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In Pursuit of Excellence 5th Edition

Author: Terry Orlick

$34.95 CAD

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$34.95 CAD

ISBN: 9781450496506


Page Count: 384

Whether you’re an athlete, aspiring coach, or business professional, the ultimate goal remains the same: reaching your potential.

Author Terry Orlick, an internationally acclaimed sport psychologist, has helped hundreds of Olympic and professional athletes maximize their performances and achieve their goals. In this new fifth edition, Orlick provides the most effective strategies and step-by-step plans for you to develop your personal path to excellence.

You’ll learn to focus for excellence while living and enjoying life to the fullest. You’ll gain a more positive outlook, a more focused commitment, better ways of dealing with distractions and pressures, and strategies for overcoming obstacles. You’ll also achieve greater personal and professional satisfaction and discover better ways to work with teammates, respond more effectively to coaching and guidance, and become more positive and self-directed in your thoughts and actions.

Both practical and inspirational, In Pursuit of Excellence is a guide to daily living and motivation as well as a road map to long-term achievement. Read it, use it, and win with it—personally and professionally.