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Foundations of Sport and Exercise Psychology 7th Edition With Web Study Guide-Loose-Leaf Edition

$73.47 CAD $104.95 CAD

Loose-leaf book with online resource
$73.47 CAD

ISBN: 9781492570592


Page Count: 680

This is the loose-leaf version of Foundations of Sport and Exercise Psychology, Seventh Edition With Web Study Guide, which offers students a lower-priced printed version of the text. Other binding options are also available.

The leading textbook in sport and exercise psychology is back in a revised seventh edition, and it again raises the bar with its engaging introduction to the field. Foundations of Sport and Exercise Psychology, Seventh Edition With Web Study Guide, offers both students and new practitioners a comprehensive view of sport and exercise psychology, drawing connections between research and practice and capturing the excitement of the world of sport and exercise.

Internationally respected authors Robert Weinberg and Daniel Gould continue to gather and incorporate feedback from teachers and students with each edition, building a text that addresses emerging trends and remains relevant and up to date. In-depth learning aids have been refreshed, including chapter objectives and summaries, sidebars, key terms, key points, and discussion questions to help students think more critically about applying the material. Other updates to the seventh edition include the following:

  • A new chapter on diversity and inclusion addressing topics related to gender, ethnicity, race, sexual orientation, and disability
  • New content on popular and emerging areas such as grit, mindfulness, organizational sport psychology, and technology in sport psychology
  • Additional modern-day practical examples and anecdotes to better illustrate concepts
  • Updated references, including more contemporary sources

Foundations of Sport and Exercise Psychology provides a unique learning experience, taking students on a journey through the field’s origins, key concepts, research development, and career options available in the field. After this introduction to the field, the text shifts focus to personal factors that affect performance and behavior in sport, physical education, and exercise settings. It augments those concepts by factoring in situational circumstances that influence behavior, group interaction and processes, and the use of psychological techniques to help people perform more effectively. Students will gain critical insights into the role psychological factors play in health and exercise and the psychological consequences of participation in sport and physical activity, including children’s psychological development through sport participation, aggression in sport, and moral development and good sporting behavior in sport and physical activity contexts.

The related web study guide serves as an important tool to support the educational journey. With over 100 engaging activities, it allows students to apply the concepts from the text by completing activities for each chapter that encourage critical thinking.

Many of the study guide activities offer compelling audio and video clips that reveal how sport psychology consultants communicate with athletes and coaches to improve athletic experiences. These clips feature esteemed experts discussing concepts that they have studied and refined during their professional careers.

To further emphasize practical application, the activities can be integrated throughout a full semester, turning course units into a unified whole that builds upon itself for greater understanding of the field.

In addition to the web study guide, instructors will have access to a full suite of ancillaries: an instructor guide, test package, chapter quizzes, and presentation package plus image bank. Plus instructors have access to an instructor video library featuring over 120 video clips.

Note: The web study guide is included with all new print books and some ebooks. For ebook formats that do not provide access, the web study guide is available separately.


Introductory textbook for sport and exercise psychology courses; ideal for students pursuing a career as a sport psychologist, coach, physical educator, fitness instructor, athletic trainer, physical therapist, or sports medicine professional. Also a reference for libraries and sport psychologists.

