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Identifying Postural Imbalances Through Yoga- Revised Edition

An Innovative Guide to Yoga Asana Observation and Adjustment for Your Postural Type

$30.95 CAD

$30.95 CAD

ISBN: 9781718226982


Page Count: 208

Imbalances in the human body are easily recognized in yoga. With an innovative blend of yoga and anatomy, Vayu Jung Doohwa shows how a few simple adjustments based on your postural type is all you need to correct these imbalances and take your practice to new heights!

Do you struggle with certain yoga poses? Are you restricted in backward bends? Do you feel that one hip is more externally rotated than the other? Identifying Postural Imbalances Through Yoga will help you identify exactly where (and why) you hold particular patterns and, more importantly, demonstrate how to overcome them.

We all house a collection of compensations in our bodies—usually the result of daily routine, injury, or emotional trauma—and these compensations impact how we move. Author Vayu Jung Doohwa has developed his own unique methodology by which he “diagnoses” yoga practitioners into four postural groups—A, P, C, and N—and then “prescribes” adjustments to release and overcome the musculoskeletal imbalances relating to each one. These corrective methods use simple prompts in each pose to help restore the pelvis to neutral and improve spinal balance, limb alignment, and breath control.

Part I illustrates methods for identifying imbalances by observing how the lines and sections of the body act in a number of diagnostic yoga poses. Part II examines the four postural (body) types in greater detail by describing pelvic tilt, spinal curvature, breathing, and energy patterns. Part III presents the most effective strategies for restoring joint movement, counteracting imbalances of the core, and optimizing breathing for each body type. Also included is a quick-reference visual comparison of the four body types in 15 different yoga poses.

Brought to life using over 250 engaging color diagrams and photographs, this innovative, scientific interpretation of Ashtanga yoga is a vital resource for yoga practitioners of all levels!


Yoga teachers, instructors, and practitioners.
Part I. Observation
Chapter 1. Recognizing Patterns of Imbalance
Chapter 2. Understanding Spinal and Lumbopelvic Anatomy

Part II. Postural Types
Chapter 3. Four Postural Types
Chapter 4. The Dilemma of Imbalance

Part III. Adjustments
Chapter 5. Strategies and Goals for Correcting Imbalances
Chapter 6. Adjustments for Type P
Chapter 7. Adjustments for Type A
Chapter 8. Adjustments for Type C
Chapter 9. Alignment of the Limbs
Chapter 10. Breathing Practices for Postural Balance
Vayu Jung Doohwa started teaching traditional Mysore-style Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga classes in his hometown of Busan in 2007, and he established the Yoga VnA studio in 2010. Since then, he has been working on the contemporary scientific interpretations of the traditional Ashtanga yoga.

Vayu has held more than 100 yoga anatomy workshops in Korea and China. He has been continuously working with his teacher John Scott, sharing the insights of this book at the teachers’ workshop of John Scott Yoga in London.

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