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Fundamental Movement Skills: Active Start and FUNdamental Stages Featuring Indigenous Peoples Games-2nd Edition

The building blocks for the development of physical literacy

Author: PHE Canada

$44.95 CAD

Spiral bound
$44.95 CAD

ISBN: 9781492589532


Page Count: 111

PHE Canada has revised and enhanced Fundamental Movement Skills: Active Start and FUNdamentals Stages. This second edition enables physical activity leaders to develop learners’ fundamental movement skills in an effective, fun, and interactive manner. This is achieved by providing the following:
  • Descriptions and characteristics of the mature movement patterns of fundamental movement skills
  • Photographs of fundamental movement skills
  • Practical and specific teaching tips to help physical activity leaders in developing children’s fundamental movement skills and physical literacy
  • A wide variety of activities that utilize the featured skills
  • A checklist for assessment of the fundamental movement skills
The activities in this resource are focused on teaching stability skills, object manipulation skills, and locomotor skills, which are the three major skill categories within the Long-Term Athlete Development Model.

In addition to the above, This second edition also includes the following:
  • 14 activities inspired by the games, activities, and traditions of Canada’s Indigenous peoples
  • Historical background on Indigenous games, activities, and traditions
  • Fundamental movement skill translations to Cree, Inuktitut, and Ojibwa
  • Activity modifications for greater flexibility in progressing and regressing teaching based on each child’s individual needs and abilities
  • 14 fundamental movement skills, including 5 skills new to this edition: static balance, dynamic balance, dribble with the feet, underhand roll, and underhand throw


Teachers, coaches, and recreational leaders of children ages 5 through 9 who are in the Active Start and FUNdamentals stages of the Long-Term Athlete Development (LTAD) Model. 
Part I. Introduction
The Long-Term Athlete Development Model and the Aboriginal Long-Term Participant Development Model
Using This Resource
Description of Mature Movement Pattern for the fundamental Movement Skills
General Teaching Tips
Supporting Fundamental Movement Skill Development
More Information on Indigenous Cultures
Comprehensive List of Activities

Part II. Fundamental Movement Skills
Static Balance
Dynamic Balance
Underhand Roll
Underhand Throw
Overarm Throw
Sidearm Strike

Part III. References
Comprehensive List of Activities    
Physical & Health Education Canada (PHE Canada) is a national leader and vital contributor in fostering achievement and health among Canadian children and youth by supporting physical and health education and active living initiatives where children live, learn, and play. PHE Canada’s vision is a future wherein all children and youth in Canada live healthy, physically active lives.

Contributors: Rick Bell, PhD, Sandy Gibbons, PhD, Viviene Temple, PhD, Audrey Giles, PhD, Lauren Brooks-Cleator, Ashley Johnson, Colin Higgs, PhD, David Chorney, PhD, Brian Lewis, PhD, Reg Leidl, Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami, Métis National Council, Métis Nation of Ontario, Wabano Centre for Aboriginal Health

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Kim Finlayson
Excellent Practical Resource

The skill based activities are clearly explained and the checklists provided for assessing the skills make assessment and writing report cards easier as you can clearly see the growth and next steps. The "Key Phrases" for each skill are important and keeping my teaching partner and I using the same language making it easier for the students to understand our directions. Students love the activities and I love the resource! I highly recommend it!

Dawn McLeggon

Fundamental Movement Skills: Active Start and FUNdamental Stages Featuring Indigenous Peoples Games-2nd Edition

Natalie Kemerer

It has given me great ideas to use to teach these movements and the kids love it.