Fitness & Health 7th Edition PDF
Author: Brian Sharkey, Steven Gaskill
$72.95 CAD
Access Duration: 10 Years

The completely revised seventh edition of Fitness & Health offers a comprehensive understanding of the exercise–health relationship and provides a framework for attaining health and fitness goals. This one-stop handbook for students and fitness professionals explores the physiology and benefits of fitness while also providing information and tools for improving health and wellness. Authors Brian J. Sharkey and Steven E. Gaskill have 60 years of combined experience in the field, as evidenced in the depth of content and accessible style of writing. The book aims not only to educate but also to inspire the audience to put the suggested methods into practice and have a positive effect on their quality of life.
Fitness & Health, Seventh Edition, includes fresh, new content and has been restructured to enhance the educational experience:
• An entirely new chapter detailing behavior change, helping readers better understand the psychology of activity and how to modify individual behaviors using documented strategies
· A revised chapter on the physiology of fitness to help readers grasp the science behind aerobic and muscular fitness
• Proven methods for achieving aerobic and muscular fitness, plus strategies for exercising in high heat and humidity, extreme cold, high altitude, and environments with low air quality
• New information on physical activity and brain health that shows how an active life improves learning, higher-order brain processes, and academic achievement
• A detailed explanation of the Exercise is Medicine movement that highlights the benefits of regular physical activity in terms of improving quality of life and reducing health risks
Students will excel with chapter summaries of content for easier review and tables and figures that organize information for quick reference. The seventh edition also includes special elements to highlight interesting content on health and fitness, including important health behaviors, testing procedures, and proven fitness programs. In addition, instructors benefit from the inclusion of new ancillaries containing an instructor guide complete with lab activities, a test package, and a presentation package plus image bank.
With Fitness & Health, students learn the body’s response to exercise and acquire strategies for motivating themselves or others to commit to an active and healthy life. The book explains how the body responds to physical activity; why physical activity is beneficial to health; and how physical activity can help people increase aerobic and muscular fitness, achieve and maintain a healthy weight, enhance performance in work and sport, and improve vitality.
Part I. Physical Activity, Fitness, and Health
Chapter 1. Health Benefits of Activity and Fitness
Activity Reduces the Risk of Coronary Artery Disease
Activity Reduces the Risk of Chronic Diseases
Activity Increases Longevity
Chapter 2. Mental and Cognitive Health: A Sound Mind in a Sound Body
Activity Reduces Anxiety and Depression
Activity Minimizes Stress
Activity Improves Cognitive Health
Activity as a Positive Addiction
Chapter 3. Activity and Personal Health Assessment: It’s Your Responsibility
Functions of Health Screening and Early Detection
Annual Medical Examination
Cholesterol Screening
Pre-Exercise Medical Examination
Evaluating the Risks of Activity
Individual Health Risk Analysis
Part II. Turning Your Life Around
Chapter 4. Psychology of Activity: Learning to Play
Goal Setting
Setting Your Preference to Exertion
Chapter 5. Behavior Change: Gaining Control
Activity in Modern Society
Barriers to Physical Activity
Environment and Behavior
Stages of Behavioral Change
Behavior Modification Strategies
Positive Behavior Maintenance
Relapse Solutions
Visualization Strategies
Chapter 6. Meaningful Activity: Lifetime Vitality
Meaningful Physical Activity
Incorporating Purposeful Activity into Daily Living
Environment and Purposeful Activity
Aging and Activity
Health Habits for Longevity
Personality Attributes for Longevity
Age and Performance
Part III. Understanding Fitness
Chapter 7. Physiology of Fitness: Muscles, Energy, and Oxygen
Muscle Contractions
Energy Sources
Energy for Contractions
Supply and Support Systems
Genetic Responses to Exercise
Chapter 8. Aerobic Fitness: Stamina and Efficiency
Aerobic Exercise
Aerobic Fitness
Aerobic Training Effects
Aerobic Training and Muscle Function
Aerobic Training and Body Composition
Aerobic Training and the Skeletal System
Training Supply and Support
Specificity of Training
Aerobic Fitness Field Tests
Chapter 9. Muscular Fitness: Strength and Endurance
Muscular Strength
Muscular Endurance
Agility and Skill
Benefits of Muscular Fitness
Strength Training Effects
Endurance Training Effects
Methods of Training
Muscle Soreness
Force–Velocity Relationship
Preload and Elastic Recoil
Core Training
Muscular Fitness Field Tests
Part IV. Improving Fitness
Chapter 10. Aerobic Fitness Training: Steps for Success
Fitness Prescription
Training Tips
Aerobic Fitness Options
Exercise Risks
Sample Aerobic Fitness Prescriptions
Chapter 11. Muscular Fitness Training: Lifetime Mobility
Muscular Strength Fitness Prescription
Muscular Endurance Fitness Prescription
Sample Muscular Fitness Prescriptions
Part V. Activity and Weight Control
Chapter 12. Energy and Nutrition: Fuel for the Active Life
Dietary Guidelines
Energy Intake
Energy Expenditure
Calculating Caloric Intake
Estimating Caloric Expenditure
Diet and Performance
Chapter 13. Weight Control: More Than Calories Count
Overweight and Obesity
Measuring Body Fat
Ideal Body Weight
Activity and Weight Control
Exercise Prescription for Weight Control
Adopting a Healthy Diet
Weight-Control Fallacies
Sensible Weight Gain
Part VI. Performance
Chapter 14. Training: Athletic Performance
Training Principles
Training Fallacies
Designing Your Training Program
Periodizing Your Training Program
Psychology of Performance
Fitness and Work
Chapter 15. Environment: Acclimate, Then Perform
Regulating Temperature
Exercising in the Heat
Exercising in the Cold
Exercising at Altitude
Avoiding the Effects of Air Pollution
How built and economic environments effect health behavior
Physical activity is the positive approach to weight control
Instructor guide. Includes sample lecture outlines, key points, and student assignments for every chapter in the text, along with sample laboratory exercises and direct links to a range of detailed sources.
Test package. Features a bank of questions, including true-or-false, fill-in-the-blank, essay and short-answer, and multiple-choice. The test package is available for use through multiple formats, including a learning management system, Respondus, and rich text.
Presentation package plus image bank. Includes PowerPoint slides of text, photos, and artwork from the book that instructors can use for class discussion and illustration. The slides in the presentation package can be used directly within PowerPoint or printed to make transparencies or handouts for distribution to students. Instructors can easily add, modify, and rearrange the order of the slides as well as search for slides based on key words.