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Human Resource Management in Sport and Recreation 4th Edition epub

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ISBN: 9781718210035


Page Count: 424

Access Duration: 10 Years

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The authoritative text for current and future practitioners of human resources management in the sport and recreation industries is back in a revised fourth edition. This new edition addresses contemporary issues that organizations face today. Human Resource Management in Sport and Recreation, Fourth Edition, offers a solid foundation in research and application, and it provides a holistic perspective of human resource management by bringing together the three groups of people who constitute human resources across sport and recreation organizations: paid professionals, volunteers, and the clients themselves.

Dr. Packianathan Chelladurai, a pioneer in the field of sport management, is joined by Dr. Amy Chan Hyung Kim to lend expertise gained from more than four decades of teaching human resource management. They guide students through four parts, starting with an outline of the common characteristics of the three groups of people that make up human resources. Part II focuses on individual differences among people and how those differences affect behavior within organizations. In part III, students will explore organizational processes, and part IV discusses two significant outcomes expected of human resource practices: satisfaction and commitment. The conclusion uses 10 guiding themes to bring all the concepts together with an eye toward the future of the field.

Updated to address current topics such as social issues and diversity, the fourth edition reflects the increasing complexity of human resource management across the field of recreation and sport. Modern issues and their real-world implications are represented throughout the text with recurring sidebars.
  • Diversity Management of Human Resources: offer insights into how and when to promote and manage diversity
  • Crisis Management: address the role of human resource management during emergency situations, such as the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Social Phenomena and Human Resource Management: assess the impact of major social events or movements
  • Legal Considerations in Human Resource Management: focus on legal matters in the field
  • From the Field: provide professional insights from leading practitioners across a variety of sport contexts
Case studies, discussion questions, and activities provide further opportunity for students to understand relevant research with real-world application of concepts.

With clear explanations of concepts and current practices in human resources across the sport and recreation industries, Human Resource Management in Sport and Recreation, Fourth Edition, is a valuable resource for future and current practitioners alike.


A textbook for students in courses on human resource management in sport or recreation and sport administration. A supplemental text for courses covering legal issues in sport and sport facility management as well as a reference book for practitioners and researchers in these areas.
Part I. Human Resources in Sport and Recreation

Chapter 1. Significance of Human Resources
Service Operations
Sport and Recreation Services
Paid and Volunteer Workers
Clients as Human Resources
A Model of Human Resource Management
Chapter Pursuits

Chapter 2. Volunteers and Volunteerism
The Need for Volunteerism
Voluntary Organizations
People Who Volunteer
Why People Volunteer
Altruism and Volunteerism
Role of the Sport or Recreation Manager
Chapter Pursuits

Chapter 3. Professionals and Professionalism
Original Definition of a Profession
Process of Professionalization
Semiprofessions, Mimic Professions, and Deprofessionalization
Professional Status of Sport Management
Professionalism and Volunteerism
Role of the Sport or Recreation Manager
Chapter Pursuits

Chapter 4. Clients as Human Resources
Customer as Input, Throughput, and Output
Customer Participation in Sport and Recreation Services
Client Motives for Participation
Role of the Sport or Recreation Manager
Chapter Pursuits

Part II. Individual Differences in Human Resources

Chapter 5. Abilities
Issues in the Study of Ability
Cognitive Abilities
Emotional Intelligence
Role of the Sport or Recreation Manager
Chapter Pursuits

Chapter 6. Personality
Determinants of Personality
Type Theories
Trait Theories
Personality and Organizational Behavior
Role of the Sport or Recreation Manager
Chapter Pursuits

Chapter 7. Values
Values, Beliefs, Attitudes, and Norms
Sources of Values
Terminal and Instrumental Values
Hierarchy of Values
Value Types
Functions of Values
Values in Organizations
National Values and Sport
Role of the Sport or Recreation Manager
Chapter Pursuits

Chapter 8. Motivation
A Model of Motivation
Other Theories of Motivation
Motivation as Personal Investment
Role of the Sport or Recreation Manager
Chapter Pursuits

Part III. Human Resource Practices

Chapter 9. Organizational Justice
Distributive Justice
Procedural Justice
Interactional Justice
Role of the Sport or Recreation Manager
Chapter Pursuits

Chapter 10. Job Design
Job Design Strategies
Task Attributes
Motivational Properties of Tasks
Implementing Task Attributes
Task Attributes and Individual Differences
Other Approaches to Job Design
Task Dependence, Coordination, and Variability
Role of the Sport or Recreation Manager
Chapter Pursuits

Chapter 11. Staffing and Career Considerations
Purposes of Staffing
Focus of Staffing
Matching People and Jobs
Psychological Contract
Career Considerations
Role of the Sport or Recreation Manager
Chapter Pursuits

