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Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation for Active Older Adults

Author: Kevin Speer

$133.95 CAD

$133.95 CAD

ISBN: 9780736040310


Page Count: 248

With the rise in active participation in sports and exercise by older people, Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation for Active Older Adults is both timely and instructive. It explores the issues involved in working with active older adults, providing a valuable resource to help sports medicine professionals prevent, diagnose, and treat injuries for this growing population.

Geared toward those working with active seniors—from competitive and recreational athletes to fitness enthusiasts—Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation for Active Older Adults contains the information to help practitioners

-strengthen their understanding of general issues in sports medicine for active seniors;

-explore prevention of, and determine treatment for, specific injuries;

-apply to their own practice the knowledge of specialists experienced in working with older populations; and

-implement and supervise appropriate conservative therapies.
Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation for Active Older Adults was written by a team of specialists with extensive experience in treating active seniors. While it emphasizes conservative treatment over surgery, it also guides readers in knowing when to refer a client to a surgeon, how to prepare a client for what might happen when referred, and what type of surgery might be indicated. Therapists and trainers will strengthen their ability to explain their basis for both treatment and referral.

Part I focuses on a variety of issues in sports medicine for active seniors, including senescent changes in the musculoskeletal system, exercise testing and prescription, and factoring the kinetic chain into prevention and therapy. Flexibility, stretching, and massage for older people are also covered, as are nutrition, nutritional supplements, and pharmacology.

Part II, organized by anatomical areas, delves into specific injuries and conditions in active seniors. This approach helps readers easily locate regional musculoskeletal problems and identify appropriate rehabilitation procedures. These regions include the shoulder, elbow, hand and wrist, spine, hip, knee, and foot and ankle. Common injuries, conditions, and treatments are explored in each area.

Accompanying photos and illustrations supplement the text, showing stretches for all parts of the body, exercises for both injury prevention and rehabilitation, diagnostic techniques (including special tests and best X-ray positions) and various treatment options. The result is a reference that facilitates understanding of the issues involved in preventing and treating injuries in active older people and in helping them recover and return to full activity as soon as possible.


Reference for sport physical therapists, athletic trainers, physicians, clinical exercise physiologists, and personal trainers.

About the Contributors
Part I. General Issues in Sports Medicine for Active Older Adults
Chapter 1. Senescent Changes in the Human Musculoskeletal System
Hardy Singh, MD

-Bone and Associated Cartilage

-Joint Structures

-Musculotendinous Structures

Chapter 2. Exercise Testing and Prescription
Rafael Escamilla, PhD, PT, CSCS

-Effects of Strength Training in the Aging Individual

-Strength Testing for the Aging Individual

-Strength Training Prescription in the Aging

-Effects of Aerobic Exercise in the Aging

-Aerobic (Cardiorespiratory) Exercise Testing for the Aging Person

-Aerobic Exercise Prescription for the Aging Person

Chapter 3. The Kinetic Chain
W. Ben Kibler, MD

-Defining the Kinetic Chain

-Kinetic Chain Implications for Injury, Evaluation, and Treatment

-The Kinetic Chain in the Older Athlete

-Principles of Kinetic Chain Evaluation

-Examples of Kinetic Chain-Based Evaluation and Treatment

Chapter 4. Soft Tissue Care: Flexibility, Stretching, and Massage
Carol C. Figuers, PT, EdD

-Age-Related Soft Tissue Changes


-Soft Tissue Stretching

-Massage or Soft Tissue Mobilization

Chapter 5. Nutrition and Pharmacology
Franca B. Alphin, MPH, RD, LDN; Daryl C. Osbahr, BS

-Dietary Concerns

-Herbal Supplements

-NSAIDs and COX-2 Inhibitors

-Other Popular Supplements

Part II. Injuries and Conditions in Active Older Adults
Chapter 6. Shoulder Problems
Edward G. McFarland, MD; Hyung Bin Park, MD; Tae Kyun Kim, MD; Efsthathios Chronopoulos, MD; Atsushi Yokota, MD

-Changes in the Shoulder Complex With Age

-Acute Injuries

-Rotator Cuff Injuries

-Acromioclavicular Joint Disorders

-Biceps Tendon Ruptures and Tendinitis

-Stiff and Frozen Shoulders

-Degenerative Arthritis

Chapter 7. Elbow Problems
Todd S. Ellenbecker, MS, PT, SCS, OCS, CSCS

-Common Elbow Injuries

-Additional Overuse Elbow Injury

-Clinical Examination

-Nonoperative Rehabilitation of Humeral Epicondylitis

-Surgical Treatment

-Rehabilitation Following Elbow Arthroscopy

Chapter 8. Hand and Wrist Problems
Jonathan Isaacs, MD; L. Scott Levin, MD



Chapter 9. Spine Problems
Joshua D. Rittenberg, MD; Joel M. Press, MD; Amy E. Ross, MPT; Venu Akuthota, MD

-Anatomy and Biomechanics

-The Aging Spine



-Treatment of Common Diagnostic Subsets

Chapter 10. Hip Problems
Srino Bharam, MD; Utku Kandemir, MD; Marc J. Philippon, MD



-Intra-Articular Hip Pathologies


-Hip Arthroscopy

-Athletic Participation After Total Hip Replacement

Chapter 11. Knee Problems
Douglas J. Martini, MD; Lauren A. Carlson, MPH

-Osteoarthritis of the Knee


Chapter 12. Foot and Ankle Problems
Ryan W. Simovitch, MD; Mark E. Easley, MD

-Acute Ankle Sprains

-The Ankle Sprain That Won't Heal

-Achilles Tendon Pathology




About the Editor

Kevin Speer, MD, is an orthopedic surgeon from Raleigh, North Carolina. As a former team doctor for Duke University and through his own practice, Speer has extensive experience treating both athletes and older patients. Speer was head team physician for all Duke University athletic teams, assistant team physician for the New York Giants, the New York Mets, and St. John's University, and head team physician for the Durham women's professional fast-pitch softball team.

Speer has been listed in America's Registry of Outstanding Professionals and has received numerous awards and fellowships related to orthopedic research, publications, and education.

”...this text is a concise yet abundant resource of orthopedic-based information recommended for rehabilitation professionals working with older adults both engaging in physical activity and those wishing to engage in such activity.”
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy (November 2005)