Part I. Beginning Your Journey

Chapter 1. Welcome to Sport and Exercise Psychology

Defining Sport and Exercise Psychology

Specializing in Sport Psychology

Distinguishing Between Two Specialties

Reviewing the History of Sport and Exercise Psychology

Focusing on Sport and Exercise Psychology Around the World

Learning Aids

Chapter 2. Science and Professional Practice of Sport and Exercise Psychology

Bridging Science and Practice

Choosing From Many Sport and Exercise Psychology Orientations

Understanding Present and Future Trends

Learning Aids

Part II. Learning About Participants

Chapter 3. Personality and Sport

Defining Personality

Understanding Personality Structure

Studying Personality From Six Viewpoints

Measuring Personality

Using Psychological Measures

Focusing on Personality Research

Examining Cognitive Strategies and Success

Identifying Your Role in Understanding Personality

Learning Aids

Chapter 4. Motivation

Defining Motivation

Reviewing Three Approaches to Motivation

Building Motivation With Five Guidelines

Developing a Realistic View of Motivation

Understanding Achievement Motivation and Competitiveness

Identifying Four Theories of Achievement Motivation

Developing Achievement Motivation and Competitiveness

Using Achievement Motivation in Professional Practice

Learning Aids

Chapter 5. Arousal, Stress, and Anxiety

Defining Arousal and Anxiety

Measuring Arousal and Anxiety

Defining Stress and Understanding the Stress Process

Identifying Sources of Stress and Anxiety

Connecting Arousal and Anxiety to Performance

Applying Knowledge to Professional Practice

Learning Aids

Part III. Understanding Sport and Exercise Environments

Chapter 6. Competition and Cooperation

Defining Competition and Cooperation

Viewing Competition as a Process

Reviewing Studies of Competition and Cooperation

Determining Whether Competition Is Good or Bad

Enhancing Cooperation

Learning Aids

Chapter 7. Feedback, Reinforcement, and Intrinsic Motivation

Principles of Reinforcement

Approaches to Influencing Behavior

Guidelines for Using Positive Reinforcement

Guidelines for Using Punishment

Behavior Modification in Sport

Behavior Modification and Cognitive Behavior Therapy

Intrinsic Motivation and Extrinsic Rewards

Cognitive Evaluation Theory

How Extrinsic Rewards Affect Intrinsic Motivation in Sport

Strategies for Increasing Intrinsic Motivation

Flow—A Special Case of Intrinsic Motivation

Learning Aids

Chapter 8. Diversity and Inclusion

Definition of Culture, Diversity, Inclusion, and Cultural Competence

Diversity and Inclusion Research in Sport and Exercise

Benefits of Diversity and Inclusion

Strategies for Diversifying Sport and Physical Activity and Creating Inclusive Environments

Learning Aids

Part IV. Focusing on Group Processes

Chapter 9. Team Dynamics and Cohesion

Recognizing the Difference Between Groups and Teams

Identifying Three Theories of Group Development

Understanding Group Structure

Creating an Effective Team Climate

Maximizing Individual Performance in Team Sports

Definition of Cohesion

Conceptual Model of Cohesion

Tools for Measuring Cohesion

Relationship Between Cohesion and Performance

Other Factors Associated With Cohesion

Strategies for Enhancing Cohesion

Guidelines for Building Team Cohesion

Learning Aids

Chapter 10. Leadership

Definition of Leadership

Approaches to Studying Leadership

Sport-Oriented Interactional Approaches to Leadership

Research on the Multidimensional Model of Sport Leadership

Leadership Training Interventions

Four Components of Effective Leadership

The Art of Leadership

Learning Aids

Chapter 11. Communication

Understanding the Communication Process

Sending Messages Effectively

Receiving Messages Effectively

Recognizing Breakdowns in Communication

Improving Communication

Dealing With Confrontation and Conflict

Delivering Constructive Criticism

Learning Aids

Part V. Improving Performance

Chapter 12. Introduction to Psychological Skills Training

What Psychological Skills Training Entails

Why PST Is Important

Why Sport and Exercise Participants Neglect PST

Myths About PST

PST Knowledge Base

PST Effectiveness

Three Phases of PST Programs

Self-Regulation: The Ultimate Goal of PST

Who Should Conduct PST Programs

When to Implement a PST Program

PST Program Development

Common Problems in Implementing PST Programs

Learning Aids

Chapter 13. Arousal Regulation

Increasing Self-Awareness of Arousal

Using Anxiety Reduction Techniques

Exploring the Matching Hypothesis

Coping With Adversity

Using Arousal-Inducing Techniques

Learning Aids

Chapter 14. Imagery

Defining Imagery

Uses of Imagery

Evidence of Imagery’s Effectiveness

Imagery in Sport: Where, When, Why, and What

Factors Affecting the Effectiveness of Imagery

How Imagery Works

Keys to Effective Imagery

How to Develop an Imagery Training Program

When to Use Imagery

Learning Aids

Chapter 15. Self-Confidence

Defining Self-Confidence

Understanding How Expectations Influence Performance

Examining Self-Efficacy Theory

Assessing Self-Confidence

Building Self-Confidence

Learning Aids

Chapter 16. Goal Setting

Definition of Goals

Effectiveness of Goal Setting

Principles of Goal Setting

Development of Group Goals

Design of a Goal-Setting System

Common Problems in Goal Setting

Learning Aids

Chapter 17. Concentration

Defining Concentration

Explaining Attentional Focus: Three Processes

Connecting Concentration to Optimal Performance

Identifying Types of Attentional Focus

Recognizing Attentional Problems

Using Self-Talk to Enhance Concentration

Assessing Attentional Skills

Improving Concentration

Learning Aids

Part VI. Enhancing Health and Well-Being

Chapter 18. Exercise and Psychological Well-Being

Reducing Anxiety and Depression With Exercise

Understanding the Effect of Exercise on Psychological Well-Being

Changing Personality and Cognitive Functioning With Exercise

Enhancing Quality of Life With Exercise

Examining the Runner’s High

Using Exercise as an Adjunct to Therapy

Learning Aids

Chapter 19. Exercise Behavior and Adherence

Reasons to Exercise

Reasons for Not Exercising

Problem of Exercise Adherence

Theories and Models of Exercise Behavior

Determinants of Exercise Adherence

Settings for Exercise Interventions

Strategies for Enhancing Adherence to Exercise

Guidelines for Improving Exercise Adherence

Learning Aids

Chapter 20. Athletic Injuries and Psychology

What Is Injury?

