Innovative Tools for Health Education: Making Inexpensive Props, Visuals, and Manipulatives guides you in using inexpensive or recycled materials as props for health lessons and activities. This book contains instructions on 30 projects with activity suggestions to make lessons meaningful and memorable, and it helps you
• use ordinary objects lying around the house as effective props in your class;
• bring creativity and freshness to lessons that keep your students engaged in learning; and
• guide your students through practical learning experiences that help them to understand health issues and concepts in new ways.
1. Portable First Aid Kit
2. Stethoscope
3. Puppets
4. Beanbags
5. Health Balls
6. Stress Balls
7. Germs Under the Black Light
8. Alcohol Goggles
9. DUI Game Kit
10. Bottles With Impact
11. Breathless Cigarettes
12. Smokeless Tobacco Can
13. Homemade Phlegm
14. Tobacco Tar
15. Stinky Beanbag
16. Clogged Arteries
17. Components of Blood
18. Organ Vest
19. Model Lungs
20. MyPyramid Pocket Chart
21. Healthy Placemat
22. Simulation of Fat
23. Simulation of Sugar
24. Food Portion Kit
25. Portion Plates
26. A Pound of Fat
27. Fat Vest
28. Dice
29. Inexpensive Teaching Props
Appendix A: Patterns
Appendix B: Homemade Clay
About the Author
Marilyn Grechus, PhD, is a professor of health education at the University of Central Missouri in Warrensburg, Missouri. She has taught health methods courses since 1992 and has presented on related topics at the state, district, and national levels. She has received two Excellence in Teaching awards, one from the University of Central Missouri and the other from the National Society of Leadership & Success. In 2003 she received the Robert M. Taylor award for professional service from the Missouri Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (MOAHPERD). MOAHPERD also named her University Health Educator of the Year in 2007. In her leisure time she enjoys playing with her grandchildren and doing crafty things.