Governance in Sport epub with Web Resource
Analysis and Application
Author: Bonnie Tiell, Kerri Cebula
$108.95 CAD
Access Duration: 10 Years

The content is presented from three broad perspectives: (1) Students will first learn the foundation of legal and managerial practices in sport governance, encompassing ethical behavior, effective leadership, decision making, and policy development within sport organizations. (2) Once the groundwork is established, a geographical framework explores the structures and functions of regulatory agencies for sport at the local, state, national, regional, and global levels. Students will gain an appreciation for how agencies vary, as well as the differences in for-profit, nonprofit, and quasi-public sport organizations at the various levels. (3) Students will examine the nuances of sport governance across selected sectors of the sport industry. Professional sport, amateur sport, sport media, sporting goods and licensing, and fitness, wellness, and health are presented alongside the emerging and rapidly evolving sectors of sport marketing, legalized sport wagering, and esports for a realistic look at how governance is applied across different sectors.
To enhance practical application, a related web resource presents 12 in-depth case studies and debates on relevant examples of governance in action within sports organizations. Each case study provides thought-provoking perspectives, authored by industry experts and scholars across sport business and academia. Students will gain real-world understanding of how governance varies across national and international levels by scrutinizing contemporary issues such as the NCAA college basketball corruption scandal, the NFL kneeling policy, Olympic host city selection, and poaching in esports. Critical thinking skills are encouraged with multiple-choice and discussion questions provided at the end of each case study.
Additional learning aids also help to connect foundational knowledge to modern-day application. Governance in Action boxes highlight key concepts and provide context in relationship to recent events. Critical thinking questions encourage classroom discussion, and end-of-chapter applied activities help to solidify understanding.
Providing an overview of managing sport at all levels and all sectors, Governance in Sport will help students develop an acute understanding of where power resides, how decisions are made, and the impact of those factors on the goals, purpose, and structure of sport organizations.
Note: The web resource is included with all new print books and some ebooks. For ebook formats that don’t provide access, the web resource is available separately.
A text for upper-level undergraduate and graduate-level courses in program curriculums such as sport and recreation management, sport administration, coaching, physical education, sport business, or recreation and leisure.Chapter 1. Legal Primer to Governance
Kelley Walton
Authority and Governance
Basic Legal Principles
Alternative Dispute Resolution
Sources of Law
International Perspective
Chapter 2. Ethics, Decision Making, and Leadership in Sport Organizations
Bonnie Tiell and Kelley Walton
Decision Making
Chapter 3. Board Governance and Policy Development in Sport Organizations
Bonnie Tiell
Best Practices in Board Governance
Policies and Procedures in Sport Organizations
Part II. Framework for Sport Governance
Chapter 4. State and Local Sport
Bonnie Tiell
Governance and Authority in Sport Organizations at the Local Level
Governance and Authority in Sport Organizations at the State Level
Challenges for Sport Governance at the Local and State Levels
Chapter 5. Regional and National Sport
Kerri Cebula and Bonnie Tiell
Defining and Classifying Regional and National Governing Sport Agencies
Regulatory Agencies for National and Regional Sport Participants (Athletes)
Regulatory Agencies for National and Regional Sports
Regulatory Agencies Governing National and Regional Sport Competition
Regulatory Agencies for National and Regional Sport Affiliates
Chapter 6. Global Sports
Bonnie Tiell
Defining a Global Sport Agency
Regulatory Agencies for International Multisport Competition
Regulatory Agencies for Athletes in International Sports
Regulatory Agencies Governing International and Global Sports
Regulatory Agencies in Global Sports With a Specialist Function
Part III. Governance and Authority in Sport Industry Sectors
Chapter 7. Professional Sports
Kerri Cebula
Team Sports
Individual Sports
Chapter 8. Amateur Sports
Kerri Cebula and Bonnie Tiell
Amateur Athletic Union
Youth Amateur Sports
Adult Amateur Sports
Intercollegiate Athletics
Chapter 9. Sport Medi
Galen Clavio and Matthew Zimmerman
Overview of Political Governance in Sport Media
Global and Commercial Governance in Sport Media
Partnerships Between Media and Sport Entities
Digital and Emerging Media in Sports
Sports Journalists
Chapter 10. Sporting Goods and Sport Licensing
Daniel A. Rascher and Mark S. Nagel
Size and Scope of the Sporting Goods Industry
Sport Licensing Landscape
Regulating and Policing the Industry
Future of the Industry
Chapter 11. Fitness, Wellness, and Health
Scott R. Jedlicka
Private Fitness and Health Clubs
Commercial Fitness and Health (For Profit)
Trainers: Certification and Licensure
Public Health
Nutritional Supplements
Chapter 12. Sport Marketing
Justin B. Kozubal, David W. Walsh, and Michael A. Odio
Marketing the Sport Product
Sport Marketing Organizations
Marketing Through Sport
Marketing Through Sport Mega-Events
Legal Issues in the Marketing Environment
Ambush Marketing
Chapter 13. Sport Wagering
Bonnie Tiell and Kerri Cebula
History of Sport Wagering in the United States
Status of Sport Wagering in the United States
Status of Sport Wagering Internationally
Regulatory Agencies for Sport Wagering
The Future of Sport Wagering
Chapter 14. Esports
Steve Borawski, Michael Kidd, and Bonnie Tiell
Esports Compared to Traditional Sport
History of Competitive Video Gaming
Esports Governing Agencies and Authorities
Areas of Esports Governance and Legislation
Case Study Abstracts
Esports and the Olympic Games
What is leadership in sport organizations?
Instructor guide. Includes chapter objectives, outlines, and summaries for each chapter, as well as a sample syllabus that includes ideas for assignments and class projects. Also included are end-of-chapter critical thinking questions and answers, applied activity solutions, and possible answers to the case study discussion questions from the web resource.
Test package. Contains a bank of 280 questions in true-false, fill-in-the-blank, and multiple-choice formats.
Chapter quizzes. Contains ready-made quizzes (10 questions per chapter) to assess student comprehension of the most important concepts. Quizzes can be imported into learning management systems.
Presentation package. Includes more than 300 PowerPoint slides of text, artwork, and tables from the book that can be used for class discussion and presentation. The slides in the presentation package can be used directly within PowerPoint or printed for distribution to students. Instructors can easily add, modify, and rearrange the order of the slides.
Web resource. Features 12 case studies that touch on interesting topics related to recent controversies, plus 3 to 10 multiple-choice questions per case study.