Kinetic Anatomy 3rd Edition Loose-Leaf Edition
Author: Robert Behnke
$85.95 CAD
This is the loose-leaf version of Kinetic Anatomy, Third Edition, which offers students an affordable, printed version of the text. Other binding options are listed on the right side of the page.
Created primarily for those who will work in physical activity fields, the third edition of Kinetic Anatomy continues to build on its previous editions to assert itself as the ideal resource for learning structural anatomy and how it affects movement. The text gives students a firm concept of musculoskeletal anatomy by systematically assembling each component of the human body. Layer by layer, readers will study bones, ligaments, joints, and muscles on the bones, as well as the nerves and blood vessels that supply these muscles that are essential for movement.
Kinetic Anatomy, Third Edition, includes coverage of three major structures that are not often considered when studying the anatomy of movement: the brain, heart, and lungs. As the centerpieces for the nervous, cardiovascular, and respiratory systems, these structures are essential to human movement and are highlighted throughout the text where appropriate. In addition, other fundamental features make this resource a valuable tool for learning and teaching human anatomy:
• A one-year subscription to Musculoskeletal Anatomy Review, an online anatomy program, provides an interactive forum for reviewing regional structural anatomy.
• A new chapter on the head completes the regional approach followed in the text.
• More information on muscle and motor units helps broaden information on movement potential in selected sport activities.
• Expanded discussion on joint strength and movement and the function of muscles (agonists, antagonists, stabilizers, and synergists), levers, and exercise supports understanding of how the human body is constructed.
• Full-color photos and illustrations enhance the learning experience.
• New Functional Movement Exercises provide students with the opportunity for practical application of their studies by asking them to identify the prime mover, antagonist, fixator, and synergist muscle in a particular movement.
• Hands On exercises throughout the book offer students practice in physically identifying anatomical structures on themselves or on a partner.
Included with each new text is a key code allowing students one-year access to the online anatomy program Musculoskeletal Anatomy Review. This engaging supplement to the text offers a regional review of structural anatomy with exceptionally detailed, high-quality graphic images—the majority provided by Primal Pictures. Students can mouse over muscles and click for muscle identification, and each chapter features a pretest and posttest evaluation to help students pinpoint knowledge gaps and test their retention. The pretest can be taken multiple times and is generated randomly so it will never be the same, but the posttest may be taken only once. Test results can be printed and turned in so instructors have the option to use the tests as a grading tool.
To further facilitate learning, each chapter in the book concludes with a review of the key terms referred to in the chapter, suggested learning activities, and review questions in multiple-choice and fill-in-the-blank formats. The ansswers to the questions are provided at the end of the book. For instructors, a new image bank accompanies the updated instructor guide and test package to aid in delivering the course content.
Kinetic Anatomy, Third Edition, is an outstanding introductory resource for those who plan to specialize in any field related to physical activity. Readers will learn what structures are involved in movement and how those structures should function, allowing them to identify problems and correct them to enhance physical activity.
Undergraduate students taking an introductory course in structural anatomy, including those studying exercise science, kinesiology, sports medicine, or physical education; secondary school students studying human anatomy; also a reference for professionals requiring knowledge of anatomy pertaining to human movement.
