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Foundations of Therapeutic Recreation-2nd Edition

$136.95 CAD

$136.95 CAD

ISBN: 9781492543671


Page Count: 288

Foundations of Therapeutic Recreation, Second Edition, introduces students to the many career possibilities in the field of therapeutic recreation. Drawing on the combined wisdom and expertise of editors Terry Long and Terry Robertson, as well as 20 contributing authors who represent a broad spectrum of experiences within the discipline, the text provides the foundational concepts that are essential for understanding the profession.

One of the more significant updates to the second edition of Foundations of Therapeutic Recreation is a more contemporary description of models of practice, including significant attention to strength-based models and approaches to practice. In addition, the second edition has been updated to reflect current National Council for Therapeutic Recreation Certification (NCTRC) requirements for obtaining the Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist (CTRS) credential. Other updates to this edition include the following:
  • Integration of more global perspectives on therapeutic recreation
  • Greater emphasis of evidence-based practice for designing and delivering enjoyable and beneficial therapeutic recreation interventions
  • Streamlined content and reorganized chapters to facilitate a natural progression throughout the semester
Each chapter contains a summary and discussion questions to help assess and promote retention of key concepts. In addition, case studies provide students with a glimpse of client issues they may face in the future, and professional profiles highlight outstanding professionals in the field.

Students will discover potential areas in which therapeutic recreation can be practiced—including mental health centers, programs for those with developmental disabilities, physical rehabilitation facilities, youth development programs, and programs for the aging population—and will also be exposed to potential changes and uses of therapeutic recreation as technology innovations, public policy, and service demand trends evolve.

Plus, instructors will find a suite of ancillaries to assist in managing their course. The instructor guide includes learning objectives for each chapter along with sample classroom activities and assignments. The test bank has been expanded, and the presentation package has undergone significant revisions to reflect the content of the text.

Foundations of Therapeutic Recreation, Second Edition, provides students with evidence-based information on fundamental concepts in the field of therapeutic recreation. With a reader-friendly format and engaging style, this text will help students explore the various career possibilities in the field.


Textbook for introductory higher education courses in therapeutic recreation; also a professional reference for practitioners who work in recreational therapy.
Part I. Introduction to Therapeutic Recreation

Chapter 1.
Considering Therapeutic Recreation as Your Profession
Terry Robertson
Terry Long

What Is Therapeutic Recreation?
A Diverse Profession
Choosing a Profession
Discussion Questions
Chapter 2. History of Therapeutic Recreation
Rodney Dieser
Importance of History
Origins of the Profession (Late 1700s to Mid-1900s)
Philosophical Battles in Therapeutic Recreation (1945-1965)
The Utopian Years of Therapeutic Recreation (1966-1984)
The Fragmentation Years of Therapeutic Recreation (1985-2000)
Therapeutic Recreation in the 21st Century
Discussion Questions
Chapter 3. Professional Opportunities in Therapeutic Recreation
Michal Anne Lord
Ramon B. Zabriskie

Characteristics of a Profession
Professional Preparation in Therapeutic Recreation
Professional Organizations
Professional Networking
Discussion Questions
Chapter 4. Person-First Philosophy in Therapeutic Recreation
Mary Ann Devine
Jessie L. Bennett

Who Is the Person With a Disability?
Person-First Philosophy
Using Person-First Philosophy
Attitudes Toward People With Disabilities
Service Delivery
Discussion Questions
Chapter 5. Models and Modalities of Practice
Jamie Hoffman
Terry Long

Therapeutic Recreation Practice Models
Broader Models of Practice
Therapeutic Recreation Treatment Modalities
Discussion Questions

Part II. Potential Areas of Practice

Chapter 6.
The Therapeutic Recreation Process
Terry Long
Discussion Questions
Chapter 7. Therapeutic Recreation and Mental Health
Melissa D’Eloia
Keith Fulthorp
Terry Long

Components of a Healthy Mind
What Is a Mental Disorder?
Role of Therapeutic Recreation in Treating Mental Disorders
Levels of Care in Mental Health
Diagnostic Categories
Theoretical Considerations
Positive Psychology and Related Paradigms
Mental Health and Secondary Disabilities
Common Therapeutic Recreation Modalities for Mental Health
Discussion Questions
Chapter 8. Therapeutic Recreation and Developmental Disabilities
Susan Myllykangas
Alice Foose
Patricia Ardovino

