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Foundations of Professional Personal Training 3rd Edition epub

Author: canfitpro

$103.00 CAD

$103.00 CAD

ISBN: 9781718211834


Page Count: 456

Access Duration: 10 Years

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Developed and written by canfitpro, Canada’s foremost education and certification provider for fitness professionals, this third edition of Foundations of Professional Personal Training contains essential information for building skills, creating systems to work with clients, and preparing for the Personal Training Specialist (PTS) certification. Extensively updated to match the certification standards, this edition includes the following:
  • New chapters on periodization, screening and assessment, program design, and the canfitpro Personal Training Specialist framework
  • Diverse client case studies to use for practice and application of concepts
  • Details about canfitpro’s optimal health perspective, which integrates physical activity, nutrition, and mental well-being
  • Strategies for cultivating the client–personal trainer relationship
  • Contemporary information regarding inclusive training, training in a virtual environment, and building a business
Foundations of Professional Personal Training, Third Edition, prepares new and prospective personal trainers for all aspects of their exciting profession. Providing key concepts of personal training, guidelines for program design and injury prevention, and considerations for working with clients, this text is an essential resource for preparation for the PTS exam and for a successful career in personal training.


The primary manual for preparing for the canfitpro Personal Training Specialist certification; also a reference for personal trainers and other fitness professionals as well as a text for students in upper-level personal training courses.
Part I. The Journey Begins

Chapter 1. Understanding Your Career, Yourself, and Your Client
Kim Lavender, FAHP
Career Path Options for Personal Training Specialists
Strengthening the Client–Personal Trainer Relationship
Understanding Behaviour Change
Influencing Exercise Adherence
Working With Clients

Chapter 2. Principles for Optimal Health
Kim Lavender, FAHP, and Beth Yarzab
Your Role as a Personal Training Specialist in Promoting Optimal Health
Physical Literacy
Nutritional Health
Physical Activity for Optimal Health
canfitpro’s Training Principles

Part II. Understanding the Body

Chapter 3. Bioenergetics
Brian Justin, M.Kin, and Gregory S. Anderson, PhD
Bioenergetics Terminology
Introduction to the Energy Systems
Interaction of the Energy Systems
Oxygen Deficit
Developing the Energy Systems

Chapter 4. Cardiorespiratory Concepts
Gregory S. Anderson, PhD, and Brian Justin, M.Kin
Cardiovascular System
Respiratory System
Cardiorespiratory Response to Exercise
Benefits of Cardiorespiratory Training
Program Design for Cardiorespiratory Training

Chapter 5. Skeletal Anatomy
Gregory S. Anderson, PhD
Parts of the Skeleton
Describing Movement
Program Design for Bone Health

Chapter 6. Muscular Anatomy
Gregory S. Anderson, PhD
Structure and Function of Skeletal Muscle
Muscles and Muscle Groups
Benefits of Resistance Training
Program Design for Resistance Training

Chapter 7. Flexibility and Mobility Concepts
Jason Jones
Definition of Flexibility
Relationship of Flexibility to Overall Fitness
Mobility and Fascia
Elastic and Plastic Tissues
Range of Motion and Joint Mechanics
Movement, Mobilization, and Flexibility Training
Program Design for Flexibility Training
Integrating Flexibility Training

Chapter 8. Foundational Movement Sequences
Mark Stone, BSc
What Is Functional Training?
Postural Stability and Balance
Understanding the Kinetic Chain
Externally Versus Internally Stabilized Exercises
Biomotor Abilities
Programming Foundational Movement Sequences

Part III. canfitpro Personal Training Specialist Framework and Client Strategy (Assessment)

Chapter 9. canfitpro Personal Training Specialist Framework
Eric Wong Kai Pun
Overview of the canfitpro Personal Training Specialist Framework
PAR-Q+ and Health History
Goal Setting With Emotional Connection
Passive and Dynamic Assessments
Selling Is Helping
Program Design
Session Delivery

Chapter 10. Client Strategy Part I: Passive Screening and Assessments
Eric Wong Kai Pun and Jason Jones
Preexercise Screening
Passive Assessments
Cardiovascular Health Assessments
Body Composition Assessments

Chapter 11. Client Strategy Part II: Dynamic Screening and Assessments
Eric Wong Kai Pun and Jason Jones
Training Levels
Dynamic Assessments
Movement Quality and Active Flexibility Assessments
Cardiorespiratory Fitness Assessment
Muscular Capacity Assessment
Sources of Error in Dynamic Assessments

Part IV. Periodization, Program Design, and Session Delivery

Chapter 12. Periodization
Eric Wong Kai Pun and Jason Jones
Origin of Periodization
Periodization Cycles
Plan to Build Client Skill (Foundations)
Periodization Models
Periodization Is Systematized Individualization
Getting Started With Periodization

Chapter 13. Program Design
Eric Wong Kai Pun and Jason Jones
Principles of Program Design
canfitpro’s Principles of Training
Resistance Training Is Key to Client Goal Achievement
Client Considerations
Structuring a Resistance Training Program for the Foundations Phase
Structuring a Block Periodized Resistance Training Program
Structuring a Linear Periodized Resistance Training Program
Structuring a Wave-Loaded Periodized Resistance Training Program
Selecting Exercises and Equipment for Resistance Training
Structuring a Cardiorespiratory Training Workout
Getting Started With Program Design

Chapter 14. Session Delivery and Professionalism
Eric Wong Kai Pun
Considerations for Professional and Enjoyable Sessions
Delivering the Session
Five Steps of Introducing a New Exercise
Intake or Initial Consultation Session
Between the Initial Consultation and Subsequent Sessions (Client Onboarding)
Subsequent Sessions and Reassessment

Part V. Industry Longevity

Chapter 15. Injury Risk Management
Terry Kane, BPHE, BSc
Understanding Scope of Practice
Types of Musculoskeletal Injury
Injury Risk Management

Chapter 16. Business of Personal Training
Sara Fennell and Joe Arko
Career Options
Personal Trainer Specialist Finances and Capacity
Niche and Avatar
Packaging and Pricing
Marketing and Lead Generation
Money Mindset
Onboarding, Nurturing, and Community Building
Terminating the Relationship
Essential Data Tracking
Customer Service and Operational Systems
Risk Management

Appendix A: Main, Supplemental, and Accessory Exercises
Appendix B: Mobility and Stability Exercises
Appendix C: canfitpro Professional Member Noncompliance, Complaints, and Appeal Process
As the leading global provider of fitness and wellness education, canfitpro empowers people to lead passionate and fulfilling lives through safe, fun, and effective physical activity. Established in 1993, canfitpro provides professionals with certification, continuing education, and professional support. In 1998, canfitpro launched its national certification program that provides one standardized, comprehensive certification body in Canada for specialists in fitness instruction, personal training, nutrition, and wellness. Known for quality and positive results, a canfitpro certification establishes a benchmark for excellence and education in the fitness industry. Foundations of Professional Personal Training, Third Edition, is used by canfitpro for their Personal Training Specialist certification program for professionals who work with clients on an individual basis and design exercise programs for improved health and fitness.

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