Laban/Bartenieff Movement Studies-2nd Edition
Contemporary Applications
Author: Colleen Wahl
$89.95 CAD Ebook
$70.95 CAD
The second edition of Laban/Bartenieff Movement Studies: Contemporary Applications offers a framework for understanding movement as it influences our perceptions of ourselves and others. Readers will be guided through the framework so that they learn what movement analysis is, how it works, and how they can use it in their daily lives.
Now updated to include the following:
- Expanded coverage of the foundations of Laban/Bartenieff Movement Analysis (L/BMA) theory and taxonomy
- New contributed essays from experts in the dance field and beyond
- Further explanation of initiation
- Addition of space harmony
- New appendix providing a brief overview of motif
An essential resource for L/BMA, this text provides a wealth of information about the many applications of movement analysis: developing a fuller range of movement and expression in the moving body, developing choreography, coaching and teaching movement, observing and describing how movement is meaningful, and more.
Organized into three parts, Laban/Bartenieff Movement Studies, Second Edition, takes readers through the history and guiding concepts of L/BMA in part I. In part II, readers explore the four categories of the L/BMA framework—body, effort, shape, and space—as well as phrasing. This section provides an understanding of the elements of movement and focuses on why each element is useful. Part III integrates what was learned in parts I and II into a comprehensive picture of human movement and applies it to daily life in meaningful ways, including new application essays from certified Laban/Bartenieff Movement Analysts.
With Laban/Bartenieff Movement Studies, Second Edition, readers will learn to perceive human movement with greater nuance and specificity through observation and interpretation.