What Are Developmental Disabilities?
Practice Settings
Neurodevelopmental Disorders
Sensory-Related Developmental Disabilities
Metabolic Disabilities
Degenerative Disabilities
Best Practices
Discussion Questions
Chapter 9. Therapeutic Recreation and Physical Rehabilitation
Terry Robertson
Jody Cormack
Terry Long

Common Diagnostic Groups in Rehabilitation
Common Therapeutic Recreation Modalities in Rehabilitation
Best Practices
Discussion Questions
Chapter 10. Youth Development and Therapeutic Recreation
Sydney L. Sklar
Cari E. Autry

Positive Youth Development
Challenges to Positive Development
Theories That Guide Therapeutic Recreation Practice
Prevention, Intervention, and the Therapeutic Process: APIED
Settings and Opportunities
Modalities for Youth Development
Discussion Questions
Chapter 11. Therapeutic Recreation and Senior Populations
Laura Covert-Miller
Cameo Rogers

The Aging Population
Career Opportunities With Seniors
Theories of Successful Aging
Common Modalities
Dementia Frameworks
Discussion Questions
Chapter 12. A Global Perspective of Therapeutic Recreation
Rodney Dieser
Heewon Yang
Shane Pegg
Shinichi Nagata

Therapeutic Recreation in Canada
Therapeutic Recreation in South Korea
Therapeutic Recreation in Japan
Therapeutic Recreation in Australia
Discussion Questions
Chapter 13. Envisioning the Future: Therapeutic Recreation as a Profession
Terry Robertson
Erick Kong
Embracing Our History
The Emergence of a Global Society
The Future of Therapeutic Recreation as a Profession
Worldviews: Finding the Optimal Perspective
Discussion Questions
Terry Long, PhD, is a professor and the director of the School of Health Science and Wellness at Northwest Missouri State University, where he has worked since 2000. He is regarded nationally as one of the leading scholars in the field of therapeutic recreation, as evidenced by his teaching, research, applied experience, and service to the field.

Long has been on the editorial board of Therapeutic Recreation Journal for more than 10 years and served as editor from 2008 to 2011. He was an active member of the Northwest Missouri State faculty senate, serving his second term from 2012 to 2014, and was the faculty senate president for the 2014-2015 academic year. In addition to therapeutic recreation, Long’s professional interests also include adventure-based therapy, inclusion, disability rights, and mental health. His interest in independent living has enabled him to be instrumental in fostering a partnership between Northwest Missouri State and Midland Empire Resources for Independent Living (MERIL).

Terry Robertson, PhD, is a professor and associate dean in the College of Health and Human Services at California State University at Long Beach. Robertson was previously a clinical associate professor at the University of Utah; a professor and chair of the department of health, physical education, recreation, and dance at Northwest Missouri State University; and a research fellow at the University of Queensland. While at Northwest Missouri State, Robertson helped create a partnership with Midland Empire Resources for Independent Living (MERIL), for which he served on the board from 1994 to 2008, including six years as the chair. The Terry Robertson Community Partner Award was created in 2010 in honor of Robertson’s service to MERIL.

In addition to his work on independent living, Robertson has had a considerable impact on the field of therapeutic recreation, working as an educator, practitioner, and consultant for more than 40 years. He is a past president of the National Therapeutic Recreation Society, the Missouri Therapeutic Recreation Society, and the Nevada Therapeutic Recreation Society. He also served on the Utah Therapeutic Recreation Licensure for six years and was the director of continuing education for the Midwest Symposium on Therapeutic Recreation for more than 20 years.

All ancillaries are free to adopting instructors through HKPropel.

Instructor guide. Includes chapter overviews and outlines, learning outcomes, discussion questions, and web links, as well as learning activities designed to allow students to apply the content addressed in each chapter.

Test package. Includes a bank of questions—in true-or-false, fill-in-the-blank, essay, short-answer, and multiple-choice formats—covering the content from all chapters.

Presentation package. Includes PowerPoint slides of text, artwork, and tables from the book that can be used for class discussion and presentation. The slides in the presentation package can be used directly within PowerPoint or printed to make transparencies or handouts for distribution to students. Instructors can easily add, modify, and rearrange the order of the slides.