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Kettlebell Strength Training Anatomy

Author: Michael Hartle

$38.95 CAD

$38.95 CAD
$38.95 CAD

ISBN: 9781718208599


Page Count: 216

Reap the benefits of kettlebell training with Kettlebell Strength Training Anatomy! Used increasingly for strength training over the last decade, kettlebells enable you to mimic real-life movements, making it an extremely functional form of exercise. Unlike a dumbbell or barbell, where the weight is evenly distributed on both ends of the handle, the kettlebell has an asymmetrical design and offset center of gravity. Compensating for the uneven load requires that you put forth increased effort as you execute the exercise, thereby increasing strength, mobility, and stability.

In Kettlebell Strength Training Anatomy, veteran chiropractic physician and former nationally ranked powerlifter Michael Hartle provides an inside look at kettlebell training. Breaking down the muscles and tendons used in each exercise, Hartle helps you better understand the link between muscle development and performance.

From the deadlift to the snatch, you’ll find step-by-step instructions on how to execute the exercise, the muscles involved, the anatomical focus, and the level of difficulty. You’ll also find variations that allow you to modify the exercise to better fit your specific needs. Over 100 full-color anatomical illustrations depict the muscles used in the exercises. The Exercise Focus element shows how the exercise translates to a specific sport or activity. And an entire chapter of mobility exercises will help you reestablish neuromuscular patterns needed in your training session to help you move better and prepare yourself for further training.

With comprehensive coverage and expert insights, Kettlebell Strength Training Anatomy takes the guesswork out of training and provides a blueprint for developing strength, increasing power, and improving mobility. It is the ultimate resource for optimizing your kettlebell training.

Earn continuing education credits/units! A continuing education exam that uses this book is also available. It may be purchased separately or as part of a package that includes both the book and exam.


Athletes, weightlifters, and exercise and fitness enthusiasts who want to build strength with kettlebells; reference for strength and conditioning coaches, personal trainers, and other fitness professionals.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Valerie Kirk
Weight Training for Weight loss

I would recommend this book. It has been informative & interesting. Thanks