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Foundations of Physical Activity and Public Health 2nd Edition With Web Resource epub

$125.95 CAD

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Ebook With Online Resource
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Paperback With Online Resource
$166.95 CAD

ISBN: 9781492592822


Page Count: 320

Access Duration: 10 Years

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The first textbook to clearly define the intersection of kinesiology and public health, Foundations of Physical Activity and Public Health, Second Edition With Web Resource, has been newly updated to reflect the 2018 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans issued by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The new edition has been updated with additional contemporary research findings and international examples. With a solid introduction to the concepts of public health and kinesiology, techniques used to measure physical activity, and health effects of exercise and physical activity, the text will show readers how to advance the use of physical activity as a significant component in public health initiatives.

Joining field leaders Harold (Bill) Kohl and Tinker Murray on this second edition is Deborah Salvo, an international expert with a special interest in the relationship between the built environment and health. Other updates to this edition include the following:
  • New content on the use of electronic devices—such as pedometers and consumer-based wearable technology and apps—for measuring physical activity
  • Urban design strategies for promoting physical activity at the community level
  • An engaging, full-color visual presentation
  • A new web resource that includes key term learning activities and links to the National Physical Activity Society (NPAS) core competencies for public health physical activity practitioners that relate to each chapter
Foundations of Physical Activity and Public Health, Second Edition, describes the impact of sedentary behavior and physical activity on health, including cardiorespiratory and metabolic diseases, weight status, musculoskeletal disorders, cancers, and brain health. Evidence-based strategies are examined using three general approaches—informational, behavioral and social, and environmental and policy—with examples of successful programs to help readers understand applications in public health. A chapter on data collection and analysis teaches how to measure and evaluate program and policy effectiveness, while discussion of real-world initiatives such as the U.S. National Physical Activity Plan and the Toronto Charter for Physical Activity illustrates developing effective partnerships and models for advocacy.

To further tie theory to practice, case studies and callout boxes throughout the text provide practical examples, and each chapter ends with a review to solidify student understanding of the material. Leader Profile sidebars allow students to explore career options while learning more about individuals who have had a major impact on this growing field.

As the emphasis on physical activity as a tool for improving public health grows, professionals with combined knowledge and skills from both public health and exercise science fields will be highly sought. Foundations of Physical Activity and Public Health, Second Edition, will help students obtain an overview of kinesiology and public health areas, understand physical activity applications for public health, and learn about career options, and it will inspire them to choose a career and make a difference in the emerging field of physical activity and public health.


Textbook for undergraduate and graduate courses in physical activity and public health; reference for public health professionals, health promotion specialists, and exercise scientists interested in physical activity and health.

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