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Fundamental Movement Skills: Alternative Activities and Pursuits

The building blocks for the development of physical literacy

Author: PHE Canada

$44.95 CAD

Spiral bound
$44.95 CAD

ISBN: 9781895716818

Page Count: 224

This handbook presents a wide variety of activity options to aid physical activity leaders (both specialists and nonspecialists) in planning and delivering quality physical activity programming and broadened skill development to adolescents and adults in the Active for Life stage of the LTAD Model.


Physical activity leaders (both specialists and nonspecialists) working with adolescents and adults in the Active for Life stage of the LTAD Model.

Physical & Health Education Canada (PHE Canada) is a national leader and vital contributor in fostering achievement and health among Canadian children and youth by supporting physical and health education and active living initiatives where children live, learn, and play. PHE Canada’s vision is a future wherein all children and youth in Canada live healthy, physically active lives.

Contributors: Ken Lodewyk, PhD, Karen Berezowski, Erin Carter, Maureen Connolly, PhD, Jacqueline Ladwig-Davidson, Marci Elliott, Andrew Foran, Sarah Fournier, Kimberly Gammage, PhD, Shane Hampton, Shauna Heighton, Chantale Lessier-Ley, PhD, Chunlei Lu, David MacDonald, Tom Potter, PhD, Kevin Redmond, Dwayne Sheehan, Bryan Smith, Teresa Socha, PhD, Shannon Bredin, PhD, Michelle Cundari, Ken Lodewyk, PhD, Daniel Robinson, PhD, Dwayne Sheehan, Bryan Smith, Krista Smeltzer, Brett Thompson.