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Fitness PDF

Steps to Success

$30.95 CAD

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ISBN: 9781492579373


Page Count: 224

Access Duration: 10 Years

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Finally, a progressive, easy-to-follow plan for total-body fitness that produces results!

Packed with group and at-home exercises, recreational activities, yoga, balance work, core work, and nutrition essentials, Fitness: Steps to Success provides a variety of options to create the perfect program for your goals, desires, and schedule.

Step-by-step instruction, full-color photo sequences, and expert advice accompany the most effective exercises and activities for cardiorespiratory endurance, balance, strength, flexibility, and core strength. The easy-to-administer assessments will help you identify where to start your program and track your progress along the way. You’ll also learn the benefits of each activity; recommendations for what, when, and how often; and the best exercises for achieving specific results.

With tips for staying motivated, recovering from lapses, and avoiding missteps in your fitness journey, you have all the tools you need to feel better, look great, and lead an active, healthy lifestyle. As part of the popular Steps to Success series—with more than 2 million copies sold—Fitness: Steps to Success is an instant action plan you can trust.

Series Intro: Climbing the Steps to Fitness Success

STEP 1 Overview of Fitness

STEP 2 Testing and Evaluation

STEP 3 Goals

STEP 4 Cardiovascular Fitness

STEP 5 Muscular Strength and Endurance

STEP 6 Flexibility

STEP 7 Balance

STEP 8 Core

STEP 9 Nutrition

STEP 10 Behavior

Nancy Naternicola earned a BS in physical education teacher education and health at Florida Southern College, and an MS in physical education teacher education from West Virginia University (WVU). She is the fitness and wellness director of the College of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences (CPASS). Nancy develops fitness programming and teaches fitness classes for the WVU Lifetime Activities Program. She also oversees and teaches courses in the personal trainer minor and group fitness minor programs and teaches classes in the basic instruction program.

Naternicola manages the WVU Stansbury Fitness Center and supervises personal training and exercise physiology interns. She is a faculty member and master trainer for the American Council on Exercise. She has taught more than 15 types of group fitness, including step, kickboxing, fitness yoga, mat Pilates, sport conditioning, hip-hop, and boot camp.

Naternicola teaches for Fitness Pro Travel in Mexico, the Bahamas, Jamaica, the Dominican Republic, and Curacao. She chairs the Wellness Task Force and is the CPASS employee wellness coordinator and an American Red Cross instructor. She is a member of the West Virginia Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (WVAHPERD).

She enjoys all types of activities and sports and believes a body in motion stays in motion.

Fitness: Steps to Success helps you gain the confidence and know-how you need to improve your fitness and energy levels for a lifetime!” Use the step by step instructions to help you create your own fitness plan – working at your own pace and own intensity.”

Anthony Wall MS-- Director of Professional Education, American Council on Exercise

All ancillary materials for this text are FREE to course adopters and available at

Includes lecture topics, physical activities, student assignments in both a 20-session and 32-session framework, introductory notes, key points of technique, common errors and solutions, teaching modifications, and skill application, and additional resources such as Web sites, books, DVDs, and videos. Also included are test questions in multiple-choice, true or false, fill-in-the-blank and short answer format, and student evaluation guidelines.
Fitness PDF
Nancy Naternicola

Fitness PDF

$30.95 CAD

Finally, a progressive, easy-to-follow plan for total-body fitness that produces results!

Packed with group and at-home exercises, recreational activities, yoga, balance work, core work, and nutrition essentials, Fitness: Steps to Success provides a variety of options to create the perfect program for your goals, desires, and schedule.

Step-by-step instruction, full-color photo sequences, and expert advice accompany the most effective exercises and activities for cardiorespiratory endurance, balance, strength, flexibility, and core strength. The easy-to-administer assessments will help you identify where to start your program and track your progress along the way. You’ll also learn the benefits of each activity; recommendations for what, when, and how often; and the best exercises for achieving specific results.

With tips for staying motivated, recovering from lapses, and avoiding missteps in your fitness journey, you have all the tools you need to feel better, look great, and lead an active, healthy lifestyle. As part of the popular Steps to Success series—with more than 2 million copies sold—Fitness: Steps to Success is an instant action plan you can trust.

Series Intro: Climbing the Steps to Fitness Success

STEP 1 Overview of Fitness

STEP 2 Testing and Evaluation

STEP 3 Goals

STEP 4 Cardiovascular Fitness

STEP 5 Muscular Strength and Endurance

STEP 6 Flexibility

STEP 7 Balance

STEP 8 Core

STEP 9 Nutrition

STEP 10 Behavior

Nancy Naternicola earned a BS in physical education teacher education and health at Florida Southern College, and an MS in physical education teacher education from West Virginia University (WVU). She is the fitness and wellness director of the College of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences (CPASS). Nancy develops fitness programming and teaches fitness classes for the WVU Lifetime Activities Program. She also oversees and teaches courses in the personal trainer minor and group fitness minor programs and teaches classes in the basic instruction program.

Naternicola manages the WVU Stansbury Fitness Center and supervises personal training and exercise physiology interns. She is a faculty member and master trainer for the American Council on Exercise. She has taught more than 15 types of group fitness, including step, kickboxing, fitness yoga, mat Pilates, sport conditioning, hip-hop, and boot camp.

Naternicola teaches for Fitness Pro Travel in Mexico, the Bahamas, Jamaica, the Dominican Republic, and Curacao. She chairs the Wellness Task Force and is the CPASS employee wellness coordinator and an American Red Cross instructor. She is a member of the West Virginia Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (WVAHPERD).

She enjoys all types of activities and sports and believes a body in motion stays in motion.

Fitness: Steps to Success helps you gain the confidence and know-how you need to improve your fitness and energy levels for a lifetime!” Use the step by step instructions to help you create your own fitness plan – working at your own pace and own intensity.”

Anthony Wall MS-- Director of Professional Education, American Council on Exercise

All ancillary materials for this text are FREE to course adopters and available at

Includes lecture topics, physical activities, student assignments in both a 20-session and 32-session framework, introductory notes, key points of technique, common errors and solutions, teaching modifications, and skill application, and additional resources such as Web sites, books, DVDs, and videos. Also included are test questions in multiple-choice, true or false, fill-in-the-blank and short answer format, and student evaluation guidelines.


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