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Inclusive Recreation with Web Resource

Programs and Services for Diverse Populations

Author: Human Kinetics

$95.95 CAD

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Book with online resource
$95.95 CAD

ISBN: 9780736081771


Page Count: 408

Everyone should have the opportunity to enjoy the benefits of recreation. As the demographics of our communities continue to change and expand, it will be more important than ever for recreation professionals to be prepared to provide access to anyone and everyone who wants to participate. In Inclusive Recreation: Programs and Services for Diverse Populations, students will learn to provide programs and services not only to individuals with disabilities but also to people of both sexes and all ages, cultures, ethnicities, races, and religions.


Written by 26 leading professors and professionals in the field, Inclusive Recreation provides the knowledge and skills that students will need in their careers to ensure that all people will be able to participate in the recreation programs they provide. The book features the following:


  • The latest acknowledged theories in inclusion, as well as information on history, legislation, and cultural competence, to serve as the basis for students’ understanding of the field
  • Strategies for becoming more conscious of diversity and disability and using appropriate language and communication skills so that students will be better prepared to consider and work with everyone in their community
  • A thorough discussion of universal design in both facilities and services to help students plan inclusive experiences that appeal to the broadest possible audience
  • Chapters on specific service areas, including sports, fitness and wellness, outdoor and adventure, arts and culture, aquatics, and tourism, so students will have a better feel for how inclusion strategies work in various programs


Inclusive Recreation also helps students learn more about the groups they’ll likely meet as professionals. They’ll look at the socio-demographic characteristics of each group, the factors that affect their recreation participation, and approaches for serving the needs of each population. They’ll also be encouraged to examine their own biases and think about how those biases could affect their ability to provide services to their clients. In addition, students will find information on staff training, designing respectful accommodations, and marketing, including pricing, promotion, and evaluation of service quality.


Throughout the book are examples of inclusive practices from a variety of sectors to help students understand how inclusion strategies work in real programs. Spotlight on Inclusive Recreation Programs sidebars highlight best practices from various countries, including Australia, Brazil, Canada, Japan, and the United Kingdom. Each spotlight includes a description of the program, a short history, and information on who is served by the program. Professionals in Action sidebars introduce professionals who have contributed to inclusive practices and help students explore their career options. The book also includes an online student resource (OSR), which features learning activities that assist studentts in applying the concepts being covered, assignments for each chapter that help them develop their critical-thinking skills and make personal connections to the content, and lists of Web sites to facilitate further discussion and research.


Inclusive Recreation offers theory and practical applications to prepare students to implement inclusive facility access, training, programming, and services for a variety of recreation activities. Readers will consider how recreation, leisure, and tourism activities can become accessible to all the community members they serve.


An undergraduate textbook for students pursuing careers in recreation, parks, leisure, or tourism; reference for professionals who want to increase inclusive program offerings.



Part I Foundations of Inclusive Recreation

Chapter 1 Introduction to Inclusion

Jody H. Hironaka-Juteau, EdD, CTRS, RTC, and Tracey Crawford, CTRS, CPRP


Chapter 2 Inclusive Recreation History and Legislation

Rodney Dieser, PhD, and Kathleen G. Scholl, PhD, CTRS


Chapter 3 Building Cultural Competencies

Pamala Morris, PhD


Chapter 4 Inclusion Concepts, Processes, and Models

Terry Long, PhD, and Terry Robertson, PhD


Part II The Inclusion Process for Recreation and Leisure: Access and Training for Clients, Staff, and Volunteers

Chapter 5Marketing Inclusive Recreation Experiences

Stephanie West, PhD, and Erik Rabinowitz, PhD


Chapter 6 Providing Leisure Services for Diverse Populations

Monika Stodolska, PhD


Chapter 7 Staff Training for Inclusion

Kathleen G. Scholl, PhD, CTRS, and Torrie Dunlap


Part III Applying Inclusive Practices in Recreation and Leisure

Chapter 8 Universal Design in Recreation

Cindy Dillenschneider, MS Ed, and Cindy Burkhour, MA, CTRS, CPRP


Chapter 9Designing Inclusive Experiences

Nancy Nisbett, EdD, CTRS, RTC


Part IV Inclusive Recreation and Leisure Programs and Services

Chapter 10 Play and Playgrounds

Cindy Burkhour, MA, CTRS, CPRP, and Joan Almon

Chapter 11 Inclusive Sports

Ronald Davis, PhD


Chapter 12 Inclusive Recreation, Fitness, and Physical Activity

Sheila Swann-Guerrero, CTRS, and Amy Rauworth, MS, RCEP


Chapter 13 Inclusive Arts and Culture

Kathlyn M. Steedly, PhD


Chapter 14 Inclusive Aquatics

MaryBeth Pappas Baun, MEd


Chapter 15Inclusive Outdoor Recreation and Summer Camps

Cindy Dillenschneider, MS Ed, and Frederick Green, PhD, CTRS

Inclusion at Summer Camp: The Perfect Problatunity

Terry Long, PhD, and Terry Robertson, PhD


Chapter 16 Inclusive Adventure and Challenge Courses

Inclusive Adventure

Alison Voight, PhD, CTRS, and Alan Ewert, PhD

Inclusive Challenge Courses

Brent Wolfe, CTRS


Chapter 17 Inclusive Travel, Tourism, and Amusements

Alison Voight, PhD, CTRS, and Shu Cole, PhD


Appendix A Healthy People 2010 and the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health Model

Appendix B National Recreation and Park Association Position Statement on Inclusion

Appendix C Person-Related Factors Influencing Capability

References and Resources


All ancillaries are free to adopting instructors and available online.

Instructor Guide. The instructor guide contains sample course syllabi, chapter outlines, discussion questions, direct links to additional resources on the Internet, and a folder housing digital assets from the book, such as photos, tables, and artwork.

Test Package. The test package consists of ready-made multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank, true-and-false, and essay and short-answer questions.

Presentation Package. The presentation package includes slides covering all 17 chapters in PowerPoint format.