Chapter 12. Leadership
Leader Behavior
Multidimensional Model of Leadership
Transformational, Transactional, Servant, and Authentic Leadership
Leadership and Decision Making
Role of the Sport or Recreation Manager
Chapter Pursuits

Chapter 13. Performance Appraisal
Purposes of Performance Appraisal
What Should Be Evaluated
When to Conduct Performance Appraisal
Who Should Do the Appraisal
Errors in Rating
Role of the Sport or Recreation Manager
Chapter Pursuits

Chapter 14. Reward Systems
Purposes of Reward Systems
Types of Rewards
Bases of Rewards
Reward Systems and Member Preferences
Role of the Sport or Recreation Manager
Chapter Pursuits

Chapter 15. Internal Marketing
Forms of Marketing
Process Versus People Orientation in Internal Marketing
Marketing Principles in Internal Operations
Functions of Internal Marketing
Issues in Internal Marketing
Role of the Sport or Recreation Manager
Chapter Pursuits

Part IV. Attitudinal Outcomes

Chapter 16. Satisfaction
Theories of Job Satisfaction
Satisfaction With Volunteer Work
Participant Satisfaction
Measurement of Satisfaction
Role of the Sport or Recreation Manager
Chapter Pursuits

Chapter 17. Commitment
Multidimensionality of Organizational Commitment
Occupational Commitment
Development and Effects of Organizational Commitment
Correlates of Organizational Commitment
Role of the Sport or Recreation Manager
Chapter Pursuits

Conclusion. The Future of Human Resource Management in Sport and Recreation—Guiding Themes
Packianathan Chelladurai, PhD, is a distinguished professor in the School of Hospitality, Sport, and Tourism Management at Troy University in Troy, Alabama. Widely recognized as a leader in the field of sport management, Dr. Chelladurai has taught human resource management in sport and recreation for the past 40 years in both Canada and the United States. He is the author of six books, including Sport Management: Macro Perspectives, which was the first book to apply organizational theory to sport management. He has also written more than 115 journal articles and 39 book chapters. His writings on leadership and decision making are particularly well known; perhaps best known are his Multidimensional Model of Leadership and the Leadership Scale for Sports (LSS), which has been translated into more than 15 languages. In 1991, he served as editor of the Journal of Sport Management. He is a founding member of the North American Society for Sport Management (NASSM) and the European Association for Sport Management (EASM). He is a long-standing member of the prestigious National Academy of Kinesiology.

Dr. Chelladurai received an MASc and a PhD in management science from the University of Waterloo. In 1990, the American Academy of Kinesiology and Physical Education elected him as a corresponding fellow of the academy. In 1991, he was the first recipient of NASSM’s most prestigious honor, the Earle F. Zeigler Award. In 2005, the EASM bestowed on him its first-ever Award of Merit for Distinguished Services to Sport Management Education. In 2015, the EASM named its most prestigious award after Dr. Chelladurai; it is known as the EASM Chelladurai Award, and he was the recipient of that award in that year.

Amy Chan Hyung Kim, PhD, is an associate professor in the department of sport management at Florida State University. Dr. Kim has taught various courses for undergraduate, masters, and PhD students, including Human Resource Management, Facility and Event Management, Introduction to Sport Management, Strategic Management, and Research Methods in Sport Management. Her research focuses on promoting sport for mental health from a social epidemiological perspective for underrepresented populations such as older adults. She has been invited to conduct social, psychological, and economic impact assessments for several organizations and local government sectors. Her work has been published both in top-tier sport management journals and in highly impactful journals outside of the field. She also is the coauthor of the book Research Methods in Sport Management. Dr. Kim earned her PhD and master’s degree from The Ohio State University and her bachelor’s degree from Yonsei University in South Korea.

All ancillaries are free to adopting instructors through HKPropel.    

Instructor guide. Includes a sample syllabus and lecture notes that provide discussion ideas and applicable chapter readings for each week of a semester. Each chapter in the guide also includes a chapter outline, suggested topics for papers or essays, suggested applicable cases from Case Studies in Sport Management (CSSM), and recommended responses for the end-of chapter questions and activities in the book.

Test package. Contains a bank of 20 questions per chapter in true-false, fill-in-the-blank, and multiple-choice formats. The files may be downloaded for integration with a learning management system or printed as paper-based tests. Instructors may also create their own customized quizzes or tests from the test bank questions to assign to students directly through HKPropel. Multiple-choice and true-false questions are automatically graded, and instructors can review student scores in the platform.

Presentation package. Features more than 400 PowerPoint slides of text, artwork, and tables from the book that can be used for class discussion and presentation. The slides in the presentation package can be used directly within PowerPoint or printed to make handouts for students. Instructors can easily add, modify, and rearrange the order of the slides.

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