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Leisure Services Financial Management PDF With Web Resource

$66.95 CAD

Ebook With Online Resource
$66.95 CAD

ISBN: 9781492575924


Page Count: 248

Access Duration: 10 Years

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Leisure Services Financial Management equips students and professionals with the knowledge and skills to plan, implement, analyze, and report on the financial operations of leisure service agencies, businesses, and organizations. This unique text examines financial management systems, standards, and practices in recreation, leisure, tourism, and related fields, making it an essential reference for both future and current professionals.

Leisure Services Financial Management prepares students for the roles and responsibilities of entry-level to middle managers in public, private, and nonprofit sectors of the leisure service industry. Readers will learn

• foundational knowledge used in economics, accounting, finance, and marketing;

• the technical and technological skills involved in managing the financial aspects of a leisure service agency, organization, or business;

• how to develop a financial management philosophy and practice ethical financial management; and

• interpersonal skills useful for financial managers interacting with various stakeholders on fund-raising and development initiatives.

Leisure Services Financial Management presents current financial management approaches, giving students an understanding of the differences in accounting methodologies and financial report methods across the private, nonprofit, and public sectors. By examining and working with varied examples of financial reports and analyses, students gain experience in creating and interpreting a range of financial report models.

A comprehensive package of online ancillaries, including an instructor guide, presentation package, and test package, assists instructors in delivering engaging lectures, facilitating class discussion, and creating effective assessment tools. The instructor guide includes chapter overviews, learning objectives, glossary terms and definitions, learning activities, critical thinking questions, case studies, web links to additional resources, and sample financial reports to assist instructors in planning lectures and student assignments.

A student web resource offers a range of learning resources, including learning activities that replicate the work professionals do on the job. The student web resource also contains examples of management case studies, which offer insights into the realities of the economic, political, and financial workings of the leisure service industry. Both the instructor guide and student web resource contain sample financial reports from each sector (private, public, and nonprofit). Included with each of these reports are problem-solving activities, which provide students with practice in reading, understanding, and analyzing financial reports similar to those they will encounter as professionals. Problem-solving activities in each sample report help students show their understanding of how to interpret these financial reports.

Leisure Services Financial Management offers students in-depth discussion of the knowledge and skills necessary for beginning a career in the varied and dynamic leisure service industry. This foundational guide to financial management will serve as an essential resource to both future and current professionals in the leisure industry.

Chapter 1. The Leisure Services Environment

Leisure and Leisure Services Financial Management Defined

How Leisure Services Began in the United States

Leisure Services Sectors

Challenges Facing Managers Today


Chapter 2. Managing Resources

Basic Economics

Basic Finance


Chapter 3. The Art of Accountancy

History of Accounting


Posting Transactions

Codes of Ethics and Conduct

Dimensions of Complexity in Leisure Services Accounting


Chapter 4. The Private Sector

How Greed and Power Affect Business Management

Size of the Private Sector

Focus on Customer Needs

Making a Profit

Debt Versus Equity

Taking on New Owners


Chapter 5. Private-Sector Accounting

Accounting Standards

Generally Accepted Accounting Principles

Advanced Financial Accounting Concepts


Reading Important Financial Reports


Chapter 6. Private-Sector Reporting and Analysis

Due Diligence


Financial Formulas


Chapter 7. The Nonprofit Sector

Noncharitable and Charitable Nonprofits

Nonprofit Charitable Status

Fund-Raising and Donations

Boards of Directors

Role of the Nonprofit Manager in Fund-Raising

Financial Challenges


Chapter 8. Nonprofit Accounting and Reporting

Fund Segregation

Fundamentals of Nonprofit Budgeting

Federal Reporting


Chapter 9. The Government Sector

Federal Government

State Government

Local Government


Chapter 10. Government-Sector Accounting

The GASB and the FASB

Annual Financial Reports

Special District CAFRs

Managing the Finances of Governmental Leisure Services


Chapter 11. Capital Financing and Construction Management

Capital Assets Financial Management

Sources of Financing for the Private Sector

How Nonprofits Fund Capital Improvements

How Governmental Units Fund Capital Improvements

Financing Public Projects Through Referenda

Managing Construction Projects


Chapter 12. Future Trends

Transparency Requirements

Online Scrutiny

Changes in Financial Reporting

Changes in Technology

Focus on Revenues


David N. Emanuelson, PhD, has three decades of experience working in the leisure services, serving for 12 years as department head of two parks and recreation departments in Illinois and Indiana and 20 years as a park district executive director in Illinois.

Emanuelson also taught courses in parks and recreation administration, public administration and political science for 14 years. Before retiring, Emanuelson held the post of assistant professor at George Williams College of Aurora University, teaching administration, financial management, commercial recreation, facility management, and the economics of parks and recreation. Emanuelson currently works as a consultant in the leisure service industry.

In 2003, he received the Gold Medal Award for Excellence in Parks and Recreation Management and has received nine consecutive Certificates of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Accounting. He is a member of the National Recreation and Park Association, Illinois Park and Recreation Association, Wisconsin Park and Recreation Association, Midwest Political Science Association, and the honorary fraternities Rho Phi Lambda, Pi Alpha Alpha, and Beta Gamma Sigma.

Emanuelson worked closely with his wife, Sharon, on the creation of this book. They reside in DeKalb, Illinois, and enjoy traveling, boating, water sports, and golf.

All ancillaries are free to adopting instructors and available online.

Instructor guide. Includes an overview of each chapter, learning objectives, glossary terms, and learning activities that replicate the work professionals do on the job. A list of critical thinking questions help students develop a logical and realistic solution. Case studies offer in-depth scenarios that present dilemmas for managers of leisure service organizations, agencies, and businesses. You will also receive sample financial reports to read and analyze as well as web links to additional resources.

Test package. Features a bank of at least 25 questions per chapter, including multiple-choice, true-or-false, fill-in-the-blank, and short-answer. The test package is available for use through multiple formats, including a learning management system, Respondus, and rich text.

Presentation package. Includes more than 235 PowerPoint slides of text and artwork that instructors can use for class discussion and illustration. The slides in the presentation package can be used directly in PowerPoint or be printed to make transparencies or handouts for distribution to students. Instructors can easily add, modify, and rearrange the order of the slides as well as search for slides based on key words.