on health and wellness issues, with a focus on skills-based curriculum development and implementation. She is a certified health education specialist and a member of SHAPE America. Sarah received a bachelor degree in athletic training from the University of Connecticut, a master degree in education from Boston University, and a doctorate in curriculum and teaching from Boston University; she is currently working on a master of public health degree. She lives in Natick, Massachusetts, with her husband, two daughters, and yellow Labrador retriever. She enjoys spending time with her family on nature walks and enjoying the sights and sounds of the Northeast.

Holly Alperin, EdM, MCHES, is a clinical associate professor at the University of New Hampshire (UNH) and has over 20 years’ experience in both public health and education. As a faculty member and program coordinator of the department of kinesiology’s health and physical education teacher preparation program, she focuses on preparing preservice educators to teach using a skills-based approach. Prior to UNH, she worked at the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education in a variety of roles that supported schools in their efforts to strengthen policies and increase capacity around school health education and programs, school nutrition programs, and professional learning experiences for educators. Through her work at the local, state, national, and international levels she provides guidance to schools as they create a culture of health and well-being for each student—both in the health education classroom and throughout the school. Alperin is the past vice president of health education for New Hampshire Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, currently serves on the taskforce to revise the National Health Education Standards, and is the past-chair of the Health Education Council for SHAPE America, among other volunteer roles. Alperin received her master’s in education in policy, planning, and administration from Boston University and her bachelor’s degree in health education and health promotion from Central Michigan University. She holds the Master Certified Health Education Specialist (MCHES) credential. She lives in New Hampshire with her husband and two daughters. In her free time you can likely find her in the mountains or at the beach enjoying the best New England has to offer.

The web resource includes digital versions of reproducible forms in English and Spanish.