Causes of Injury

Relationship Between Stress and Injury

Other Psychologically Based Explanations for Injury

Psychological Reactions to Exercise and Athletic Injuries

Role of Sport Psychology in Injury Rehabilitation

Identify Athletes and Exercisers Who Are at Risk for Injury

Learning Aids

Chapter 21. Addictive and Unhealthy Behaviors

Eating Disorders

Substance Abuse

Addiction to Exercise

Compulsive Gambling

Learning Aids

Chapter 22. Burnout and Overtraining

Definitions of Overtraining, Staleness, and Burnout

Frequency of Overtraining, Staleness, and Burnout

Models of Burnout

Factors Leading to Athlete Overtraining and Burnout

Symptoms of Overtraining and Burnout

Ways to Measure Burnout

Burnout in Sport Professionals

Treatment and Prevention of Burnout

Learning Aids

Part VII. Facilitating Psychological Growth and Development

Chapter 23. Children and Sport Psychology

Importance of Studying the Psychology of Young Athletes

Children’s Reasons for Participation and Nonparticipation

Role of Friends in Youth Sport

Stress and Burnout in Children’s Competitive Sport

Effective Coaching Practices for Young Athletes

Role of Parents

Learning Aids

Chapter 24. Aggression in Sport

Defining Aggression

Understanding the Causes of Aggression

Examining Aggression in Sport

Applying Knowledge to Professional Practice

Learning Aids

Chapter 25. Character Development and Good Sporting Behavior

Defining Character, Fair Play, and Good Sporting Behavior

Developing Character and Good Sporting Behavior

Examining Moral Development Research

Understanding the Connection Between Moral Reasoning and Moral Behavior

Hazing and Bullying in Sport

Studying the Connection Between Character Development and Physical Activity

Guiding Practice in Character Development

Learning Aids

Robert S. Weinberg, PhD, is a professor in the department of physical education, health, and sport studies at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. He has more than 40 years of experience in both the scholarly and applied aspects of sport psychology. He has written numerous research articles, including more than 150 refereed articles in scholarly journals, as well as books, book chapters, and applied articles for coaches, athletes, and exercisers.

Weinberg was voted one of the top 10 sport psychologists in North America by his peers. He is past president of the North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity (NASPSPA) and of the Association for Applied Sport Psychology (AASP). He is also a certified AASP consultant, consulting with athletes of all sports and ages.

Weinberg was named a Distinguished Scholar at Miami University in 2005. In addition, he was the editor of the Journal of Applied Sport Psychology and was voted Outstanding Faculty Member in the School of Education and Allied Professions at Miami University in 1998. In his leisure time, he enjoys playing tennis, traveling, and gardening.

Daniel Gould, PhD, is the director of the Institute for the Study of Youth Sports and a professor in the department of kinesiology at Michigan State University. He has taught sport psychology for more than 35 years. An active researcher, Gould was the founding coeditor of The Sport Psychologist and has published more than 200 articles on sport psychology. He is best known for conducting applied research that links research and practice.

Gould was voted one of the top 10 sport psychology specialists in North America and is internationally known, having presented his work in more than 30 countries. When on the faculty of the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, he received the university’s coveted Alumni Teaching Excellence Award, an all-campus teaching honor. He is certified as a consultant by the Association for Applied Sport Psychology (AASP) and is a member of the United States Olympic Committee Sport Psychology Registry.

Gould is the former president of AASP and SHAPE America’s Sport Psychology Academy. In addition to teaching sport psychology, he is extensively involved in coaching education, from youth sports to Olympic competition. He also serves as a mental skills training consultant for professional, Olympic, and world-class athletes. In recent years he has served as an executive coach for business leaders interested in enhancing their organizations’ performance.

He lives in Okemos, Michigan, with his wife, Deb. He is a proud father of two sons, Kevin and Brian. In his leisure time, he enjoys swimming, doing fitness activities, and spending time with his family.

All ancillaries are free to adopting instructors and available online.

Instructor guide. Includes a sample course outline for organizing lectures and chapters, additional class exercises, and individual class outlines. It also lists each chapter’s web study guide activities and highlights the activities that are supported by video.

Test package. Contains more than 780 multiple-choice questions. The test package is available in multiple formats, including a learning management system, Respondus, or rich text.

Chapter quizzes. Includes unique quiz questions that instructors can use to gauge student comprehension on a chapter-by-chapter basis. Compatible with learning management systems, these quizzes offer easy grading and record keeping for instructors.

Presentation package plus image bank. Features more than 1,000 PowerPoint slides highlighting the most important concepts, illustrations, and tables from the book, along with links to accompanying video, which can be used for class discussion and presentation. Slides can be added, modified, or rearranged as needed.

The image bank includes most of the photos, illustrations, and tables from the text, sorted by chapter. These can be used in developing a customized presentation based on specific course requirements.

Instructor videos. Contains unique video content, not included in the web study guide, that instructors can use to supplement their lectures. More than 50 video clips feature expert commentary and expose students to the insights of veteran professionals in the field, and correspond with most of the 25 chapters of the text. Also included in this video library are the videos that accompany the web study guide activities.

Web study guide. Offers learning activities to expand and test students’ understanding of principles of sport and exercise psychology. More than 20 video clips give students an opportunity to hear top sport psychologists discuss their perspectives on key concepts and provide a realistic look at how sport psychologists interact and communicate with athletes and coaches.

The web study guide is also available for purchase separately • ISBN 978-1-4925-7058-5

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