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Foundational Strength

The Basics for Starting Training

Author: John Flagg

$34.95 CAD

$34.95 CAD

ISBN: 9781718216013


Page Count: 272

The first step in building anything is to start with a solid foundation. That is as true for strength training as it is for construction. A program built on sound principles, anchored by science and proven effective time and again, will reward you with true and tangible results and lifetime of lifting success.

Focusing on the most essential information you need to know to start a safe and effective strength training program, Foundational Strength provides step-by-step explanations of the key elements and phases of the four essential lifts: squat, bench press, deadlift, and overhead press. Each lift is accompanied by photos that walk you through the lift from start to finish, detailing the proper mechanics and purpose of the lift.

Variations for each lift are included, helping you identify your individual starting point to ensure success, and common errors are identified to help avoid injury. Warm-up exercises ensure your body is ready for each main lift, and an assortment of accessory exercises helps you progress over time.

The book also takes the guesswork out of creating workouts, providing the basics of programming and information on how to create your own programs based on your situation, needs, and goals.

More than just a bullet-point list of movement descriptions, Foundational Strength gives you a personal coach to guide you on the first steps of your lifting journey. Get the know-how you need to build confidence and success in the gym!

Earn continuing education credits/units! A continuing education exam that uses this book is also available. It may be purchased separately or as part of a package that includes both the book and exam.


New or inexperienced lifters seeking to begin a strength training program; also a reference for coaches and fitness professionals working with beginners.
Chapter 1. The Foundation
Chapter 2. The Warm-Up
Chapter 3. The Squat
Chapter 4. The Bench Press
Chapter 5. The Deadlift
Chapter 6. The Overhead Press
Chapter 7. The Accessory Lifts
Chapter 8. The Foundations of Programming
Chapter 9. The Foundations of Long-Term Success
Appendix. Foundational Strength Programming Worksheet
John Flagg is a strength coach, athletic trainer, and competitive powerlifter. He is the owner of Rebuild Stronger, an online coaching company that helps powerlifting, weightlifting, and strongman athletes return from injury and overcome training plateaus. He has helped thousands of athletes recover from injuries while also developing elite athletes preparing for national and international levels of competition. He currently coaches nearly 100 athletes, both online and in person. He is also the cohost of the Rebuild Stronger podcast, covering all things related to strength training and health.

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