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Kettlebell Strength Training Anatomy Online CE Exam With Print Book

$125.95 CAD

Online Exam With Print Book
$125.95 CAD

ISBN: 9781718224070


Approved Credits:

This package includes the following:
  • Kettlebell Strength Training Anatomy book
  • Online continuing education exam
In Kettlebell Strength Training Anatomy, veteran chiropractic physician and former nationally ranked powerlifter Michael Hartle provides an inside look at kettlebell training. Breaking down the muscles and tendons used in each kettlebell exercise, Hartle helps you better understand the link between muscle development and performance.

From the deadlift to the snatch, you’ll find step-by-step instructions on how to execute the exercise, the muscles involved, the anatomical focus, and the level of difficulty. You’ll also find variations that allow you to modify the exercise to better fit your client’s specific needs. Over 100 full-color anatomical illustrations depict the muscles used in the exercises. The Exercise Focus element shows how the exercise translates to a specific sport or activity. And an entire chapter of mobility exercises will help you reestablish neuromuscular patterns needed in training sessions to facilitate better movement and prepare for further training.

With comprehensive coverage and expert insights, Kettlebell Strength Training Anatomy provides a blueprint for developing strength, increasing power, and improving mobility. It is the ultimate resource for optimizing kettlebell training.

After reading the book, certified professionals can take the companion CE exam to earn continuing education credits.

Learning Objectives
  • Explain the advantages of using kettlebells compared to other strength training methods.
  • List the steps for performing a correct deadlift and its variations.
  • Analyze the components of a safe kettlebell swing.
  • Describe the sequence to perform a competent clean and press maneuver.
  • Instruct on the important steps involved in the get-up maneuver.
  • Critique the different squat variations and apply the appropriate style for the client.
  • Compare the various versions of the kettlebell snatch.
  • Describe multiple pulling exercises that provide stimulus to the back and torso.
  • Identify the value of carry exercises for athletes.
  • Design a proper mobility sequence to prepare for the upcoming workout.


Certified strength and conditioning coaches, personal trainers, and other fitness professionals.
Chapter 1. Training With Kettlebells
Chapter 2. Deadlift
Chapter 3. Swing
Chapter 4. Clean and Press
Chapter 5. Get-Up
Chapter 6. Squat
Chapter 7. Snatch
Chapter 8. Row and Pull-Up
Chapter 9. Carry
Chapter 10. Mobility
Dr. Michael Hartle is a full-time chiropractic physician. He is also certified as a nutritionist (DACBN), chiropractic sports physician (CCSP), and strength and conditioning specialist (CSCS). He holds the Master Instructor certification from StrongFirst ( and is the co-developer of the StrongFirst SFL barbell certification. Dr. Michael travels around the United States and the world teaching barbell and kettlebell certification courses. He is also currently working toward his PhD in exercise science at Concordia University Chicago. He has been practicing in Fort Wayne, Indiana, for the last 27 years.

A former nationally ranked powerlifter who has won several national titles with USA Powerlifting (USAPL), Dr. Michael was the vice president of the organization for two years in addition to being the drug testing chairperson for five years. He was also the chairperson of their Sports Medicine Committee for over 20 years, a committee he created in 1994. Starting in 1998, he was the head coach of the USAPL world bench press team for eight years, coaching the U.S. team to the 2004 International Powerlifting Federation World Championship team title. His best competition lifts are 705-pound squat, 535-pound bench press, and 635-pound deadlift, with a best combined total of the three lifts of 1,840 pounds in the former 275-pound weight class. For the next 10 years, he was playing semi-pro football as a defensive tackle—and loving it! His football team, the Adams County Patriots, won the National AA Semi-Pro Football Championship in 2008 and were undefeated for two years straight.

He treats patients from babies to senior citizens, and he trains and advises athletes of all levels, from youth athletes to NCAA student-athletes and professional athletes. He coached junior high football and track and field, volunteering his time, for 16 years. He has three sons and three grandchildren who keep him busy with their personal endeavors, including crawling, hockey, football, lacrosse, track and field, and, of course, academics.

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