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Fitness Swimming 2nd Edition PDF

Author: Emmett Hines

$26.95 CAD

$26.95 CAD

ISBN: 9781492573678


Page Count: 232

Access Duration: 10 Years

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Want more from your workout? Whether you seek to improve your technique, trim your times, swim greater distances, or simply improve your fitness level, Fitness Swimming will help you achieve your goals, all in full-color.

Expert swim coach Emmett Hines has created 60 new workouts and 16 sample programs, each arranged into suggested training zones to correspond to your fitness level and performance goals. Over a dozen cutting-edge technique drills help you progressively build an effective freestyle stroke. The text covers stretching, warm-up and cool-down methods, heart rate zone targets, expanded instruction for stroke efficacy, progressive drills, conditioning tips, and fitness assessments. Fitness Swimming has all the information you need to chart progress and maintain peak performance.

Part I Preparing to Swim
Chapter 1. Swimming for Your Life
Chapter 2. Getting Equipped
Chapter 3. Assessing Your Swimming Fitness

Part II Swimming the Right Way
Chapter 4. Your Relationship With the Water
Chapter 5. Posture and Balance Drills
Chapter 6. Stroke Integration Drills and Turns
Chapter 7. Warming Up, Stretching, and Cooling Down

Part III Swimming Workouts
Chapter 8. Level 1
Chapter 9. Level 2
Chapter 10. Level 3
Chapter 11. Level 4
Chapter 12. Level 5
Chapter 13. Level 6

Part IV Training Over the Long Haul
Chapter 14. Planning Seasonal Training
Chapter 15. Sample Programs
Chapter 16. Charting Your Progress

Emmett Hines is one of the top masters swimming coaches in the nation. He is one of only 13 coaches to hold the level 5 Masters certification, the American Swim Coaches Association's (ASCA) highest adult coaching certification. In 2002 he received the Masters Aquatic Coaches Association Lifetime Achievement Award. He also was honored as the U.S. Masters Swimming Coach of the Year in 1993. Hines has been coaching in some form since the age of 14. The director and head coach of H2Ouston Swims, Hines has coached adult swimmers for more than 25 years—from beginners to those with Olympic pedigrees. He has conducted clinics across the country and internationally as a senior coach for Total Immersion Swim Camps, the world's most widely known and respected organization for adult swimming instruction.

Hines' articles have been featured in Swim Magazine, he writes a monthly column for Runner Triathlete News, and he has published over 200 articles in swimming and triathlon magazines and newsletters. He has spoken at the ASCA World Coaches Clinic and Pacific Coaches Clinic, two of the largest professional swim coaches' gatherings in the world. Swimmers under his guidance have won numerous team and individual national championship titles and set numerous national and world records. Hines has served as the assistant USMS editor for Swim Magazine, editor of the Masters Aquatic Coaches Association (MACA) newsletter, and editor of Gulf Masters Swim Committee (GMSC) newsletter.

Throughout all of his swim-related activities, Hines seeks to use his creativity and humor to expand the world of adult swimming while improving the knowledge and skill of swimmers and instructors alike.

His wife, Peggy, is a swim coach as well, and both of his boys are fish. Aside from swimming, the whole family is actively involved in competitive target archery.

"Emmett Hines is an influential coach—a pioneer among masters swimming coaches. In Fitness Swimming he shares the very latest on swimming technique, and his no-nonsense approach to stroke analysis is refreshing. No swimming library would be complete without this book."

Bill Volckening
Editor, USMS Swimmer

"Emmett has done a great job of creating a resource for swimmers on the technique and conditioning fundamentals of the sport. No matter what level, the drills and workouts will help you become a better all-around swimmer."

Glenn Mills
U.S. Olympic Swimmer and Founder of