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Kettlebell Training 2nd Edition Online CE Course With Print Book

$125.95 CAD

Online Course With Print Book
$125.95 CAD
Online Course With Ebook
$97.95 CAD

Online Course Without Book
$83.95 CAD

ISBN: 9781718226456


Approved Credits:

ACE 0.80AEA 6.00BCRPA 8.00BOC 7.50canfitpro 4.00CFES 17.00Contact Hours 8.00COPSKT 0.80CPTN 7.00CSEP 8.00FNB 8.00ISSA 8.00NASN 0.80NCSF 4.00NETA 8.00NFPT 1.60NSCA 1.20NSFA 8.00NSPA 8.00OFC 8.00SKESA 8.00SPRA 8.00
This package includes the following:
  • Kettlebell Training, Second Edition, book
  • Online study guide
  • Online continuing education exam
Kettlebells have been around for hundreds of years but have seen rapid international growth over the last decade. It is no wonder that kettlebells have become so popular across the world: They promote fat loss; provide an effective and inexpensive tool for improving mobility; increase endurance, strength, and power; and enhance sport performance.

Kettlebell Training, Second Edition, is an easy-to-use, no-nonsense guide for incorporating kettlebells into client workouts. You’ll learn how to exercise safely and efficiently to maximize results with 69 kettlebell programs—from beginner to advanced—for mobility, fat loss, endurance, strength, power, and sport performance. The nearly 100 included exercises are accompanied by step-by-step instructions, detailed photo sequences, and training tips—instantly accessible and perfect for working with clients in the gym or at home. You’ll also find common errors and error corrections as well as sport-specific cross-training programs.

The study guide includes learning activities, along with an answer key, to help you prepare for the course exam. Once you complete the course and pass the exam, you can print a certificate for continuing education credits.

Learning Objectives
  • Identify the benefits of kettlebell training.
  • Describe the properties of a kettlebell and the characteristics of kettlebell training.
  • Apply the FITT principle in designing a kettlebell training program.
  • Assess your clients’ readiness for kettlebell training and develop SMART goals.
  • Describe the purpose and design of a proper warm-up and cool-down.
  • Perform and teach basic, intermediate, and advanced kettlebell exercises.
  • Create a kettlebell fitness program.
  • Discuss energy systems and exercise principles for sport-specific training programs.
  • Recognize the components of kettlebell sport and competition.
  • Implement kettlebell training as a holistic approach to health and fitness.


Certified strength and conditioning professionals, personal trainers, athletic trainers, and other fitness professionals.

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