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High-Powered Plyometrics DVD

$30.95 CAD

DVD Video
$30.95 CAD

ISBN: 9780736060318

If you are a well-conditioned athlete who is looking to take your athletic power to the highest level, you don't need to look any further than the High-Powered Plyometrics DVD!

Developed and narrated by Jim Radcliffe, one of the top authorities in plyometric exercises, this DVD is loaded with progressively complex intermediate and advanced plyometric exercises that will help you improve your strength, power, and speed.

Create and customize your own sport-specific 12-week plyo program by choosing exercises from the three categories of the training continuum for a total body workout, or group the exercise to target the specific body segments you want to work on most: lower body, trunk, and upper body.

You'll start with foundation exercises such as squat jumps, double-leg speed hops, and medicine ball twists and passes. Next comes the power-building exercises including tuck and scissors jumps, floor kips, arm swings, and sit-up throws. Then you'll move on to high-intensity drills like depth jumps, vertical swings, drop pushes, and heavy bag strokes.

Finally, a DVD that demonstrates exactly how to make plyometric exercises pay off ...with better sports performance!

Human Kinetics DVDs are coded for universal playback and can be played in all regions of the world.

Jim Radcliffe is the head strength and conditioning coach at the University of Oregon. He has been involved in coaching since 1978 and is recognized as a top authority on plyometric exercise. He has written two books, numerous articles for the National Strength and Conditioning Association and Training and Conditioning magazine as well as for football, basketball, and volleyball coaching journals, and developed a video. Radcliffe is a sought-after clinician and has been speaking about plyometrics since 1982. He lives in Eugene, Oregon.