Part I General Concepts of Anatomy
Chapter 1 Structures
Blood Vessels
Other Tissues
Motor Unit
Learning Aids
Chapter 2 Movement
Anatomical Locations
Planes and Axes
Fundamental Movements
Learning Aids
Part II Upper Extremity
Chapter 3 The Shoulder
Bones of the Shoulder Girdle
Bones of the Shoulder Joint
Joints and Ligaments of the Shoulder Girdle
Ligaments of the Shoulder Joint
Other Ligaments of the Shoulder
Fundamental Movements and Muscles of the Shoulder Girdle
Fundamental Movements and Muscles of the Shoulder Joint
Combined Actions of the Shoulder Girdle and Shoulder Joint
Learning Aids
Chapter 4 The Elbow and Forearm
Bones of the Elbow and Forearm
Joints and Ligaments of the Elbow and Forearm
Fundamental Movements and Muscles of the Elbow and Forearm
Learning Aids
Chapter 5 The Wrist and Hand
Bones of the Wrist and Hand
Joints and Ligaments of the Wrist and Hand
Fundamental Movements of the Wrist and Hand
Extrinsic Muscles of the Wrist and Hand
Intrinsic Muscles of the Hand
Muscles of the Thumb
Learning Aids
Chapter 6 Nerves and Blood Vessels of the Upper Extremity
Nerves of the Brachial Plexus
Major Arteries of the Upper Extremity
Major Veins of the Upper Extremity
Learning Aids
Part II Summary Tables
Articulations of the Upper Extremity
Muscles, Nerves, and Blood Supply of the Upper Extremity
Part III The Head, Spinal Column, Thorax, and Pelvis
Chapter 7 The Head
Bones of the Head
Joints of the Head
Ligaments of the Head
Fundamental Movements and Muscles of the Head
Learning Aids
Chapter 8 The Spinal Column and Pelvis
Bones of the Spinal Column
Ligaments of the Spinal Column
Fundamental Movements and Muscles of the Spinal Column
Bones of the Pelvis
Ligaments of the Pelvis
Fundamental Movements and Muscles of the Pelvis
Learning Aids
Chapter 9 The Thorax
Bones of the Thorax
Joints and Ligaments of the Thorax
Fundamental Movements and Muscles of the Thorax
Structures Within the Thorax
Learning Aids
Chapter 10 Nerves and Blood Vessels of the Head, Spinal Column, Thorax, Heart, and Lungs
The Brain
Peripheral Nervous System
Arteries of the Head and Brain
Veins of the Head and Brain
Nerves of the Thorax and Trunk
Arteries of the Thorax and Trunk
Veins of the Thorax and Trunk
Nerves, Arteries, and Veins of the Heart and Lungs
Learning Aids
Part III Summary Tables
Articulations of the Head, Spinal Column, Thorax, and Pelvis
Muscles, Nerves, and Blood Supply of the Head, Thorax, and Spinal Column
Part IV Lower Extremity
Chapter 11 The Hip and Thigh
Bones of the Hip Joint and Thigh
Ligaments of the Hip Joint
Fundamental Movements of the Hip Joint
Muscles of the Hip Joint and Upper Leg
Learning Aids
Chapter 12 The Knee
Bones of the Knee
Ligaments of the Knee
Menisci of the Knee
Fundamental Movements of the Knee and Lower Leg
Muscles of the Knee and Lower Leg
Learning Aids
Chapter 13 The Lower Leg, Ankle, and Foot
Bones of the Lower Leg
Bones of the Foot
Joints and Ligaments of the Ankle and Foot
Fundamental Movements of the Lower Leg, Ankle, and Foot
Muscles of the Lower Leg, Ankle, and Foot
Learning Aids
Chapter 14 Nerves and Blood Vessels of the Lower Extremity
Nerves of the Lumbosacral Plexus
Major Arteries of the Lower Extremity
Major Veins of the Lower Extremity
Learning Aids
Part IV Summary Tables
Articulations of the Lower Extremity
Muscles, Nerves, and Blood Supply of the Lower Extremity
“The author displays a great deal of knowledge and an even better understanding of the subject, and is able to present the information very specifically in a way that is easy to understand.”
--Doody’s Book Review
Instructor guide. Includes chapter overviews, chapter objectives, lecture outlines, lecture aids, and additional activities that instructors can have students complete during class for practice or course credit. Suggested course outlines and a syllabus show instructors how to cover the text’s material in a semester.
Test package. Includes more than 600 questions in multiple-choice, true-or-false, and fill-in-the-blank formats. The test package is available for use through multiple formats, including a learning management system, Respondus, and rich text.
Image bank. Includes all of the figures, tables, and photos from the text, sorted by chapter, that can be used in developing a customized presentation based on specific course requirements or used in creating other learning aids for students.